The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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1 Tells the Truth Prints the News ZANESVILLE 0 RIDAY EVENING JAN 24 1936 VOL LVI NO 228 MAN OUND Saved By Reprieve OHIO ASSEMBLY ENDS SESSION ROZEN TO DEATH IN YARD ATER IGHTS LEGISLATURE Busted WedS PILGRIMS VIEW ing Home ROYAL REMAINS MEET AGAIN EB 25 PENS OWN MESSAGE AGED MAN SECOND VICTIM a PLAN DRATED BANK REPORTS More Than 100 Dead in Nation OHIO LEADERS SHOW UPSWING Leader 'rank Bible TO VISIT DR one each had In mind today Mercury At 10 Below Here in many sec fann or below Dayton Hoff The the complet King Winter Has His Little Joke But Laughing? when the curbed the wanderlust IK the court room the Patterson lor some attitude each other with their Year" 'Kung Yet at exaggerate the themselves In of the United States cannot ultimately be courts do the open for to drifts fashion charger General of his Urbana thawed them out In the ca boose and turned them over to po lice The three said they were Dwight Hughes 15 Joseph Pierce 14 and William Artis 14 and that they didn't want to travel any more Down almost In Dixie that is Dayton Ky ireman Ellsworth Van Dyne fought a stubborn house blaze In zero weather As he finished his labors a bullet exploded by the fixe nipped his thumb Cincinnati Municipal Judge Wil liam Handley observed that cold people Indoors out of as he noted the lightest docket in prob well Mae Keaton above divorced of Comedian Buster Keaton and uller Hollywood publicist honeymooning today across the Married yesterday BONUS ISSUE SENT BACK TO McConnelsville Jan 24 (Spe cial) Sheriff Lou Adrean and Acting Coroner Seaman were fighting their way this afternoon through snowdrifts which block roads to examine the tody of Edward Stew art 75 which was found frozen at noon today by neighbors Stewart has been missing since the severe blizzard Wednesday afternoon and when no lights were seen in the house last night a searching party was organized and members found the stiffened body In the barnyard aged man lived alone on a small farm two miles north of here and his nearest neighbors reside some distance from the house Lights had no desire to conflict" laid a To Attend uneral North Shields England Jan (UP) King Haakon and Queen Maud of Norway arrived today and left for London they were first sovereigns to arrive for King George's funeral Tuesday Queen Maud is a sister of King George LEGAL OBSTACLES TO LIE DETECTOR bitter and BULLETIN Washington Jan 24 President Roosevelt's veto of Im mediate payment of the bonus was overriden today by the heav lly Demoeratlc house The vote was 324 to 61 House Burns Mother and Daughters Victims led by numerous record temperatures they wondered tlie seagoing storm might dragging anchor because of gard retreat The fury of the storm apparently spent itself on New England New York and New Jersey but sub zero frigidity still held many north cen tral and mid western states In Its Icy grip Warmer weather however was pre dicted today for Minnesota Wiscon sin Missouri Ohio Pennsylvania and New Jersey In the western states more snow was forecast generally mother and two young daughters turned to death today In a fire which destroyed their home at Benton's erry The dead: Mrs Olive Hunsaker 22 Evelyn Hunsaker 4 and Charlotte Jeai) Hunsaker 22 months old The father Howard Hunsaker 25 Jumped from a window with another daughter Anna Mae aged 5 Both were burned badly iremen said the blaze apparently started from an overheated stove with Dr of New de San Diego Calif Mrs wife Sam were Mexican border at Tla Juana they planned to stay several weeks at Ensenada on the low er California coast When they re turn to Hollywood they will occupy separate homes until next October they said to comply with California law The bride's divorce decree from Keaton will not become final until that time The difference between clothes and no clothes In this weather meant an extra quarter to Sprague Mulligan of Cincinnati Miami university fresh man He won 75 cents by Jumping over the nets of ten tennis John Rupp wore snorts to Washington Jan (IP) Har mony now and victory In November were the themas repeated to federal officials today by Governor Martin Davey and his goodwill delegation of more than 30 Ohio Democratic lead ers 'k The entire group expected to see President Roosevelt today and under score the assurances extended the chief executive yesterday by Davey that no discord exists between state and national administrations lanked by military aides and poli tical colleagues the governor went to the White House yesterday and told Mr Roosevelt he could expect a smashing victory next fall for both state and national Democratic tick ets In Ohio Davey asked the presl dent to appoint former Governor George White to the new federal re serve board Davey said he went the 1 In urging the appointment of White a Marietta Ohio banker who preced ed him as governor of the state The governor hinted too that his titter quarrel of last year with Works Progress Administrator Harry Hop kins had been forgotten when he said the only differences he had with the federal government one man and all Davey was accompanied to the i White House by rancis Poulson of Cleveland chairman of the state Democratic executive committee tin dersecretary ot the Interior Charles West Senator Donahey ID Ohio) and Earl Hanefeld state director of agriculture and chairman of the i state central committee They also saw arley I The full delegation expected to see the president today and Poulson said they would hold "a lot of confer with various officials Davey expected to see Attorney General Cummings and Secretary Roper Cheyenne Wls equestrienne Leland Stanford university Mary Helen Warren 18 above niece of Gen John Persh ing will rule as "Miss over the colorful annual rontier Days celebration in Cheyenne Wyo July 22 25 She Is a granddaughter of the late Senator rancis Warren cf Wyoming and daughter of red Warren owner of one cf the greatest ranches iousness of the wave tlons Columbus had eight six below Cincinnati four below and Cleveland an even zero At Cleveland airport however it was three below predictions were at variance over temperatures The Columbus bureau hoped for a high mark of 15 degrees above aero Turn to Page Thirteen PRICE: THREE CENTS Washington Jan 24 (47 Imme diate payment of the bonus was vetoed today by President Roosevelt Breaking precedent of a quarter of a century he sent a terse handwrit ten message to the house returning my the 2491 000000 bond payment plan The sudden action faced almost cer tain overriding by congress Democratic leadera flatly predicted the bonus bill would become it passed the senate 74 to 16 and the house 346 to 59 Only a two thlrds majority Is need ed to make law without a president's signature The only question in the minds of leaders was when the vote on over riding the veto should be taken Speaker Byms preferred waiting un til Monday and the Democratic leader Representative Bankhead agreed Mr Roosevelt In his message re ferred senators and representativesRespectfully to every 'word of what 1 in last year's veto of a cur rency expansion bonus payment bill "My convictions are as impelling today as they were the presi dent said "Therefore I can not change Mr Roosevelt added: "The bill I now return differs from last year's bill in only two Important respects: irst it eliminates the ls suance of unsecured paper currency to make payments required and sub stitutes interest bearing bonds which however may be converted IntorcMh for face value at any time second It adds 263000000 to the total pay ments by forgiving Interest after Oc tober 1 1931 on amounts borrowed "In all other respects the circum stances arguments and facte remain essentially the same as those fully covered and explained be me only eight months Indicative of the determination on Capitol hill to make the bill law despite the veto was the comment or Senator Clark (D Mo) one of the authors: "We'll pass it over his veto" One pertinent phrase from last year's veto message which Mr Roose velt evidently "The credit is safe but ft safe If we engage in a policy of yielding to each and all of the groups that are abje to enforce upon the congress claims for special considera White House aides said Mr Roose velt broke precedent of a quarter of a century and sent his message to Capitol hill In his own handwriting Up to ths time of the administra tion of Theodore Roosevelt all mes sages to congress were written in long hand But none has gone to the vapitoi long nann since uien The senate last year upheld the veto after the house had overriden the personally presented plea cf the president against the legislation Cleans Up Relief and i nances Before Return Ohio Superintendent Confi dent Business Now of Million Subjects Expected to ile Past Bier of George John Riley Dover football star kept his 11 year perfect attendance record intact today but only after he had walked five miles In sub zero temperature to school The county school buses did hot run yesterday and so to maintain his rec ord Riley walked to his classes At Columbus Smith claims there Is more than one way to keep your automobile radiator from freez ing He fastened a small coal stove to the front of his car temperature went below zero And all the while Rio De Janeiro te experiencing an unprecedented heat wave today Thermometers there registered 1C04 ahrenheit and in the shade Street urchins got laughs and pennies from pasersby by frying eggs on the pavement of the Avenlda Rio Branco the main thoroughfare of th city Modification of ann Pro gram Expected to Include State Groups Washington Jan Amid a medley of conflicting statements the administration's farm bill was under going alterations tcdayK One major change most sources said would be tbo addition of a long term program based on the idea of 48 ''little AAA's" In the states' 1 This it was indicated would be In addition to the original plan calling for a two year stop gap program of subsidized soil conservation aimed at controlled production The atop gap would be succeeded after two years by a system under which the federal government would grant money to states which would cooperate by controlling crops The bill which encountered hostil ity skepticism and friendliness yes terday when It was placed before the senate agriculture committee was being redrawn In the department of agriculture While this was being done a new factor appeared In the farm situa tion The agriculture committee of the chamber of commerce ot the United States gathered for a Joint conference with leaders or ganlza tlons and represen tatives Observers looxea Indication of the business toward the tremendous array of farm plans suggested as substitutes for the Invalidated AAA The conference was called by Har per Sibley chamber president to evolve a "non polltlcal long program to replace AAA While chamber officials were silent It was believed there would be strong oppo sition to any re enactment of the AAA's outlawed processing taxes Some legislators are demanding that these levies be re enacted to finance the 440060000 soil conserva tion program Attorney General Cum mings has said that his dpartment and the treasury are "In process" ot shaping new tax legislation When a reporter asked if the taxes would In clude precessing levies he made the non commltal remark: "You might of course take that as your oonclu of Columbus Jan 24 King Winter has had his little Jokes dur ing this' cold spell or Instance he dropped a huge snowdrift on the track used by the one trln running the 20 miles tween Deshler and indley The run was eight hours longer than the nor mal Jig time yesterday because an other locomotive had to come down from Deshler and push the train through the drift at McComb Then he gave the Chinese New Year a frosty welcome Today starts the 2487 for Chinese residents and they tossed traditional fire crackers to explode In the snow piles and greeted New Toy" Again he In three Columbus boys Trainmen pulled them shivering and frost nip ped from a Pennsylvania box car at from the farm home can be seen at a distance at night Neighbors were alarmed last night when the house was not illuminated as usual On discovery of the body neighbors Immediately! notified Sheriff Adrean and called Acting Coroner Seaman and the two set out early this after noon Drifted roads which had blocked traffic for the past two days present ed a barrier to the county officers but they hope to be able to reach the farm later this afternoon He Is survived only by a brother Will residing near the fairgrounds the only survivor of a family ot 11 children Davey Urges Appointment of White to ederal Reserve Board 1000 COO sorrowing pilgrims filed to day past the bier of the late King George a black catafalque ap proached on purple carpeted steps In the ancient pedace of Westminster There the new King Edward VIII and the bereaved royal family left their liege for four days of public homage before the final services and burial next Tuesday at Windsor As Big Ben homed 8 a (3 a Zanesville time) the nation's pilgrim age began When the famous clock strikes 10 Monday authorities said at least a million of the dead sover eign's subjects men women and children will have Joined In this last act of tribute A queua more than a mile long swelled cutside the hall by noon today as the first cf the ranks four abreast marched Into the great hall and past the Seven women among the first to enter collapsed and were treated at a nearby hospital after passing through the chamber Long before last midnight crowds gathered In the streets about the medieval Westminster hall sacrific ing their sleep and braving a misty rain to be among the first to pay tribute to their late king Huddled In mufflers and heavy overcoats they leaned throughout the night against the grey stones of the palace which also houses par liament The flag draped catafalque bear ing the royal coffin formed an Is land of light amid the shadowy spaces of the ancient hall which the king once called heart of our mighty empire" spoke tbue wifefei bit 3 when be received the congratula tions of parliament on his silver the last' time he was at this spot alive The age old rafters looked down once mbre on the glory of medieval uniforms as a bodyguard kept vigil through the long atches of the night At each of the four corners of the catafalque stood a lifeguard his head bowed A little deeper In the gloom stood four yeomen One of the yeomen of the guard exhausted by the ordeal collapsed and was carried from the hall Without a word another took his place When the great crowd of pilgrims at last surged into the building It was shepherded through wooden bar riers In lines four abreast along both sides of the coffin Rich and poor young and old they flowed by throughout the day at on estimated rate of 15000 persons an hour Many countryfolk bewildered by tho whirling traffic of metropolitan London Joined the throng "I wanted to make certain of see ing my king once said one old man who had traveled all night Ill 1800 ishermen On Icefield Asking Help Guriev Kazan Republic Jan Eight days of anxiety for the fate of 1800 fishermen carried away by an Icefield from the shore of the Caspian were relieved today when the castaways managed to establish wireless contact with the shore They reported they had ample food supplies but that th icefield was in danger ot breaking up and asked Im mediate help The men hav 1400 horses with them An airplane lias been sent to deter mine the position of the field Trenton Jan Legal obstacles today appeared to block the way to a lie detector test for Bruno Richard Hauptmann although It ha? tne approval of Gcv Harold man After conferring yesterday William Moulton Marston York one of the originators of vice to test veracity by "blood pres sure symptoms" the governor said "Personally I would like to have the blood pressure test made In the hope that It might aid In securing Information that may clear up acme of tho doubts hetd by many people But I do not know how a test could be legally made without ah order from Justice Trenchard" Hauptmann has expressed willing ness to submit to the test and sug gested that Dr John Con don the 50000 ransom Intermedi ary also take It There was another obstacle Under the law only Hauptmann's wife hte counsel his spiritual adviser and state prison officers may enter the death house Without a change In the law or without Identifying him self with defense counsel Dr Marston could not make a test SNOW SATURDAY BUT WARMER Cloudy with slowly rising temperatures tonight and Saturday Snow Saturday and probably in sodthwest portion late tonight 75 Year Prison Term In Scottsboro Case Decatur Ala Jan 24 (URP Coun aer for Heywood Patterson found guilty by a jury of white men and for the fourth time last night for his part in the Scottsboro attack case announced today they would pre pare a new fight for his Patterson was convicted and given 75 year prison term for assaulting Mrs Victoria Price 27 year old five years ago It was the first favorable decision In the case of the nine Scottsboro negro boys since the supreme court reversed previous death sen tences on the ground that negroes were excluded from the Jury which returned original Indictments escape from death in dicated that the third trial of Clar ence Norris a second defendant which starts today may reach a con clusion less severe than the death sentence Imposed by previous juries A jury was completed late ysterday but was taken out of under guard before verdict was returned Special Prosecutor Knight Indicated that would be virtually the same the Patterson trial T' Italy Warns of Danger To European Peace Rome Jan Italy warned the eanctionfst nations of the world that Great Britain's action In arrang ing a Mediterranean security pa4t constituted a "danger for European peace" A memorandum prepared for Ge neva distribution to the sanctlonlst powers protested that Great Britain had acted outside the League cove nant in Initiating the Mediterraean discussions The move Italy contended was made In the face of Italian assur ances that she drag a "colonial European war President Says His Con victions of Year Ago Still Stand Chicago Jan 24 (47 Intense cold which paralyzed the upper half of the nation leaving almost 100 dead and widespread property damage to day apparently headed for the Atlan tic ocean as with more snow were forecast gener ally While snowbound residents In uvrtiiiwa twt themselves out from under the worst blizzard of many seasons accompan ied by numerous record sub zero whether not be Its lag Columbus Jan 24 An optimistic note was sounded today by State Banking Superintendent Eamual Squire Based on reports made by state supervised banks In response to his call of last Dec 31 Squire said bus iness generally has "emerged from the shadows and there is ground for the belief the new year will bring further Improvement In economic ac Gains registered In resources by 467 reporting banks exceeded all records since 1932 Squire said Total re sources on the reporting date were1305023327 an Increase of 861667 547 since the call of Sept 30 1935 and an Increase of 147435861 since the call ot a year ago Total deposits of the banks at the end of 1935 were 1139516792 an In crease ot 64141001 since the report in September and an Increase ot149673192 in the year Savings deposits made a satisfac tory shewing Squire said totaling551669180 on Dec 31 1935 an in crease of 53023334 over the final re port of 1934 Individual deposits totaled 353505570 and time certifi cates 48300871 for the past year unds on deposit by trust depart mente were 37267576 Other de posits for the year amounted to 148 773 595 the report showed Real estate mortgage loans totaled259022079 on Dec 31 1935 a de crease of 5038291 since September and an Increase of 11133206 over the final report lot 1934 Cash on hand and reserve main tained for the past year was 232 606123 an Increase of 25203039 since September and an Increase of52770078 over the final 1934 state ment stimulating advancements made during the past year the most marked since the beginning of re covery is a spur to bankers of the state to Increase to the maximum the value cf the service and facilities they have made available for use of the Thomas the state's case In Will Return Plane Moscow Jen 24 (UP) Russia has agreed to return to Japan an airplane and Its two pilots who land ed In it dh Russian soil near Pokrov ka on the Manchurian frontier Jan 9 Columbus Jan Tired raw tempered Ohio legislators re turned to their homes today after more than four months of fighting over issues which they originally planned to settle In a few days They completed action on two prime problems a seven month 11 500000 relief program made neces sary by liquidation of the ederal Emergency Relief Administration and a new revised 90213263 biennial budget bill forced by Gov Martin 88785000 vetoes In the orig inal bill passed last June They then adjourned to eb 25 But there was a distinct possibil ity that Governor DDavey would undo half their major accomplish ments the budget bill It would re store 1296557 of the vetoed Itmss Through his supporters he has served notice that this figure Is 800000 too much His threat to veto the entire bill hangs over It until It reaches him next Tuesday Both houses will hold skeleton session then so officers can sign bills His approval of the relief bill Is regarded as certain It would hold administrative costs to slightly more than five per cent He has been a frequent critic of high relief costs and has asserted that relief lem keep paid Jobs" House loor (D Cuyahoga) said late last night as the bodies adjourned that he hoped they would have but three or four days' work before them when they returned formally eb 25 Legislators fought from the start on issues preesn ted when Governor Davey called them JptojqaeclaX ses sion Sept 18 The relief and budget bills both were the last offered of several Pre vious budget bills have called for as much as 18060000 more than the last one Each and numerous oth ers were dealt with as well bogged frequently over details of adclnlstra tlon In relief Governor In sisted at first It was mainly the pfbb 1cm of local governments Then he relented and the legislature grad ually worked out the present plan to ths tune of Intermittent bicker ing In finances he asserted that any attempt to Increase the budget over his vetoes was "a raid on the treas He declared that vetoes were part of an economy program that would help re elect him Proposed restorations after the ve toes have Iseen as high as 4060060 Interspersed with fights over Items designated In the governor's' call and subsequent messages were tangles over of graft Turn to Page Thirteen With the Italian army at Neghelll Ethiopia Jan 20 (By Courier to Mogadiscio Italian Somaliland Jan 24) Gen Rudolfo Graziana com mander ot southern punitive forces personally led his troops Into this capital on Galla Borana today His arrival was not accomplished in the traditional story book which demands a prancing for a commander Instead Graziani rode at the head troops mounted on a truck There was no opposition capital which in reality Is a stock aded village was deserted The Italian victory atDeldel ap parently had thrown the Ethiopians Into headlong panic The Interior houses of Neghelll were strewn with the debris of hastily departed Inhab itants Everything left behind In dicated confusion The Italian attack has been a daring campaign IS Senate and House Now Expected to Override His Action Hundreds of thousands of dollars In property damage was caused by fires Three villages In upper New York virtually were burned out by flames carried by high winds Small fires In Ohio caused an estimated250000 loss Two buildings In down town Pittsburgh were destroyed with a loss of 100000 Ibeiud jLiiu 1'alls on the Allane sotA Canadlan border again turned in the record low temperature for the nation yesterday with a minus 56 de grees At midnight the mercury had risen to 24 below at St Paul Du luth Minn was 25 argo 33 Aberdeen 19 Rapid City 22 above: Omaha 3 below Mil waukee 13 Chicago 13 Cleveland 4 Pittsburgh 5 New York 0 Newark 1 St Louis 1 above Ohio led the list of states with fa talities at 21 Illinois and Indiana had 14 Michigan 11: Pennsylvania 8 New York 7 Maryland 5 Minne sota and Wisconsin 4 and West Vir ginia North and South Dakota Iowa Kansas and Tennessee bert Green above lived upon his fourth respite from death before a firing squad for the slaying of three persons his young wife his mother in law and an uncle six years ago Green was granted a reprieve until eb 15 by Gov Henry Blood only a few hours before he was to face the firing squad at dawn reprieve Is granted" said the governor an appeal Is pending before the state supreme court Involving the constitutional rights of the cqdemned man" Muskingum countlans are hoping for at least partial relief Saturday from the Intense icy wave which con tinued to hold forth today with only the slightest moderation from Thurs record cold Temperatures over the county this morning ranged as low as 22 below zero although the official mark of 10 below was recorded by Locktender Claude Neff at daybreak During the day however the mercury climbed abovo the zero mark for the first time since early Wednesday evening Although rural schools In Mus kingum county remained closed to day progress was being made at clear ing the snowdrifts from highways In this locality The state highway department ex pected to restore three main roads to traffic before the day is over After working toward this end all day Thursday highway employes attack ed the Impassable roads with snow plows again this morning Roads remaining clcsed early to day were No 2C8 Adamsville to Dresden No 209 Bloomfield to the Guernsey ccunty line No 75 Adams ville to Otsego and No 284 Chand lersvlllo to Young Hickory The high way from this city to Adamsville was made passable late Thursday The stretch between Chandlersvllle and Young Hickory may not be several days however due some places 10 feet deep Arrangements were being ed today for the funeral of John 8 Elson 45 Muskingum county's fatal victim of the record cold wave Ser vices will be held In this city for El son who was found frozen to death Thursday morning In a field near his home north of Cannelvllle I Meanwhile Mrs Harriet Carder 75 i Of McConnelsville remained serious today at Bethesda hospital from burns sustained Thursday morning as her nightgown Ignited from an open fire at the heme of her daughter Jn McConnelsville Mrs Harry German of Ellis station was resting fatrly well at Bethesda hospital from the effects ot exposure suffered when she and a companion Mrs Ellis were forced to aban don their car on Dresden road Wednesday night and walk more than a mile to a farmhouse She was ad mitted to the hospital Thursday aft ernoon The bitterest cold wave In 51 years so far had taken a toll of 21 lives In the state and caused much suffer ing and property damage including nearly 250600 fire loss In most ot the state thermometers sank below zero again last night but the readings were five to ten degrees wanner than Wednesday night High winds moderated and the absence of the driving snow lessened ths scr same thing and won only 50 cents In Marlon Mr and Mrs Schnltzdraw's ten month old' daugh ter tossed one had from under the covers as she slept She was treated fcr frozen fingers Other cities may claim a lower ccld spell temperature than Man chester Iowa where It Is 25 below but residents defy them to match this: a dog frozen to death standing up was found at the fairground The cold apparently killed the animal as It walked through the snow Then comes the one from Hart ford Conn hailed into court for not shoveling snow from sidewalks In front of their homes several resi dents denied they owned the prop erties Banks had taken them over they said Judge Jacob Schwolsky sent police officers to notify the bankers tha snow shoveling had be come a part of their business Goy Davey May Still Veto Restorations Made To Budget Sarraut Successful In orming New Cabinei Paris Jan (47 Senator Albert Sarraut was successful today in his attempt to form a new cabinet for Yance the 161st government of the third republic Sarraut who already has served his country as premier Is a veteran of the Radical Socialist party The cabinet he has formed Is a transition body to keep the govern ment running until the parliamen tary elections which will be held In April or May In the list of nominees he sub mitted to President Lebrun It was Indicated that Sarraut Intended to take over the ministry of the Interior himself together with the premier ship ITALIAN TROOPS GAIN NEW AREA Mercury Starts Upward Here Aft er Second Night of ambling Below Zero Mark Although More Snow Is Probable Weatherman Hints of Rising Temperatures Snow Isolates Town and ood Exhausted Port ranks Ont Jan 24 Huge snowdrifts have Isolated this tiny western Ontario village and to day the threat of hunger and star vation hung over Its 60 Inhabitants This little hamlet 45 miles north hist of Sarnia on Lake Huron has reeen cut oft from rail and truck communication with the outside world since Monday ood supplieswere exhausted last night and a call I aid was sent to Toronto '9 eels Like Banker On $8 Monthly Pension Kansas City Jan 24 (47 Richard Lillard 86 negro born Into slavery was asked whether he could get along on his state old ago pension about 8 monthly "Get he exclaimed "Why man I'll be a banker!" Roosevelt Vetoes Cash Payment Soldier Bonus Plan THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL I vJwl I'f I A A v' 47 L' gff Salt Lake City Jan Del The first of zwtv' tasST 'Ga 9 A1' S' Jan 24 Co ed MI 1 MsMC AAA i 4 I Mt A A A Kt i Ia IV i gill I ft' HI.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.