The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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Tuesday Evening November 22 1932 Have You a Headache? DONE BY AMBLER PLAYERS stop in any drug store and get box of Red Cross Headache Tablets They will stop that headache Inune rt lately No morphine quinine opium or other opiates Not habit forming Not hard on the heart Try them 25 cents a package Any drug store can supply you IBROpiNli SlWwK COUGH REMEDY 130 3 Weller Theatre Stock Com pany Interprets Stage Play Marie Dressier and Polly Moran Delighting Patrons of Liberty Unusual and orceful Production on Silversheet Hats oft to Walter Ambler! He promised the patrons of the Weller theater a great production of "The for this week and he kept his word All that was necessary to prove that the opening night audi ence appreciated his efforts was to be there and hear the rounds of applause which greeted this splendidly pro duced piay last evening rxurn Ainoier 13 beck In the cast AMUSEMENTS WELLER Ambler Playehs In "Tne also vaudeville be tween acts LIBERTY Marie fjressler and Polly Moran In "Prosperity" also novelties and News QUIMBY "Life Begins" with Lor etta Young and Eric Linden also comedy and Movietone News and carries off top honors by her work It Is the role which Dorothy Mackalll portrayed In the movie ver sion with Milton Sills a few years ago Taken all in all the entire com COLLEGE INN i i BIGGEST QUIMBY THEATRE LIBERTY THEATRE that 99 On the Air riday 5 PM URNITURE COMPANY! Mam at Seventh 1 I ONLY TWO MORE DAYS! 1700 ROOMS 1700 BATHS My Children and You Shall Hear ONE BIG RIOT! Rotes from3 with bath 4 STAR PLAINLY TOLD HIT TONITE AT 8:15 MATINEES WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY pany of the Ambler Players as well as the many extras which they use give an excellent account of them selves Eddie Harrison and Marian Tee rope spinners whip crackers singing and dancing head the vaudeville sec tion The other acts were also well received and brought back encores The Ambler Players will after "The Barker" every night this week at 8:15 o'clock and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 2:15 o'clock and special Thanksgiving Day matinee at 2:30 o'clock THEIR BEST CbtcU amd ONLY TWO MORE DAYS! I'RAiibdiRHSccXRit' iiAKeLlA'sAUE Boys and girls write Santa a letter addressed to Headquarters Quality urniture Company Zanes ville Hear it read over WALR by Old Santa him self direct from Headquarters DRAMA AT QUIMBY "Life Begins" which continues a run at the Quimby theater is one of those unusual stories the kind audiences will go out and talk about My Zanesville HEADQUARTERS This Year DRESSLER MORAN SCORE Marie Dressier scores again In which continues for a fcre week engagement at Liberty the ater and she virtually panics things In this "depression" film Polly Mo ran gives support in this entertain ing story about a busted bank and romance The story may be too lengthy and comes near to skidding in sustained Interest especially when Dressier starts to finish a govern ment building of some kind or other and dons overalls to join the volun teer workers on the structure never theless comedy can easily hold Its place with those that have gone be fore Simply because It has more scenes which Marie takes alone more genuine drama to the story which gives her a chance to do some real acting as well as slapstick Marie Dressier and Polly Moran in SILLY SYMPHONY IN TECHNICOLOR TRAVEL NEWS EnraBaEHHQasBMainnMSMn LIE BEGINS With LORETTA ERIC ALINE MacMAHON DON NOVIS SINGING NEWS WELLER THEATRE iis Ambler Payers in 6 BIG SCENES 80 PEOPLE VAUDEVILLE One of the features that mokes travelers chooser HOTEL SHERMAN BEN BERNI AND ALL THE LADS On the Air nightly over and appearing in person every night all night long IN THE Baby Very Cross Eczema Covered Head Healed by Cuticura "Not very long ago my baby became very cross and started scratching his head Then eczema broke out in a little blister that later scaled over He kept scratching and the patch became larger and soon his head was covered with it His hair was dry and lifeless He was very restless and could only sleep a few minutes at a time' I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and he was greatly relieved after the first treatment I continued using them and in one month he was completely healed (Signed) Mrs Roy Holbin 8260 Dixie Highway lint Mich eb 4 1932 Ointment 25 nd 50c Talcum 25c Sold everywhere (yllGUrQ Oe sample eachjree LaborUri UtUBIM Go 7 THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAC 'Page Nine CHIT CHAT WANT A REAL BILLIARD TABLE YOU CAN HAVE ONE COMPLETELY EQUIPPED A it 7 7 WEIST How to Get a Table Like This Wednesday Nov 23 10 A to 8 THE CIRCULATION MANAGER ZANESVILLE PUBLISHING COMPANY This Is NOT a Contest 7 Everybody Can Have a Table Chronic Affections Men and Women Entry for Billiard Table Name Age St or Town i Mr and Mrs Dally and son Hazlett Sonora spent the week end at the home of Mr and Mrs Homer Walters Dresden road and Monday attended the funeral ot Mrs Hattie Walters mother ot Mr Walters Mr and Mrs Vernon Miller and daughter Lois and Miss Mary Youn klne city spent Bunday with Mr and Mrs Clyde Whlssel Sonora Mr and Mrs Keckley New ark have returned after visiting Mr and Mrs rancis Vernon of this city Mr and Mrs Herbert Crumba ker and daughter Celeste of Lancas ter will Thanksgiving with Mrs Hearing North Seventh street Will make hii 415th visit to ZANESt HIE OHIO' Clarendon Hotel Miss Edith Cowles student at Ohio university Athens and a classmate Mlle Tlierese Purtschet rench ex change pupil from University of Paris will spend Thanksgiving vacation at the hoifie of the former on North Seventh street A 1 i'' Present at office or if you live out of town mail to The Circulation Manager The Zanes ville Publishing Company Turkey dinner 65c Thanksgiving make reservations Mrs Weaver 112 3 4 And too It Is down to earth every foot of it furnishing a brand of en tertainment that no audience any where will deny The entire cast of the picture was almost perfection with' the honors easily going to Eric Linden as the young husband It Is a perform ance yea will remember long after you have forgotten the picture Glenda arrell Aline McMahon and rank McHugh should be ranked next with Loretta Young excellent but with not as much to do The re mainder of the big cast is distin guished Mrs erguson and daughter Miss Grace erguson Marietta street have returned from a visit with rel atives in Toledo and they will leave Wednesday night to spend Thanks giving with Mr and Mrs er guson Cincinnati THE HOMEV MUSKINGUM SAVINGS COMPANY 4 Sou th '7 ifih Street Huntlng Trip Dr A Voeper and Hull Crooksville and Sam Jones Woods Held have returned from a hunting trip In the northern part ot the state i Rev and Mrs Spaulding and two children who will make their homes here within a few days spent Sunday and Monday with Rev and Mrs A LePage Sonora Rev Spaulding will become pastor of irst Baptist church And these tables are not mere toys genuine Brunswick Pocket Bil liard Tables made by Brunswick Balke Collender Company Strongly and beautifully made finished in rich ma hogany durable green felt covering and completely equipped with finely polished Balls Cue Sticks Rack and book of rules Skin Itch Torture Ends Millions Praise Zemo surprising and gratifying is the way soothing cooling Zemo relieves the torture of Itching Rash and Eczema In about five seconds Used by mil lions Zemo Is so wonderful because of Its rare Ingredients not used in cheaper remedies Apply Zemo to Pimples Ringworm and Eczema for quick relief and clear skin Zemo Is worth the price because you get re lief All 35c 60e $1 Extra Strength Zemo double results si23 seph McDevitt Charles The vocalists were James Victor Milo Norman Wayne Christy loyd William Renaud rank rank Banta Henrv Joseph Guinn Sanford RIcaby was interlocutor Among the song hits were: "It My Babe Could See Me Now" "Back Amongst the Clover and the Bees" Song" Not orget You Dear" "When the Sun Goes Down In Splendor In the Golden West" and the great popular ditty that had the entire country singing: "Everybody Works But Bert and John Swor appeared In a nonsensical absurdity en titled "The Dixie Coming attractions were listed as: "The Village "The Mummy and the Humming "Isle ot "Paul Jones" a musical comedy also the open ing of an engagement by the Kirk Brown Stock company sup ported by Marguerite ields Tnreey Sliott A lahge crowd from here Including members of Crooksville Gun club attended the big turkey shoot which was held at Roseville Sunday after noon 3 STUDENT GUESTS Miss Gertrude Ricketts Wheeling Miss Ruth McAvoy New York city and Miss Celestial Hale Columbus will be the guests of Miss Gertrude Bauer at the home of the latter's parents Mr and Mrs Walter Bauer West pike Wednesday and Thanks giving The four young women are seniors at St Mary's of the Springs academy Columbus They will spend part of their vacation here and later will go to Wheeling and Pittsburgh for visits A WORD C1IEEB The Building Associations form ed for the purpose of aiding aome purchasers (handling thus over a hilliun dollars in Ohio) are carrying thousands of out of job home owners through dull times which they could only do with the patient help of their splendidly sympathetic stockholders Investors and small depositors Business Is slowly reviving home owners will soon get back to work begin paying on their mortgage loans and thus again enable these associations to re X'7 I SEEK UNDS OR THREE AGENCIES Crooksville Nov A meet ing of the committee appointed by Miss Carolyn Dillehay recently elect ed president of the Community Re lief was held recently for the pur pose of arranging plans for their drive It had been previously decid ed by he budget committee to make a drive for 81200 to be divid ed among Boy Scouts Camp ire Girls and direct relief At the meeting It waa decided that by use of a card system you could designate Just what division your do nation was to be used for Thanksgiving Service Thanksgiving service at Church of Atonement will consist of a high mass at 8 a followed by benedic tion of the blessed sacrament Lt will also include prayers of thanks giving especially offered at this time 25 Years Ago onight lyILLIAM WEST big JubileeV Minstrels was the attraction at Weller theater 'and the battery ot comedians Included such famous names as: Bert Swor George Wade John Swor Andy Kellv Arthur Banta George Van Billy Beard Jo Strong lynnBanta Balllet Pearse Hoff GIRL IS HONORED ON HER BIRTHDAY Caldwell Nov Miss Mary Rossiter was pleasantly surprised at a recent party when a number of friends gathered at her home to help celebrate her 17th birthday anniver sary Music and games were the main diversions ot the evening At a late hour refreshments were served to Mary and Athel Moore Harold Altan Albert Colley Agatha and Harold Brown Mabel George Everett and Harold Archer Glen Ru therford Ellis Davis Gerald Bates Donald Oliver Emma William and Helen Rossiter Jimmy and Branson Van leet Ona Hazel and Arthur Depew Mr and Mrs Wilbur Matheny Mr and Mrs Guy Brown and daugh ter Janice Mr and Mrs Ros siter The honored guest received many beautiful and useful gifts Dinner Guests Mr and Mrs DeVolld at their home east of town entertained the following at dinner Sunday: Mr and Mrs Howard Wray Brady Mil ler Mr and Mrs A Van leet Mr and Mrs Marshall DeVolld and son Donny aye DeVolld and Waldo DeVolld Additional guests In the afternoon were: Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and son Paul Mr and Mrs Clarence Saunders and daughters Betty Gene and Pauline Infant Rites uneral services for rancis Rob ert 4 months old son of Elizabeth Knox Sarahsville who died Sunday evening at 7 of complica tions were held this afternoon at the church by Rev Sanlord Burial was made In the church ceme tery by Theo Murphy funeral di rector Personals Mr and Mrs Merry have re turned home after spending the past few days In Cleveland Lester Vaughn has returned to Co lumbus after spending the week end with relatives and friends In Cald well He was accompanied home by Mrs Wade Gillespie and Miss Clarice Davis who will visit for a few days with relatives and friends Mrs Bllla Orr is visiting her son and wife Mr and Mrs James Cald well Athens Mr and Mrs Merry and fam ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Warner Brown Mt Vernon Mr and Mrs Clarence Pattet and children Canton visited Mr and Mrs Beda Michael over the week end Andrew Hupp Lewisville spent the week end with relatives and friends over the week end Mr and Mrs Bradford Acomb and children Athens Mrs Ruth Bronson and son Robby lorida and George Sylvester Columbus spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Davis Quick Mrs Bronson and son re mained tor a visit The Zanesville Publishing Company is going to give these away for subscriptions to The Times Recorder and The Signal) Any boy in city village or country can earn one of these Junior Playmates in a half time and not in vest one cent Just a little spare time' just a few calls in your own neighbor hood and you win ull instructions will be given to each applicant desiring to earn a billiard table as soon as entry is received Entries from Zanesville and vicinity will report to the office for supplies and those living farther away will mail the entry blank to The Brunswick Junior Playmate is approximately 2 feet by 4 feet properly proportioned and may be folded up and put away after using Examinations and Consultation ree Address all communications to WEIST NOW LETS START SOMETHING Millions have voted for a "New We want a new deal too We have a service to fit any pocketbook Send us something to launder or dry clean this week MUSKINGUM LAUNDRY CO Mata LEWISVILLE Mr and Mrs Hattie Denbow enter ialned last week with a rabbit sup per and quilting bee for the follow ing guests: Mr and Mrs Lorn Reb mon and daughter Wanda Lee Mr and Mrs George Distler and daugh ter Lillian Sanford riday Mr and Mrs Chrouse Mrs Iccl Howes and ions Bobby and Donald and daughter Marjorie Kenneth Denton and host and hostess Mrs Leona Metzer Lewisville is visiting home folks In Columbus Mrs Wllda Dewitt Columbus Is spending Thanksgiving week with her parents Mr and Mrs Charles elock Mrs Mary Denbow and Rena Mor ris are visiting relatives at Byesville over the week end Miss Ada Sloan Miss Lillian Distler and Sanford riday shopped at Barns vlllo last week Edward Brubach Canton visited at his home during the first week ot hunting season ranklin Bott' and Robert Dedal Lewisville who are attending school at Ohio University spent the week end with home folks and friends Mr and Mrs John Denbow has as their guests Sunday Rev and Mrs A Horney Lewisville BOYSP EE! I I RI II IIIJJM i 7 1 Sb x7 7 IM 'I i 'JL i 7 I 1 I' WWk J' I i 'M SI I i eat i tuMtr 7 'A 4 vW MSf A 7 a i EL A I rOk 4 asMaW Ml 4 1 I XX I 7 i il XX fin 1 'sirrtrinnnr" Ka CD 1 1 IB Randolph I ISi' I.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 5906

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.