Walkthrough all Side Quests Beholder 2 (2025)

Play with Dong’s feelings

This task is a side quest, but it affects the plot of the game and allows you to return the letter to Hemnitz. Talk to Legrand during the quest “Father’s Letter” to start this quest. He took the letter. Agree to prank Peter Dong.

It will be necessary to find ways to make fun of Peter's weakness, passion, and fear. It is necessary to perform three separate tasks. When you complete the three tasks - Fear, Passion, and Weakness, go back to Marco Legrand and report on everything. This will complete the quest; get credibility points and a letter Hemnitz.

Reward: 1000 credibility points.

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Talk to Peter Dong. You will know his needs: he is looking for headache pills. Instead, you need to find a laxative. This is in the table of Emma Hazer, but you need to learn the skill “Hacking lock”. You received a book with this information from a stranger who was helped with the fallen documents on the first day.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

You can also take a laxative from the baker Serena Marwitz. She will give you the pills for free. After that, talk to Dong and say that you have found headache pills. See the cut-scene.

Reward: 250 credibility points.


You fin out from Serena Marwitz about Peter Dong. She will talk about his fear of insects. In the hall with a large screen, where Hemnitz was hanged, there is a landscaping service employee. Talk to him about everything and ask bugs. You will have to collect them yourself. There are three pots of bushes in the room — you need to interact with each to find a total of three bugs.

Collect three beetles. After this, hack the desktop of Peter Dong and put the beetles. Wait until he gets to work, and watch the cut-scene.

When you search offices, you need to act quickly. Pay attention to the scale at the bottom of the screen - when it gets to Evan, it will be detected and fined.

Reward: 250 credibility points.


You will have to learn the skill of hacking simple passwords to learn about the feelings of Dong. Do this and then hack the Peter’s computer. Read the unsent letter about declaration of love to Emma Hazer. Press the key and send the letter to all the staff of the ministry. Watch cut-scene.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

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Window 101

When you visit the ministry on the third working day, you will find a person in the queue with a marker overhead. Talk to him. He asks to find out what happened to the employee in the window number 101. Agree to help. Go to the workroom and talk with Nicholas Page. Ask where the window 101 is, then go to the secretary’s office.

Do not enter it, but click on the alley on the right to go to the right place. You will see a dead employee. Tell the person in line to complete the task. You will receive a book with the skill "Discount on payment for water supply" as a reward from him. Go to the guard and tell about the corpse.

Reward: the book "Discount on payment of water supply", 250 credibility points.

Pass the envelope to Legrand

This task will begin on the third or fourth day, when you will be sent to the ministry. A man will stop you and he will ask you to take the envelope to Legrand. If you refuse, then you break the chain of the following quests. If you agree, but do not open the envelope, then again, you cannot complete the tasks below. You need agree to help and look into the envelope. So you will find out that Marco Legrand sells illegal stimulants in the ministry.

Pass him a letter and talk about everything. Agree to take on the job. In addition, the fact that you know about the illegal business of Legrand will allow you to get rid of him on the main quest - "Promotion".

Reward: 50 credibility points.

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Deal with the Devil

This quest will begin if you have agreed to help Legrand in the distribution of stimulants. He asks you to find a way to deliver stimulants to the Ministry. There are two options - either you do it yourself and say this to Legrand, or you are looking for a person for this deal. In the first case, the quest will start “Dangerous way”, in the second you will need to look for a person.

This person will be Serena Marwitz - a bunny clerk. Chat with her. She will ask to destroy the vending machine from the neighboring room. Agree to help. After completing the quest "Rise of the Machines", described below, talk to Serena. She will help. Return to Legrand and report that Marwitz will sneak the stimulants to the ministry.

Rise of the Machines

The quest is taken from Serena Marwitz, in the side quest “Deal with the Devil”. She asks to destroy the vending machine. For this you need a screwdriver. A screwdriver is in the desktop of Peter Dong. Break it, take away the screwdriver and go to the vending machine. Interact with it, inspect, unscrew the screws and pick up the device. Pass it to Marwitz to complete the quest and enlist her support with the transfer of stimulants.

Reward: 250 coins.

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Dangerous way

This task will begin as part of the quest "Deal with the Devil" if you agreed to move the stimulants alone. The next day, take them from the merchant. Go through the security, but the security service will stop you. Pay the coins or authority points, but they will take away the stimulants.

Nevertheless, you need tell about the failure of Marco Legran. He will give an award.

Reward: 250 coins (stimulators failed to carry). Surely there is a way to do it.

Enhancing performance

The task can be started the next day after Serena Marwitz brings stimulants to the Ministry. Chat with Marco, and then take up the quest. You can sell Hazer, but for this you have to convince a woman by spending 500 credibility points.

You can also find two pairs of unknown employees - one at the secretary’s office, the other - next to the vending machine. Chat with both, suggest stimulants. Lay the first stimulator in the metal fence to the left of the machine, the second - in a pot with a bush in the left side of the room where the landscaping service employee is located. You earn the money - 500 coins for each stimulator. When you sell all three stimulants, the quest will end.

By the way, you can put these stimulants into the desktops of employees, and get rid of colleagues in the quest “Promotion”.

From the heart

Take this quest after you read the love letter of Peter Dong. Talk to Peter about everything and offer your help. You will need to know what flowers Emma loves. Go to her and ask about your preferences. She will say that she loves red flowers, but she has allergic to poppies. Return to Dong. You should not pay for poppies, because their choice will have the same consequences as all other flowers. Except for red roses, these are Emma's favorite flowers. The quest will end.

Reward: 250 coins.

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In search of courage

The next day, talk to Peter. No matter what flowers he gave Emma, ​​the answer will be the same. Peter still doubts his abilities, so you have to find a way to help him relax. This can be done with the help of two objects - a bottle of whiskey and a brochure with tips. The brochure can be found on the Emma Hazer desktop, which will have to be hacked. If you give Peter the brochure, then the next day you can pass the quest “The Voice of the Ministry”.

If you give Peter a bottle of whiskey, he will say Emme too much, and she will slap him. You will to convince Emma that she should give Peter a chance. Therefore, before the task “Voice of the Ministry” will need to complete the quest “Bad advice”.

By the way, a bottle of whiskey lies in one of the bushes in the location with the landscaping service employee.

Reward: 250 coins.

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Bad advice

The task will be active after a conversation with Peter Dong, if you gave him a bottle of whiskey during the quest "In search of courage." Talk to him and agree to help. Go to Emma Hazer and convince her to forgive Dong. For this you have to spend 300 credibility points. If you do this, you can complete the quest "The Voice of the Ministry."

Reward: 250 coins.

The Voice of the Ministry

This quest will be active after the tasks "In search of courage" and (if necessary) "Bad advice". Talk to Peter, then go to your workplace and select a surveillance camera. Give Peter the right advice — no need to be rude. Go back and talk to the man to complete the task.

Reward: 250 coins, the book "Breaking of locks."

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Seven Days a Week

You can get it, talk to the cop on the fifth or sixth day. He can not wait for his mate, so you need to go to his house.

Big prank

You can take the quest in a conversation with Marco Legrand the next day after completing the quest “Play with Dong’s feelings”. When you take the last task, Marco will say that he has a more powerful way to play on Peter Dong. You need to come up the next day. So do it. Talk to Legrand.

He wants you to convince Emma Hazer to lure Peter Dong to the toilet, and then steal his pants. Chat with the woman and convince her by spending 500 coins or 500 credibility points. Perhaps if you can get Emma's trust and chat about the series “Passion for the Leader”, this amount will be reduced.

If you completed the quest line of Peter Dong, and convinced Hazer to go on a date with him, she would refuse to do it. The quest will be failed.

If you could convince the woman, then the next day, Peter Dong will come to work with a weapon and shoot everyone. If you don't convince him to calm down, he will kill main hero. By the way, this is one of the ways to get rid of the Dong on the task of "Promotion."

Clearance Level

Magda Rakovich will give you the quest after you bring her a pass Hemnitz from the Lost and Found office. Agree to help and find secret documents in one of the carts of the general working hall. Also you need to learn the hacking skills of the locks and terminals. Go to Magda and give the documents. Now you have only opportunity to explore her terminal and desktop!

Do it. There is another biometric safe in the table. There are letters from the children's home.

Reward: 50 credibility points.

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The Brink of Starvation

You need to examine the documents at the terminal Magda Rakovich. Read the mission description above. After that, chat with the woman and agree to help. The food voucher is hidden in the file cabinet, which is located next to the Magda desk, on the right, in the background. You have to spend eight hours to find the card index. So come in the morning. Find food voucher, and give it to Magda to complete the mission.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Medicine for children

Quest follows from the previous mission. Magda asks to find medicines. Go back home, interact with the door and go in search of a doctor. You spend three hours. Upon arrival, go to the barge and talk to the boy. Pretend the police and search this place to take the wires. Follow the railway tunnel and open its door, apply the wires. Talk to the doctor and take insulin. Give Magda it.

There is an alternative, but more complex option. On the other hand, the sequence above will result in several penalties. Upon arrival, you must pass into the railway tunnel and go to the cargo. Inside there is insulin, but you have to break the lock. Peter has the book with this skill (read the task "Debts").

Reward: 250 credibility points.

No Rope Needed

This mission you can take after the completion of the previous quest. Magda asks to soap. She will give a book with the skills of hacking terminals "Homeland". Also you could found it earlier in the shop of Selena Marwitz. Learn the skill; enter Pete Ferguson’s office when he isn’t there. Hack the terminal. Select the bottom item and enter the institution number - 207/1. A window will open where you will need to select the soap at the top, and the rest of the lines will contain biscuits, posters, dead wood and large prizes. Return to Magda and report on the completion of the mission.

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Reward: 250 credibility points.

Blood Ties

Finally, at the end of the quest “No Rope Needed” Magda will tell about her dead daughter and granddaughter from the orphanage. You will learn all the necessary information to start this mission. Go back home, call the archives and spend 1000 authority points to search for data about Magda’s granddaughter. The task is activated. Return to work and tell Rakovich about how to call your granddaughter. The next day, she will leave the Ministry.

Reward: 500 credibility points.

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Secret Visitor

On the second or third day, Pete Ferguson will call you to his office. Go there, chat and agree to help. After that, go to Nicholas Page and take fake money from him. Go to the hall with queues and talk to the guard, so that he put you in the queue. This will need to be done on a day when you have at least six hours.

Chat with people in line to convince them to let you go. Choose only the lower phrases, and everything will be fine. Reach the window, talk to the woman and give a bribe. You can keep silent or say that the money is fake. Complete the task to get the reward, regardless of choice. Later, when you ask for the operation “Secret Visitor”, you will find out that the woman was caught and gave all the money (depending on the decision you made earlier).

Reward: 250 credibility points.


Ferguson’s next quest is about collecting money from the floor staff. Talk to him and agree, go to Magda and find out more about the quest. Need to find 1000 coins. You can immediately give your boss money, or you can buy fake from Nicholas Page for 499 coins.

If you do not want give him hard-earned money, then you go to Peter Dong and take the first 500 coins. Marco Legrand will say that there is no money, and Emma Hazer will give it back only if you make friends with her. Watch the series “Passion for the Leader” three times and after each one of them the next day chat with Emma.

Take the money and return Ferguson. By the way, you can still buy fake money from Nicholas Page and thereby earn 501 coins.

A Generous Feast

You talk to Ferguson. He will ask for another favor - to arrange a feast for him. First you need to find no frills alcohol and cheap food. You can use hawthorn tincture. Buy it from Page for 299 coins. A bottle of tincture you can get from Peter Dong, if during the current quest to speak with him and ask why he is so gloomy. For it you will need to give 100 credibility points.

You can buy food at the vending machine for 100 coins (if you didn’t destroy it on the quest “Rise of the Machines”) or from Serena Marwitz for 300. Collect food and tincture, return to Ferguson and tell about the completion of the mission.

Now you need to find an escort - two girls of easy virtue. You will need a pimp business card. You can get it from Marco Legrand. If this cannot be done (for example, Legrand is already killed), then go back home and interact with the door. Go searching for prostitutes. You spend three hours. Talk to one of them, agree or refuse her services (300 coins for consent), and then talk to the pimp. You will receive a business card.

From home dial a pimp and make an appointment. Next morning talk to Don near the lost and found office, find out the names of the girls you need and tell them to the pimp. Return to Pete Ferguson to compete the quest.

Important. If you confirm that you have found an escort, then the party will begin. You need to have time to install cameras on quest “Spy Games”.

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The quest you can take only if you agreed to go to Ferguson's party. Chat with a man, and then decide how to deal with five people - help them or make nasty things. The top lines allow you to help, the bottom lines - to aggravate the situation. In the first case, Pete will be unhappy; in the second he will say that now Evan enjoys his respect. There will be no reward and no consequences for the decisions made.


You can take this quest from Peter Dong after you make friends with him. You will need to watch three episodes of the patriotic film. After that, you see an additional dialogue phrase. Talk about this and find out that Dong's mom needs a large amount - 20,000 coins. You can try to raise money yourself.

Two other options:

  1. Examine the safe in the office of the chief, go out into the workroom and overhear the conversation of two men standing next to the door at the left end. You will find out that there are bonds inside the safe.
  2. Go to the street and chat with a stranger near the subway to. He will offer Peter the business card of the underground clinic. Give it Dong. Mom will cut a kidney, but it will be cancerous.

Talk to Dong the next day. If you gave a business card to an underground clinic, he will tell about the success and present a book with the skill of breaking locks.

If you choose the first option with a safe, then Peter will ask for help and still give this book.

Reward: a book with the skill of breaking locks.

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It will be necessary to crack the safe Ferguson and take the bonds. Pre-learn the skill of breaking locks by reading a book (received from Peter). You can sell the bonds for 1000 coins to the dealer.

Serve Cold

The task you can take only if you make friends with Peter Dong. He wants to make fun of Legrand. Break the terminal of Legrand and read the letter from the father, who refuses to give money. Go outside and talk about legacy with Legrand. Now you can tell Peter about this, he will make a prank so that Legrand will be executed.

Life Plans

Make friends with Emma Hazer, you can find out how she's doing. Suggest to send children to boarding school. There are two places that you can advise a woman - orphanage "Cornflower" and a military camp. You can find out about the latter on the streets of the city. Go through the door of the house (spend an hour of time). If you tell Emma about the camp, then a day later you will be called and informed about the prize - 400 coins.

You can learn about the orphanage "Cornflower" from Magda Rakovich if she's still working. Talk to her, and then tell Emma about the orphanage. Recommend Emma to use beauty, or do it yourself. In the second case, you will need to call the orphanage from home and convince them to take Emma's children for 500 coins or credibility points. In the first case, Emma will sleep with the head of the orphanage.

Reward: 200 credibility points.

New Tomorrow

One of these days a person will come to your home and ask for help. It is necessary to bring the chip with an explosive device to the Ministry. This will lead to the death of some people (unfamiliar to you), so you can immediately refuse. If you agree, then you will get 2500-3000 coins. Go to the Ministry, give the chip to Nicholas Page and give the password (upper sentence). Watch the video. The money will be immediately credited to the account, but the working day will end.

You can also talk after the explosion with different people (the next business day). But in an interview with Pete Ferguson, you will receive an additional reward - 1000 coins.

Reward: 3,000 coins, 1,000 coins from Ferguson.

Process 10 forms

It is a difficult task. You will need to put one or two stamps. Set all the stamps correctly, and you earn one point. For five correct forms you get 200 credibility points. In addition, the super game will begin. You will get five credibility points for one correct form.

Study the actions described on the left. There is a stamp the left of each action. Find the one stamp that is bigger and use it. Do this for each of the three paragraphs. After that, save before each form and start to stamp the specified stamps. In 50% of cases, you will correctly form the forms.

Ten forms you can file in one, two or even three days, so do not rush too much.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

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Win or Die

Rose will tell you about Supergame on the second work day. She will explain what Supergame is. Your team has all those people who need to be eliminated. You can eliminate them after Supergame. Fill the forms correctly. It will be enough to fill 4-5 form every second day, if you have not eliminated them yet.

Why is Hank so angry?

So let's start with the elimination of Hank. Talk to Hank, he will be unhappy. But you can earn credibility points by exchanging them one by one for coins. Give Hank 20 coins each and you will get 20 credibility points.

Talk to John Smith and ask why Hank is angry. Give him a bottle of whiskey or rum. If you have no bottle, then buy from Nicholas Page for 200 coins or from a merchant for 100 (go from home). A bottle of rum was in the desk of Marco Legrand

Important. You have eliminated colleagues. Find items from their desk in the Lost and Found office.

Give Hank alcohol and you can talk to him normally. Agree to help him.

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The Wright brothers

Go to Nicholas Page and ask for Hank’s Brother. Talk to another man who wanders around the level – Werner Otto. The last target is the guard at the entrance. But you need to pay him 300 credibility points for the necessary information. You will receive a new quest from Otto - "Power Increase".

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Power Increase

You need to find a power supply for the terminal. (Otto asked). Go home and go outside. Go to the dealer (Selena Marwitz asked about this dealer) and buy a power supply for 300 coins. Go back to Otto and give the item. After a few seconds, he will tell you about Brother Wright.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Searching the Floor

This task is directly related to the quest "Investigation." You need to search the floor and find Hank’s brother. Take a book from the file cabinet next to De Salvo's office. Then go home and learn the skill. Next, visit the office of DeSalvo, when the boss is not there, and break the terminal. Examine all documents and photos to learn about the dog show. Also choose the first section. You need a password. The password is the nickname of your beloved dog (click on "question mark").

Come back home and go to the dog show. You spend three hours. Pay the guard 500 coins for information, and then find out the dog's name. Follow back to Alberto's office and hack into the computer. Enter the code to open a secret passage. Go down and go to the left side of the shelter. Here you will find Brother Wright. Talk to him, then take a scalpel from the couch and try to free it.

There are several options for completing the quest.

Family Reunion

When Albert arrives, you use authority points to free the prisoner. The brothers will reunite.


Agree to torture the prisoner together with Alberto. Then go to Hank. Tell him that you have not found a brother, and he will continue to drink. You can say that you found a brother, but he died, and Hank will commit suicide. Also you can report that you killed him, but Alberto made Evan. Hank will take revenge on DeSalvo and die.

The Horrible Truth

Agree on release. Alberto will ask to bring Hank to him. Report it to Hank, give him a scalpel. In any case, Hank will die.

Reward: none.

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Film and Tape

Visit the office of the chief and talk to him. Agree to help. Tape lies in John Smith’s desktop. There are no films in the Ministry, so go home and interact with the door. Select a factory visit, chat with people in management. Just scare them to get a ticket. Go to the warehouse with this ticket and give the item to the boss. He still will not give the film, because it is not in stock. On the other hand, the man will offer to buy his own film. Pay 300 coins, then return to the Ministry and give both items to Alberto.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Medical Tools

You can take this quest from Alberto DeSalvo after the quest "Film and Tape". He needs medical tools. Return home and call the ambulance. Say about a heart attack and talk to the doctor. Use coins (500) or authority points (400) to convince her and take a mad kit with medical tools. Then go back to DeSalvo and give the tools.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Library Raider

Alberto DeSalvo will ask you to take the book “The Philosophy of Suffering” in the library. Go home, go to the library and ask the girl for a book. Give her a compliment and offer to look for a book together. Spend one hour of your time. You find a book and get another one that allows you to reduce the cost of television. Go back to DeSalvo and give it back.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

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Take out the trash

The next day you visit DeSalvo and see a cart. Talk to the boss. He will ask to take out the documents. Interact with the cart. You can look in the cart or not when the main character stops. If you do not look, then you do Alberto’s order. If you look, you will see a person. You can help him out - it will be Fred (Magda Rakovich addressed one of his letters to him). Also you can cover Fred with papers and throw him in the Shredder. You can report to Alberto about man.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

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The Most Dangerous Game

After completing the quest “Searching the Floor”, Alberto will call you on the second or third day. Talk to him. Just refuse will not work; otherwise he put Evan in jail. You can spend 800 credibility points or agree to cooperate with DeSalvo. Although it is still not necessary to perform this quest, because you can just put man in jail. You can complete this quest if you have not yet gotten rid of all your colleagues.

In such a case, you will need to spend 900 credibility points to convince a protester stranger. In doing so, you report about this to your boss.

Reward: 500 credibility points.

A Standard Order

After the first day of work, Cunningham will call you. He will ask to learn more about John Smith. Agree to help, call the archives and request information. You spend 200 credibility points. But it's not going to work. Call Cunningham and report him. The task will be completed, but a new quest will begin.

Who are you?

Go to work and chat with John Smith. You have to spend 500 credibility points to find out at least some information. Find out who he really is. You will need to call the archive again and request another name this time. It will cost 300 credibility points. Talk to John again the next work day. He will ask for help.

A little help

John cannot find his family. He hides from the bandits in the Ministry. Go back home and make an official request to the archives, by phone. Have to spend 100 credibility points. They will tell you where to look for the house. Go through the door. You spend 3 hours, plus 2 more, if you don’t pay 350 coins for a taxi, but take the subway.

Upon arrival, talk to the police and pay 350 coins to search the house. There is safe in the hall. Hack it to pick up 980 coins. There is a wedding ring in the bedroom. Take it and then go back home.

The next working day, talk to Anthony and give him the ring. In fact, it was enough to learn about the fire, but John Smith will give an additional reward for the ring.

Reward: 300 coins, another 200 coins for a wedding ring.

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The task will start automatically upon completion of the previous one. Go outside and walk to the subway, where a stranger will stop you. This gangster will offer a deal - 2500 coins or credibility points. But he wants that Evan lures John Smith to the street. Agree to start the quest “Old Debts”.

Go back to John. If you don’t talk him about gangster - the quest “Old Debts” will start. If you tell him about gang on the street – the quest "Escape" will start.

Reward: 250 coins.

Old Debts

Go back to John and chat with him. Say that it's safe outside. You will automatically complete the quest.

Reward: 2500 credibility points or 2500 coins.

The escape

So, Evan decided to help John with his escape. Chat with a man. You need to find a wig, women's dress and a fake pass. Nicolas Page has a wig and it will cost you - 300 coins. You can buy the fake pass by dealer for 330 coins. Also here you can buy a wig for 100 coins. Find a women's dress in the desktop of Gloria Melfi. Collect all three items and give them to John Smith. The quest will be completed, and John will successfully leave the Ministry.

Reward: 500 coins.

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Take this quest from the secretary Rose. Chat with her and find out that you need to find a few people to participate in the quiz. There are three in the Ministry: you can meet a granny on the bridge, and employee in the hall with queue. You will have to pay them on 200 credibility points for participation. A man from the street agrees to participate for free.

Go home and follow the street to look for volunteers. An agitator with a poster will even pay you 350 coins if you take him to the team. Shoeshiner will ask for 100 coins. Interact with the cops, you can take a professor (get a book with the skill of saving energy), or abandon him and get a policeman.

Collect a team, go back and report it to Rose.

Reward: 250 credibility points, the book (if you picked a professor from the street).

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The Best-Laid Plans

The next day, Rose will say that Gloria let her down. Previously, the woman promised to bring her son to the quiz. Talk to Gloria. She will tell some incredible story. You can tell it Rose. In this case, Rose is executed, and you get rid of a competitor. You can cover up Gloria Melfi. Ask Rose where to look for information about her son.

Reward: 50 credibility points.

Call the Archive

Go home and make a request to the archives (by phone). You will learn that Gloria’s son is dead. Call the hospital and talk with a doctor. Use authority or money. Previously, Gloria had suffered mental disorder. The doctor will tell you how to get her out of the illusion.

Phantom Pains

Go to the Ministry and talk to Gloria about her son. You recognized the important information (some more you can find on the terminal). Start to pretend that you are her son Malcolm. Choose the correct answers and Gloria believes you:

  • Pride and Prejudice.
  • Quay.
  • Cast iron man.
  • School number 0261.

After that, you will save Gloria, and the woman will leave the Ministry and go for treatment. Talk to her again to get coins and find out about departure.

You can spend credibility points and tell Gloria that her son is dead. In this case, she would kill herself.

Reward: 1000 coins.

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New Horizons

Tell to Amelia Weiss about self-development. Spend 500 credibility points. Speak about of personal questions. Pay and convince in self-development.

You need find two business cards for Amelia - the Word of the Leader and personal development coach. Talk with a sectarian on the square from the Ministry. He gives a business card to you. He walks next to the statue of the Leader. Go home in the evening (after you got the task). A coach will knock on your door and give you a business card. Decide which one to give to Amelia. In any case, the woman will leave the Ministry.

If you give a business card to a sect, the next day you will meet her on the way to work (Amelia will stop Evan in the same place as the sectarian was). If you gave a personal card to a personal trainer, Weiss will call you and say that she transferred money - 1000 coins. This is an additional reward.

Reward: 250 coins (and 1000 extra coins).

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Talk to Stephen Dowking and ask what series he likes to watch. Buy this series ("Quantum Leap") at home for 500 coins and watch the series. Do these three times to make friends with Stephen. After that, you talk to the man and help him to get Certificate Issuing Office.

Go to this office from home and ask for help. You can choose of two certificates - disability and treatment. If you bring a certificate for treatment to Stephen, he will leave the Ministry. You get rid of colleagues. If you bring a certificate of disability, you can continue to communicate with Dowking in the next quest. Read below.

Reward: 50 credibility points.

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Help for the Suburbs

This task Stephen Dowking will give you immediately after the previous one. Agree to help. You need to find and confirm one of the three ways to help people in the Suburbs. The first is you can get from Oliver, an employee of a large terminal on the 25th floor. You will have to pay 1000 credibility points for information about the antidote and 1000 more coins for its acquisition.

Visit merchant Nathan and pay him 500 coins to find out the number of the army of mercenaries. Call from home and confirm your agreement to close the plant. They will capture it, thus you will help the Suburb. As for the organs, here I was not able to find the right solution.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Lost in Translation

Talk to Maria Curie, but the girl will speak in a strange language. Oliver says you that she is a Borean. A Phrasebook is hidden in a cabinet in the office of Isaac Weinberg, the head of the 25th floor. Go there when Isaac is not in place. Search the bollard. You spend 30 minutes. Take a phrase book and go to the common room. A marker will appear above Oliver. Talk to the man and agree to help.

Go back home and spend one hour to learn Borean. After that, talk to Maria Curie and find out why she cannot work. Go to Oliver and decide how to complete the quest. You can say that Curie is just lazy. Then she'll be fired. You can tell the truth. A guard rapes Maria. Oliver promises to talk to him about it, but after one or two days, Curie commits suicide.

Finally, it is possible to pay 1000 coins to Oliver. He will hire an interpreter for Curie. The last option will allow you to complete the quest described below.

Reward: 50 credibility points.

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Shores of the Motherland

Maria Curie wants to return home if you help her. Talk to Maria Curie (with the assistance of an interpreter) the next day. She is pregnant. You can choose one of four options. If you offer to contact the embassy, ​​then run an additional task.

Return home and call the Embassy. Maria Curie will leave the Ministry. Next day she will call Evan. She will be grateful and send Evan an additional reward - 1000 coins.

Reward: 1000 coins.

Past mistakes

When you return home after the first working day, you will meet Horatio Newport from the future. A gray-haired man will tell you that in the past he made a mistake and chose the wrong clone development protocol, which is why they destroyed humanity in the future. Agree to help. In addition, you can to ask for prepayment, and Horatio will give 500 coins.

Go to work, find a book with the skill of hacking locks in the cart near the office of Isaac Weinberg. Learn this skill so that you can search the table of Horatio. But you are interested the terminal of Newport. For this you need a book that you will receive in a conversation with Oliver. Examine the skill and hack the terminal, and then select protocol B. If you select any other option, the task will fail. On the other hand, it will be possible to complete the quest described below.

Reward: 500 coins (and 500 coins in addition, if you ask for prepayment).

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After the quest "Past mistakes", you will again meet Horatio from the future at home. This time he asks for a clone vaccination. Ask for a prepayment, and Newport will reward Evan with 1000 coins.

Return to work and you will find all the right clones of Carl Stein on the 25th floor. You can vaccinate them without permission, but you will have to spend 100 credibility points for each. If you want to save a total of 500 credibility points, then make friends with Horatio Newport. Watch three episodes of the “Schrodinger Effect” series. After that, talk for vaccination and get permission. Now you do not need to spend credibility!

Compete the vaccination, go back home, where you will again see Horatio from the future. This will be your last meeting. You can drive the old man away, or take his money - another 1000 coins.

Reward: 1000 coins (and 1000 coins in addition, if you ask for prepayment).

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The task is taken automatically after you find yourself on the floor. Amelia Weiss will tell you what to do and will ask you to create ten clones. You must select any of the professions proposed above (on the right of the screen) to create any clone. Also you need apply any attribute modifier. The green button at the bottom left allows you to spend 30 minutes and buy modifiers. If you select a profession and one modifier, the red button will become active. Click on it to confirm the selection.

There are light bulbs on the screen in the center above. Clones will be correct if at least three bulbs are lit. Prepare 10 clones and receive a reward.

Reward: 350 credibility points.

Beneficial Effect

Visit the office of Isaac Weinberg, the head of the 25th floor, and talk to him. He will tell about his plans and ask to place on the busts of the Leader. Three emitters of patriotism can be installed on busts located on the first floor in the working room (there are two in the left and right end of the room) and on the bridge of first floor where the landscaper works (large bust on the right).

Productivity amplifiers should be placed in eight places. You can install in the fountain on the ground floor next to the office of Marco Legrand, near the hawker, in the trading terminal, in the security booth at the beginning of the Ministry and in the office telephone. On the second floor you can install productivity amplifiers in two fountains near the working booths and on the office telephone. When place all the devices, tell Isaac Weinberg about it.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

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Clean Experiment

Weinberg will ask you to get tested. Go to the business phone and interact with it. Choose any answer options and then tell Isaac about it. Isaac will lead you to his secret lab where you will have to agree to the mission. If you refuse, Evan will be killed.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Carl Zero

So, you need to find out about the past life of Carl Stein. You can ask about him from the staff of the 25th floor. Also you can find useful information from Horatio Newport (befriend him). Most of the information is in the house where Carl Stein was the manager. Return to your home and call the archives by phone. Request the information about Carl to find his address.

Go to the specified address, chat with all people. When you will have the necessary information, tell Isaac Weinberg about it. From Patrick Stein – say that Carl did not raise money for studies at the University and arrested Schimmer, although he gave him a book for training, and could not help his girlfriend Andrea Gorchik. From Martha Stein - say that father promised to buy candy in exchange for information about glasses, forgot the name of the doll - Naira, and could not find a cure for the disease, which he called "the sun" in the stomach.

When Anna Stein appears on the screen, tell that Carl was never able to get the illegal drug, did not help Patrick, and he left to work in the mines and Anna died in the end. If you select at least one wrong option, you will have to start all over again.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

New Religion

After this, a new quest will start from Isaac Weinberg. You will need to go back home and read the "Canon of the Clones", after which you will have a talk about it with the boss. If you insult his feelings, you will die. If you politely refuse, you can continue to perform tasks. If you agree to become a prophet, then Isaac will no longer communicate with Evan.

Reward: 250 credibility points.

Sky High

This task is associated with obtaining a promotion, so that you can climb to the last, 37th floor. Accumulate 15,000 credibility points. The best way is to complete the quest “Science and crime” and “Competitive environment 1.0.25”.

Science and Crime

You need arrest Isaac Weinberg, the head of the 25th floor. You will get 10,000 credibility points. You will have to complete his personal tasks. We are talking about the quests "Beneficial Effect", "Clean Experiment" and "Carl Zero". After that, call Cunningham from your phone. The man will be arrested the next morning.

Reward: 10,000 credibility points.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.