Waukesha Republican from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)

MA Welch family of emigrants reached here on Friday and before night one of the children, a little girl, died of the cholera; another of the children yesterday, and understand that others of the family are now sick. with disease probably contracted during their vovage from privation and exposure. A more destitute set of beings we never beheld, and but for the aid afforded them by the town, hunger want must have been added to, the sickness that now threatens their destruction. (iood by, Beriah; remember us to John Y. Affuirs al Rome.

-The following extract from aletter written at Rome, dated on the 8th and 9th of July, shows, among other things, the history of the transaction which Jed 10 the "taking down of his arms" by the American Consul. It appears that our Consul has 1 f1 Rome. We copy from the corre-pondent ol the Boston Daily An affair took place on the Gth. which uny perhaps. cause some between the Frenchand our government.

You must that our Consul as wall as the Eaglish 'onsul, has been very actively engaged in giving passports to the poor devils who have been compromised by the courseofevents. There was a crowd of these prop before the house of our con-ul, when a picquet of French soldiery passed; for some reason or other, probably from some injurious word, from some the crowd, the sol leirs, immediasly turned and entered the house and took two men prisoners. Mr. Freeman, our consul from Ancona, happened to be in the house, and hi: protested against this violation of our flagfor the American Ang was floating before the house. No notice was taken of this protest by the subaltern comman ling the picquet.Freeman immediately proceeded to Oudinot.

who expressed himselfvery much annoyed at the nets of his soldiers. the evening Cuss wrote, on complaint of Freeman, to Oudinot, demanding an apology for the insult. 'The answer hug not vet arrived. In the Incan time our fa*gs have been taken in from the houses of the consul and Charge, and if an pology is not made, will leave immediately; so stands affairs at present. I forgot to that Nicholas Brown our consul, went off with his family that night, but he had intended to go for some days, and his departure had nothing to do with this affair, except in hastening it, as it man is times hastened down stairs with a kick.

July new edict out repressing the Italian banner, and giving notice to all foreigners who have taken out their pu-sports to quit the city in twenty -four hours. tract from the a paper published SPIRIT OF THE IRISH. The following exin Dublin, Ireland; shows the exasperated feelings of a part of the Jrish people. 'The Editor discourses thus upon her majesty's visit: say let the corporation dress in white waisicoats, and howl in her train; they are paid for so doing; let the mayor issue proclaordering the city to waste as many -candles as would light their houses for the year. such is their vocation: let the who are to be knighted and wade ridiculous, waste their lungs in the expression loyalty and gratitnde; they follow the dietates of their nature; let members of P'arliament proffer their houses and fortunes; let editors of newspapers praise their liberalityboth expect a quid pro quo: a place in return for servility; let the miserable slaves, called respectable, gret flags and ornament their houses with devices, and bring their families to view their gracious Queen: let them cat dirt 1.0 replation, and since each of them is anxiousas Dogberry to be written down a fool, let their wishes be fulfilled -lot us in the meantime look on in silence.

man who regard as a traitor to his country--for he gives a triumph to whiggery, and thereby tightens the grasp on cur throats; and we tell our readers that there are keen eyes among the people which will mark the traitor, 'and demand the payment of the debt which he has THE LAST TRAIN OVER THE PLAINS On Saturday, the 14h inst, the last wagon left winter quarters, and began to bend their way westward over the boundless l'lains that lie between us and the Valley of the Great Salt lake. Slowly and majestically they move along, displaying a column of upwards of three hundred wagons, cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, mules, chickens, turkeys, geese, doves, goats. besides lots of men, womenand children. In this company was the Yankee with his machinery, the Southerner with his colord attendant the Englishman with all kinds of mechanic's tools--the farmer, the merchant, the doctor, the minister, and almost every thing necessary for a settlement in a new country. Provisioned tor nine months from the time of were led by Dlessrs.

(ico. A. Smith and Ezra T. Beaton. They have our best wishes for their prosperity and safety on the journey, and we hope they may be able to make for themselves comfortable homes in the distant and secluded valleys of American Piedmont.

-Frontier Guardian. Poison of Rusted Wheat. -It is stated that in some portions of the state, people have been made sick, and hogs died of eating the wheat of the season. which has been shrunk by the rust. This is not incredible.

It is, we believe, settled that the disease in wheat known as rust is occasioned by its being attacked, in a certain stage of' its growth, by a parasitic plant of the cryptogamous, or fungus species. These plants of which the edible mushroom is one variety and the mosses and moulds are others, are mostly poisonous; and ntany of them produco a poison of an exceedingly active character. In fact, there are very few of them that are not more or less dangerous, if taken in the system; and even the edible mushroom, at certain seasons has been known to affect the health of those who make free use of it. We hope the subject will be investigated before the wheat is allowed to entor into general consumption. -Columbus Ohio Stute nal.

EUREKA! -The Madison Argus has seen (or heard) of some money enticed into the State by the repeal of the Usury Law. With some seriousness, however, the Argus states that the individual who brought it shut up his purse and turned his tracks cast when he heard of our horrid Exemption Laws! Never mind; we don't think there is any thing lost to community by refusing to purchase the use of that man's money who demands as his security the right to lay his hand on tho tools of trade Or the means of Journal. following paragraph from 011 es We copy the Cincinnati Enquirer: Old Zack's newly appointed postmaster at Aurora, Indiana, got so drank on Sunday last, Monday, ho was fined five doll. and that, on county fail ten minutes for imprisoned in the offence. The will be the the death of many a whig yet.

There were one hundred and sixty persons passed over the Chicago and Galena rail road on Tuesday last, and the receipts for the same day were $100. The richest Juke, says the Newboryport AdJ. vertiser, of late, is by the Spring Republican, which says, "The rule of the Save power broken when Gen. Taylor was elected President. 7n -Take of green corn at.

4 grate them; to this add quart of' wet mil, a quarter rofa pound off butter, tour well beaten, pepper and salt, a- much ay stir all well to. gether, and baked hours in buttered Some add to the ingredients a quarter ofu pound of sugar and eat the pudding with sauce. It is good cold or warm, with meat or sance, epicures of the most exquisite taste prefer it hot, with the first service. Collison al -The following details of collision between a whale and the packet ship Hibernian, on her late voyage to Liverpool, is contained in a letter in the Lonisvile Courier! of the 27th ult. 'The letter was written by al passenger on board at the time.

"The ship was going through the water at a furious rate, under a press of canvass, with it fine still breeze from the West, when suddenly the attention of all on board wasarrested by a heavy stock and shudder, running through the vessel from stem to stern, followed in quick succession by two others. At the same mo-1 ment the inan at the wheel shout A whale -a whale on the larboard Instantly, every man of as was on his feet. Rushing to the tall -rail, we louked to the letward, but nothing was to be seen but a 10255 of discolored water passing off in our whole occurrence was at once revealed. Our ship. in her rapid course, had struck full in the head an immense spenn whale, which, flinging himself half out of the sea before he sought bis depth, struck his assailant with his enormous fluke.

Indeed the whole scene was witnessed by the sailors on the forecastle, who were drenched with the spray. The whale must have been instantly killed, for the water all around the ship's stern was completely dis. colored with blood and oil. Our pumps wore at once sounded, but the only injury sustained by the rencontre seemed to have been on the side of the unfortunate whale Plants, it is well-known, are sometines torn from the ship's sides by the blows ofa wounded whale, although at other times it is a very, peaceable and noffensive fisti. Ic is supposed the whale we struck was either ill or sleeping on the surface.

The oldest seaman in the filbernia had never witnessed nor heard ofa similar occurence. For hours after the accident, a solitary whale was seen roving around our vessel, and spouting, doubtless in search of his murdered, MOTHERS. SEE. TO YOUR A distinguished Ptoladelphia physician says 1 anticipate the riod, when the fairest portion of the fair creation, will step forth unencumbered with slabs of walnut and tiers of whale bone. The constitution of our females must be first rate.

to with -tand in as tolerable degree the terrible intliction of the cor-et eight long hours every day. No other animal conti survive it. Take the honest ox, and en lose his sides with: hoop poles, put an oak plank be. neath him, and gird the whole with a bed cord, and demand of him labor. He would labor indeed, but it would be for breath.

Wonder if the Bulger girls will remember this! 1 quaint writer says: "I have seen women so delicate that they are afraid to ride, for fear the horse might run awav-afraid to sail, for fear the boat might upset-afraid to walk for fear the dew might fall -but I never saw one afraid to get married." A RECRUIT: -A sailor who formerly belonged to the English navy went one Sunday to the kirk native town of Kirckcaldy, where be behaved with great propriety. until the miuister read his text which was as follows: -Who will go up with us to the battle of moth Gilead?" The sailor, having first cramined a quid of tobacco in his rose up. put on his hat. then looking abou: hum, and seeing nobody moving, exclaimed: You cowardly lubbers, will tone pol you go? 1-13 my eyes I'll go for one! So out he went, giving three cheers at the door, to the amazement of all present. The Romans, SO far from welcoming the French into that city by acclamation, will not even find laborers for them to remove the barricade.

The whole bearing of the Romans is that of a gallant people, subdued, but no: disgraced. Loss of the Empire State. We hare been favored by Mr. Crumney, steamboat agent at this place, with the following telegraphic despatch from his associate, Mr. Brooks.

by which it appears that this most splendid Boat was wrecked on Thursday last on her downward trip. She left here on Wednesday afternoon. DETROIT, Aug. 13-94 A. M.

To James Crummey: The Empire State was wrecked Thursdar, August 9th. at 1 o'clock, two miles from tho Sleeping Bear, Lake Michigan. No lives lost. C. I.

BROOKS. Ily Telegraph Last Steamer Empire State sprung a leak on Thursday night, about the middle of Lake Michigan.She was kept afloat by pumping until she was run ashore near the Sleeping Bear. She was very badly broken and sunk in feet water. The Passengers were all saved, taken off by the Propeller Delaware. -Com.

being Montreal, Aug. 8. Rumors of the resignation of Lord Elgin are fast gaining credence throughout the Province and that he will shortly leave Montreal via on his Upper Canada, for Buffalo and New York, returo to England. Railroad to the New York chamber of commerce has adopted a resolution in favor of Mr. Whitney's project for a railroad to the Pacific.

ain't I growing Why, what's your height, I'm seven foot, lacking a yard. Aiu't that Pa fainted. berity. Be punctual, is the only true guide to pros- PROCLAMATION -OFFICIAL. is 1c) la lieve an armed the of the 11.

of America: Ar shore about reason to 1,0 started out from the It. with an Intention to invade the is biter Ishind of Cuba, or some of the mexican prov-1 Exe. 1 inces, entive bus been able to obtain, points to the The brat information which the land of tuba AN the object of the expedition. It is the duty of' the Government to preserve ion the ol' faith our of citizens upon the trentory of friend. nestles, and prevent any nations.

shought it and by issue tit* proclamation, to warn all proper to the United States should connect citizens of themselves with an enterprise grossly in themselves violation to of live penalty under laws, our laws, that they subject land forfeit their a claims to also protection of their country. No such persona must expect the interference of the Government what in any forms in their behalf, 1141 matter to ex-) trainity they may ho reduced in consequence of' their conduct. An 1811008, sit un first and is its prosecute, highest degree criminal, as tending 10 en-. within the of the United States. the danger the peace and compromise die honor of this nation, I expeet all good citizeus, as they regard our laws nation's and the honor laws -as of they and the blessings.

of peace and the respect their own nations, well being of our country -to discourage such and enprize; and I call upon every officer of this prevent by all lawful means, every ter Govermment, civil and military, to use all power to arrest for trial (tho and laws punishment, provided every fur i such offender against 1110 performances of our sacred obligations to Given under my band this lith d. of A u- friendly powers. gust, Eighteen hundred and F'orty Nine, 1 and Seventy-Eighth year of the Indepen of the United States. Signed. deuce TAYLOR, Pres': U.S.

J. M. CLAYTON, 'Sec of State. I was received yesterday by the department of "The Republic says the above Proclamation Suto, in a connnunication from the President at farrisburg. Information has for some time been in possession of the government the I elect that bodies of men were in the course of being levied and drilled in New Orleans, New York, and other cities.

That contracud; money to that a con- the siderable amount has been arins bad been provided and arrangements had been made on a large scale. with a riew to some military' expedition. Their movements have been conducted with great secrecy, and the object the enterprize has been concealled even from individuals who hare embarked in it. Sufficient evidence. however, has been obtained to satisty the President of the design of the expedition, as the invasion of Cuba, and the: intervention of the Executive was necessary 10 preserve our neutral obligations.

and Lu keep unsuilied the honor of the American people. LATEST EUROPEAN NEWS. Reported Mediation of France and England in Hungorian P'hiadelphin, Aug. 10-P. M.

The New York papers of this morning, containing the us unl telegraphic summary, made up to the moment the steames sailed from Europe, have come to hand. The dispatches are of more than usual interest, and as they throw considerable baht on Hongarian affairs, I send you a pretty full report. Tue Vienna papers protest that. unless some diversion is made in the South in favor of the Dan, it is evalent that be must be crushed by the Hungarian army. He has been driven Inck to Runts and tore route of his new army appears to have been complete.

The whole frontier towards Gallicia swarms with Hangarian troops. In the North the Ru-siau army has been completely outwitted by Gorger. 'The latest news from Transylvania is favorable to the Hungarians. The London' Herald says a rumor prevailed on the Paris Bourse, that England and France had agreed to make a join. effort to put a stop to hostilities in Hungary, through mediation, and that the rumor was taken up! with satisfaction, the impression a being strong in Paris that the Russmns will repent the invasion of Austria.

The effort of Gorgey's splendid movement in breaking through the allied armies of A us. tria and Russia, will have a tremendous influ ence in favor of the Hungarians. The Dolner Zeitung publishes the following bulletins: Bistritz, June 26th. We have taken Bistritz. to-lmy.

No defence WAS made. The enemy retreated. I will pursue them to-morrow. BEM. Bistritz.

June 29th. 1 have beaten the Russians. My are at Rackendauf. My maiden army fought seven hours with the Russian horse, and drove them back. DEM.

P. troops hare entered Ballendorf. Bistritz, July 2nd. I have, for the fourth time, advanced to Bisfritz, by way of Gross. Sajs and Vatsabely.

I hold the enemy in the defiles of Borge. without having had occasion to claim in the assistance of our troops at Karisburgh. BEM. A dispatch, dated Genou, 22nd, states that the French Squadron set sail from Toulon, for Gaeta, to convey the Pope to Civita Vecchia. Quantity of Grass Pennsylva-1 nia Cultivator gives the quautity of seeds mixed to be sown ou an acre is follows: "The seed to be sown on an acre, when the land is laid down to grass, are as follows: Red Clover, eight pounds; Timothy, two pecks: ver, Keutncky six pounds, Blue grass, five pounds; White clo-: Orchard grass, two pecks; Rye Grass, two pecks, may be introduced.This is for a firki intended to remain four.

or five years to grass. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE, the undersigned Commissioners, being duly appointed by the lion. Martin Fiell, Judge of Probate in and for the counof Waukesha, commissioners to receive, examine and ndjast all claims and demands of all Bradley, persons, against the estate of George H. decensed, late of the town and coun. ty also of all Waukesha, represented insolvent, and claims and demands exhibited in off'set thereto, and six months from the 21st of for May that last being allowed by said probate court notice, that purpose, we will we therefore hereby give attend to the business of our said appointment.

at the office of Vernon on the Tichenor, second Esquire. in the town of Waukesha, tober Mondays of September and Ocnext, from nine o'clock, a m. until four o'clock, Waukesha, p. m. on each of said days.

-Dated, this 21st of August, 1819. Vernon Tichenor, Gm3 Lemuel White, Commis'rs. Wm. S. Hascall, 4 Illilwankee Market.

DAILY WISCONSIN OFFICE. Aug. 18-3 I'. M. Democrat.

WAUKESHA, TUESDAY, ACOUST :1. 1319. COUNTY JUDGE, RUPUN PARKS. CoUNTY Democratic Convention, held on Saturday for the nomination of a candidate for County Judge, made choice of Hon. RUFUS PARKS.

Mr. P'arks is a gendeman well known to the peoplo of the county, and the large vote by which ho was nominated would seem to indicate him as the decided choice of the party. The office is an important one. and the legal talent of Mr. P.

and nown character for honesty and uprightness will recommend him to the people the proper person to fill it. The Convention proceedings will be published next weck. another column we publish two cally for district conventions, and as they appear as regular calls withont signatures, we deem it our privilege and duty to state the sources from which we received them; and as complaint has in two or three instances been made where calls have appeared By order of the Commince," We would request that all notices herafter sent to us for publication for town. district or county conventions should be signed by those authorized to issue such calls. for a convention in the Mukwonagodistrict was handed In by Hon.

M. J. Boree. That for the Brookfield district by Mr. Jas.

V. Moore. Public Printing. -By the late letting of the public printing, the present State Printer las the contract at 05 cents -or something over four times the sum contracted at last system of bidding works admirably, and must.if it has not already, open the eyes of cue: people to the importance of this great democratical principle; and whether there is, as intimated ty the whig press, a collusion 2- mong the Madison publishers in relation to the bids, or not, we must express ourself gratified that the printing is now let at a sum that will secure to the journeymen printers at the capital a proper compensation for their Under a law regulating the price, the printing might be well done at 50 cents; but under the economical system of bidding it will be poorly done at 73 cents. Rail Road meeting of stockholders of the Milwaukee and Waukesha Rail Road, held at this place at Saturday last, to select the depot this point, was adjourned until Thursday next, at 2 o'clock, p.m.

The object in adjourning was to give tine for the completion of the surveys on the southern line; the result of whigh will enable our citizens to determino more satisfactorily the pro. per point for the terminus at this place. We understand from one of the directors, who has taken a lively interest in the matter, that the people west of here manifest a good deal of interest it. the route, and will avail themselves of the first opportunity to take stock and secure the extension of the road west to Rock River. In looking over the stock book, we were pleased to find the names of so many of our farmers--they are the proper persons to have the control of such improvements, and so long .15 they do control then.

we shall hear no complaint about rail road monopolies. We wish we could tell one week in advance where to fine the editor of the Wankesha Democrat, on any given point." consin. Irgus. Well, John take for the "given tho Congregational church. where you 35 chairman of the committee for that purpose brought forward those resolutions organizing the whig party in this county, and in which you proclaimed your confidence in and changeable attachment to the principles of the federal party.

That being the "given point" will find us this week. next week, and probably for years, about eighty rads north of it. advocating principles directly opposite to those you then advocated. The editor of the Argus has had no occasion for his attack upon us, nor has there been that in our course which should have led him to regard it as irresolute or inconsistent; and while the editor has made free to charge us with dishonesty of purpose, he has neglected to point out a singlo fact in justification of the assertion. In regard to the public printing.

as let to Mr. Sholes, we entertain the same opinion we did when we condemned it; and breanse we have expressed the opinion that the matter, had no concern whatever in the union of parties, the editor of the Argus boldly asserts that we have changed ground. We do not concede to Mr. Sholes, nor to any other man, that importance which would lead us believe him capable of moulding or controling the action of partics in this state; and whether there be union or not, we repeat that the mattor of printing will be investigated, and whatever there is of censure in it will be exposed, and will be made to rest on those who were corruptly concerned in it. We but repeat what we have before declared in saying that we will not knowingly give our support toany one concerned in that transaction; and while we are strenuous fora union of the democracy, and deny that such a union is to cover up the wrong complained of, let us ask the editor of the Argus, if he finds any new reason for ad.

hering to separato Stato Conventions in the fact that the individual who was, as is reputed, to have been made Governor by the contract is a delegate to the convention of the 5th, and opposed to a union of the parties? The time has gone by when the whip and spur can be used by a junto at the capital to kcep the party in drill, and we would advise the editor of the Argus to sct as lightly as possible if he attempts to ride. The editor closes his article by significant- ly remarking: shall not change sides next week -nor next month to accommodate nny one." Perhaps not, but it does scem to us that it would have been quite as well. all round if ho never had changed. 03 Song and Paraphrase. thy of r- be familiar with the negro 300g we give it below, with a paraphrase, which we trumn a new itPer.

UNCLE NED. know a dub and 7.0 wa. Nod, do I long hair Ci: top 1. Witer: Diant to grow. -Lay dean wel and the ho, 1 hang up the rend tin For once work for poor ol Nad.

2 3 where de al darkie go. lon2 like the cano la the brake, wye ow; tar to cat the hon cake, c.h: be. S. tr 12 1, tin like CAs. I in to ground, 7 4 .0, Sc.

1,4 seeb agal color Um it if: time since, oil the summit of by nature for the capillary Chorus. ericaltacal implemeate; A ate 1, t. 3 ponded on the al to be displayed in 1. the abode designated by a pions, 1 in the the so spontaneously Me sissippi with to observe al.c jor nations with which to at cab, 4 1 to permit the India: wish 1. pity.

holI vitalmare lingly grieral. vaned down his similar 1. when the nil man was laid A wild never have the pleas of of tiged any 1 At table the gentle- loud, nor stares at the guests, 011 al rover commits that indecency 4. Englishmen, staring at women. 11.

remarks upon any one pros- I. up arid round, when eating 11. 11 dog over bone as ifafraid off never drinks or talks with his alts bis mouth till a chec'. is that of a ground squirrel gather-! 1 -tore. 10 nover spits at the or snoozes over his plate.about stoalthily or boastingly, anxious to be gazed at, but sits 1-' ssessed, and taking for granted tony have their own business to sure to bo busy about ally among women.

he never 11, no: pots His feet in: or on ode or window sill, or sticks He nover sits with his I out and. his hands on his head, ur it on. makes general denunciations of cis in the presence of strangers on It. He defends when called upon or omits it at not assails those 11 :10 placo where controveray is He never caters profane or inor makes coarse allusions 03 proscoco of women. -Old paper.

Hen's Vest. This is most ingentons contrivances of' the tho invention of a downest Tandesign is to deccive the Poultry intv of and which is acby the construction of the 40. At the bottom of the nest there is a of trap door which works on a hinge. bemg supported by a spring. The 1noment an egu is placed on this, the trap door opens.

and lets it fall through into a cu moned appariment for its reception. 'The consequence is that the hen just as she is preparing to cackle, glances at the nest and seeing nothing in it. actually reasons herself into the belief, that she bins not laid at all. and resumes her position on the nestin hopes of making a more success. ful eilort.

On the first trial of this curious contrivance. before Commissioners of Pa-, tents to lest it virtues. a singular result was effected. A large imported Russian hen, was located on the nestand loft to her meditations. On account of pressing business, the hen was forgotten until next day, when to the utter 15- of the commissioner, and even of the inventor hunself.

on the nest they found nothing in it, but a pair of claws, bill. and a bunch of feathers; the mystery was explained however, upon examining the chambar beneath in which they found hall a bushel of beanuful eggs. Ex Paper When person wishes to salute another in Thibet 11p uncovers his head, puts out his tougne, and scratches his right car Madison, Watertown and Milwaukee Plank Road Company. 7 miles completed- 11 per cent. called.

TO stock subscribed, of tobe 11 paid per to the centum Treas. ON on or before the 25th inst. was this day ted by the Directors, being for the mileage el seven miles of said rond now 11 1819. 6w2 Josuva HATHAWAY, Secretary. At Judge of P'robate's Court held at Wankesha, in and for the county of Waukesha, on goth day of August, A.

D. 1819-present Martin Field, Judge of Probate. IN P. the Brown. matter of the administratrix application of the of estate Amanda of Levi Cook.

deceased, tor authority to sell and convey the real estate of the said deceased for the payment of his debts. On reading and the application of Amanda P. Brown, administratris of the Waukesha, estate of Levi deceased, Cook, all late thority, the to sell and convey the real estate of the said deceased for the payment of his debts, it is ordered that all persons concerned, appear before the- Judge of Probate of Waukesha county, at the court house in the town of of Waukesha, in aid county, on the 17th day September, A.D. at oue o'clock in 'the afternoon, then and there to show cause why so and authority should not be granted to the snid mdministratris, to sell and convey the south -west quarter ofahe south-west quarter of section number thnteen, in township nomsix north, of range nineteen east, in 1. sha county.

in the state of Wisconsin, the estate of the said Lori Cook, deceased, for payment MARTIN of FILLD, Judge of I'robate. his debts, for the week past business has been gradally improving, and to-day there is Wheat inore ac. tivity than for some time past. is com. ing in more freily.

the P'rices receipts to-day will be about 4500 tend ward. ay there is a brisk demand for milling, and a fair demand for shipment. Choice new wheat has sold 38 high as we saw a of very fine white flint. of which a sinall lot of co bushels brought 93c: from 833 950 is the usual raw; old spring comes in but little, and wells at Flour is also active and sells readily at $131a4 60. Oate bring 91a25c.

Wool Cal a for native; 20.25 for half blood. Funkie When 2 Yankee girl is courted, says the Rochester Magnet, she wants to be courted in right down earnest, with all the speed that is practicable; and, on the other hand, she is equally ready to up" on her side as fast as her lorer sets the example. NOTICE. The Cass Democrats of the Towns of Eagle, Muk wonago, Vernonand Muskego. are requested try attend a District Convention to be held at the house of William Millard, in the vill.

of Nut wonago. on Friday, the 21th instant, at one P. M. for the purpose of choos. one delegate to attend a State Convention bolden at Madison.

on the 5th nominating day of a State Ticket. Each Town to send five del. September next for the purpose of erates. By order of the Democracy of the district August 17. 1849.

Editor af the W'aul shy Democral: You are requested be to held publish in the a call assemblr fora convention, to I district composed of the towns of house Brook of field, 1 uel Menomunce Butters. on and Saturday, Lisbon, at the the 25th day of Sam. August. purpose of choosing two delegates to -ent said -district in a State Curvention to' be held at Madison, August 7th, and to transact such other business as may be deemed expedient. By order of the District committee.

It is a Positive Fact. And has hecome it common saying, that Sivan's Ointment and Condition Powders are rapidly superceding all other remedies for ail diseases of horses and cattle. The beauty of the medicines consists in their purity safe. ty, 10 wit: they may be used ever so freely without any danger oftaking cold, or ant othher injury resulting from their frequent us, and never fail to cure if the directions or: fol. lowed.

All the Medicines advertised by W. B. Sloan are sold on agency by H. N. Davis, anl F.

C. Kneeland, Waukesha. Married, In Genesee, on the 22d ult. by John Wil- son, Mr. RICHARD SMART to Miss JADE CRAIG, both of that place.

WRIGHT. M. D. Physician Surgeon. Waukesha.

Office at his residence on River st. 6 -Came into my enclosure in Brookfield, on or about the 12th inst. a sorrel More, with one white hind. foot. anda white strip in the face.

The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and tr: the animal away. J. B. TOPLIFF. Brook.

fold, Aug. 18, 1819. Gw DEARL Candies, a superior article for Suminer use, at the Waukesha Grocery. MACKEREL for sale at Waukesha the VINEGAR F'HE real the article itself, and Waukesha no sham. can be Grocery.

State of Wisconsin, Waukesha county, ss. In attachment. before George W. Cotterell, Justice of the Peace. Alexander W.

Hackley, plaintiff, tS. Roswell Ross, defendant, The said defendant. is hereby notified that a writ of attachment has been issued against him, and his property attached to satisfy the demand 8f the plaintiff, and that unless he appear before George W. Gotterell, justice of the peace, at his office in the town of Oconomowoc, in tire connty aforesand. on the 11th day of September.

1849, attwo o'clock in the after-, noon of that day, judgment will be rendered a- gainst him, and his property sold to pay the -Dated, Oconomowoc, Ang. 17th 1819. 613 Alexander WV. llackley. SHERIFF facias issued virtue of writ of tieri out of and under the seal of the circuit court of Waukesha county, and to me directed, against the goods and chattels.

lands and tenements of John R. Kellogg, have seized and taken all the right, title and interest of said defendant, in and to the following land, situate in the town of Summit, in said County, and described as the northwest quarter of section fifteen, of township no. seven north, of range seventeen east, which I shall offer at public sale at the court house, in this village, on the 29th day of September next. at oue o'clock, p. Office, Waukesha, August 20th, 1849.

GwG A. F. PR.ATT, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By of virtue ot a writ of fieri facias issued out under the seal of the circuit court of Milwaukee county.

and to me directed, a- gainst the goods, chattles, lands, and tenements of John Gule, I have levied upon all the right, title and interest that said Deft had ou or since the 19th of October last, in and to the fullowing lands, situated lying and being town and county of Waukesha, and State of Wisconsin, and described as follows, 10 wit: Lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, in block Lots 8 and 9 in block B. Lots 3, 7 and 8 in block C. Lot 1 in block D. Lots 2, 3, 12 land 13 in block E. Lots 18 and 19 in block F.

Lot 5 in block Lots 2 and 3 in block 11. Lot 1 in block J. Lots 2. 7 and in block K. Lots 1, 2 and 6 in block M.

The whole of block O. Lots 4 and 8 in block Lots 7, 8, 11 and 12 in block S. Lots 11 and 12 in block T. Lots 1.5 and 7 in block Lot 4 in block W. Lot 4 in block and lot 6 in block which I shall offer at public sale at the court -house in the village of Waukesha, on the 18th day of August next, at one p.

or enough thereof to satisfy said fi and costs, Sheriff's office, Waukesha, July 7th, 1849. 52wG A. F. PRATT, Sheriff. The above sale is this day adjourned to the 1st day of Septemben next at the same hour and place.

A. F. PRATT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Officc. Waukesha, Aug.

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Waukesha Republican from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.