The Loud House Movie/Transcript (2024)



[The movie begins with a shot above the clouds; the camera phases through them to reveal the town of Royal Woods, Michigan, 22 Years Ago, to which the camera pans over. A younger Lynn Sr. is dancing out of a movie theater as a song starts to play. As he goes, he finger-guns at a younger Kotaro, who is washing windows; he thumbs Lynn Sr. up. Lynn Sr. continues to dance in front of Flip's Fruit and Freeze cart; Flip gives him a snow cone, who also thumbs Lynn Sr. up.]

Woke up just like any morning ♫

♫ New day, same sunlight pouring down

[After eating said snow cone, Lynn Sr. dances past a younger Mr. Grouse, who is reading a newspaper. Mr. Grouse takes his eyes off the paper, and his eyes widen.]

Danced on to the beat I'm drumming ♫

♫ High hopes pulled my feet off the ground

[Lynn Sr. continues to dance. Meanwhile, a younger Rita, as a crossing guard, is busy allowing two kids, a teacher, and a teenage boy to cross. She looks over and covers her face with the "stop" sign, but takes a quick peek at the dancing Lynn Sr., who is now dancing in front of the school's entrance. It is love at first sight for Rita.]

Heart stopped, didn't see you coming ♫

♫ Felt like you took my breath away

[As Lynn Sr. shimmies over to her, Rita turns around and pulls out her compact and lipstick, putting the latter on and swishing her ponytail.]

I knew this was the start of something ♫

♫ And I think I knew you felt the same

[Lynn Sr. pulls Rita into a twirl. The moment he sees Rita, he too is struck with love at first sight. The two lock each other in the eyes, and they stop spinning.]

Time frozen, eyes open ♫

♫ Spun my world around in motion ♫

♫ Just a step away ♫♫ Just a slip of fate

[The school bell rings, and a lot of children pass, taking Rita with them. Rita collects herself and takes one last look at Lynn Sr., who is touched; he realizes she slipped a love letter into his pocket. The scene changes to their first date at Banger's & Mosh, laughing. The camera spins to Lynn Sr. doing a marriage proposal to Rita in a meadow, and spins again to them getting married before fading to them in front of the recently-sold Loud House.]

Oh, you'd never know how one simple interaction ♫

♫ Could lead you down a road ♫

♫ Where anything can always happen ♫♫ The picture in our mind changes all the time ♫♫ Bigger than what we'd imagined ♫♫ We wouldn't change a thing about it now ♫♫ Life is better loud

[Cut to inside the Loud House. Lynn Sr. notices Rita is pregnant and is surprised the baby kicked inside the belly. Lynn Sr. is stunned for a moment, then tenderly hugs Rita's tummy. Camera flashes show baby Lori being embraced by the parents, baby Leni toddling to Rita only for her sunglasses to fall over her eyes, baby Luna playing Lynn Sr.'s cowbell, baby Luan playing with sock puppets, baby Lynn kicking a ball Lori and Luna were playing with out the window, and the parents introducing baby Lincoln to his sisters. The sisters all "Aww" at Lincoln and look at each other excitedly. The next few shots show Lori and Leni giving Lincoln a makeover, Luna showing him a rock pose before he taps her nose, Luan performing to the other sisters while using him as a ventriloquist's dummy, Lynn beating him at a game of four-in-a-row, and him about to cry and getting cheered up when his sisters embrace him.]

Ain't no stopping now ♫

♫ Life is better loud

[The photo zooms out to reveal a photo album. The next few photos show baby Lucy playing with a skull-themed rattle with her bangs grown out, the parents bringing baby Lola and Lana home from the hospital with the kids fawning over Lola and cheering for Lana, baby Lisa helping Lori with her homework, and Lily posing happily. The final photo shows Lynn Sr. and Rita in front of the Loud House, followed by their eleven kids with Lily toddling by. The camera zooms in on Lily, and then cuts to her toddling past the logo of the original show. She looks back at the logo, takes off her diaper, and hits the logo, to which it spins around and transforms into a castle.]

Oh, it feels like home no matter where we are together ♫

♫ Wish we'd always known the bigger crowd was always better ♫

♫ We wouldn't change a thing about it now ♫♫ Life is better loud (In the Loud House! The Loud House!) ♫♫ Life is better loud (In the Loud House! The Loud House!) ♫Loud House!

[A second later, a banner reading "Movie" lands on the bottom of the logo.]

Lily: "Movie!"

[Present day. It is an early morning at the Loud House. Lily is heard laughing, followed by Lincoln. Cut to Lincoln's room, where the two mentioned siblings are sitting on the latter's bed.]

Lincoln: "Okay, Lily, I didn't wake you up at six in the morning just to play." [Lily laughs again.] "It's time for another lesson on how to survive in a big family."

Lily: [determined] "Poo-poo."

Lincoln: "Lesson #374." [turns on a projector; the first slide shows Lynn Sr. with a platter of burritos] "Breakfast Burrito Saturday."

Lily: [gasps] "Bawitotos!"

Lincoln: "Now that you have teeth..." [The next slide shows an image of Lily; an arrow pointing at her one tooth.] "You'll want one of Dad's famous breakfast burritos all to yourself."

[The next slide shows Lily at the dining room table with a burrito in front of her.]

Lily: [reacting to the slide] "Wiwy!"

Lincoln: "Just like your sisters."

[The next slide after that shows all nine other sisters reaching out to take Lily's burrito. Lily giggles, jumps off Lincoln's bed, and toddles her way to the slide with beady eyes.]

Lily: "Sisters!"

Lincoln: "Which means it's you against them at the table."

[The next slide shows a fight cloud from all ten sisters.]

Lily: [gasps] "Uh-oh."

Lincoln: "Don't worry, because your big brother is the Man with the Plan. Patent pending."

[The next two slides read LINCOLN LOUD: MAN WITH THE PLAN, with a "Patent Pending" sticker at the bottom left corner on one of the slides. Lily giggles again as she makes her way back to her brother.]

Lincoln: "And today's plan..." [turns off the projector and the room's lights are now turned on] " to get to those burritos before our sisters wake up." [sniffs the air] "I can smell 'em now. Okay, Lily, it's go time!"

[Lincoln tears away his pajamas to reveal his usual every day clothing. Lily follows suit by tearing off her diaper and throws it at the door, until a splat is heard. The two siblings look over, realizing that could only mean one thing...]

Lily: "Poo-poo..."

[Lincoln looks back at Lily.]

[In the bathroom, Lincoln is changing Lily's diaper.]

Lincoln: "So all you need to do is just watch and learn." [sets Lily down on the floor] "Because around here, no one outsmarts Lincoln..." [He opens the bathroom door, only to meet something... or a couple someone's... unexpected.] "...Loud."

[The rest of Lincoln's older sisters and younger sisters just happen to be standing in the hallway.]

Lori: [smirks] "Nice try, Lincoln, but you're not the only one who remembered it's Breakfast Burrito Saturday."

Sisters: "Yay! Burritos!"

[The girls rush downstairs in burrito-induced excitement, though the Man with the Plan isn't letting a wrench in his plan ruin it. He takes the carpet and waves it, creating a fabric wave that sends the sisters wayward and into the open front door, which Lily closes.]

Lori: "Lincoln!"

[Lincoln, who had just taken the banister downstairs, high-fives his baby sister, who laughs triumphantly.]

Lincoln: "The key to having a plan is to always have a backup plan." [finger-guns Lily]

Lily: [finger-guns back] "Backup plan."

[At the dining room, Lynn Sr. enters from the kitchen, dancing with a plate of burritos]

Lynn Sr.: "♫ Hot, burritos, hot, hot burritos, hey! Do a little dance and move your feet-os! ♫" [notices Lincoln and Lily at the table] "Hey! Morning, Lincoln." [taps Lily's nose] "Hello, Lily."

Lily: "Bawitotos."

Lynn Sr.: "That's right, sweetie. Bawitotos."

[Lynn Sr. kisses her cheek, and Lily giggles as Lincoln takes his burrito from the platter.]

Lynn Sr.: [to Lincoln] "Hey, where's the rest of your sisters? I thought I heard them coming down." [goes back to the kitchen]

Lincoln: "Did you?" [slyly] "Huh..."

[He prepares to take a bite, but the front door bursts open, and the other sisters storm in and glare at the two.]

Lincoln: [about to become toast] "Uh-oh."

[The girls all jump on them, as Luan slaps the burrito out of Lincoln's hand, and fight for the other burritos, causing a fight cloud to ensue. Lincoln and Lily are revealed to have hidden under the table, safe from the fight.]

Lincoln: [sighs] "Sorry, Lily. So much for watching and learning."

[Lily reveals she has a burrito in her diaper.]

Lily: "Backup plan!"

Lincoln: [impressed] "Oh-ho-ho! The student has become the master!"

[Master and apprentice split the burrito, toast with their halves, and dig in. Meanwhile, the other sisters are still fighting for the rest of the burritos; Luan, Lynn, Lori, Luna and the twins are engaged in a tug-of-war, Leni uses her superior height to keep her burrito away from Lisa's little arms, and Lucy is unharmed, eating her burrito. Suddenly, a whistle is blown off-screen, ceasing the burrito brawl. Rita appears, holding the whistle.]

Rita: "Lola, we need to go if you want to make it to your recital on time."

Lisa: "Don't forget my science fair!"

Lucy: "I have the Junior Morticians' Death Match."

Lana: "I'm working pit crew at the race track!"

[The rest of the girls (sans Leni) all ramble, saying they have an activity to attend to as well...]

Lynn: "Soccer playoffs!"

Luan: "I'm competing in Joke-A-Palooza!"

Luna: "Don't forget my shred-off!"

Rita: [screams in shock] "You all have activities today?!"

Leni: "Not me." [Rita sighs in relief] "I just have my fashion show."

Rita: [shocked] "That's an activity, honey!"

[A frazzled Lynn Sr. enters, seeing the unprepared state of his wife.]

Lynn Sr.: "We're not prepared for this. This is a ding-dang disaster! What do we do?!" [runs around, freaking out] "Don't panic! Don't panic!" [screams] "DON'T PANIC!"

[Rita and the girls are freaking out as well, with Lynn Sr. gnawing on the doorway to the kitchen. Lincoln and Lily pull up the tablecloth.]

Lincoln: "Relax, everybody." [They crawl out from the table as he picks up Lily, walking toward the living room] "I got this." [Mostly everyone relaxes, and smiles, knowing he does got this.] "Another lesson, Lily." [sets Lily on the stairs] "It's always more important to help your family than to outsmart 'em." [places headphones on the infant, then pulls out a megaphone.] "Alright Louds, let's go, go, go!" [puts away the megaphone and holds up Lori's golf clubs] "Lori, golf clubs."

Lori: [takes them and heads out the door] "Thanks, Linc!"

Lincoln: [holds up some measuring tape] "Leni, measuring tape."

Leni: [takes it and heads out] "Thanks, Lincoln!"

Lincoln: [holds up Luna's guitar, and a microphone] "Luna, guitar."

Luna: [takes them and heads out] "Thanks, bro!"

Lincoln: [holds up a soccer ball] "Lynn, soccer ball." [tosses it to Lynn]

Lynn: [has the ball bouncing on her head as she heads out] "Yeah-yuh!"

Lincoln: [holds up a rubber chicken] "Luan, rubber chicken."

[Luan takes the rubber chicken and laughs. Cut to outside the Loud House where the girls are heading to Vanzilla as Lincoln continues to hand them their belongings.]

Lincoln: "Lucy, black veil."

Lucy: "Thanks." [heads to the van, putting on the veil]

Lincoln: "Lola, flaming baton."

Lola: "Thanks, Lincoln!" [heads to the van, twirling her baton]

Lincoln: "Lana..." [grunts] "Wrench set."

Lana: "Thanks, Linc!" [heads to the van, carrying her wrench set]

[Lincoln and Lisa walk out of the house next, with Lincoln holding a beaker of some colored liquid.]

Lincoln: "Lisa, ammonium di..."

Lisa: "Dichromate. Thank you, male sibling."

[Lisa takes the beaker and heads to the van; the parents as well.]

Rita: "Alright, we got everything?" [rubs Lincoln's head as she passes him]

Lynn Sr.: "Yup, we're good to go!"

Lincoln: [notices something] "Mom, Dad, you forgot something!"

[The parents stop walking and turn around, just in time to have Lincoln walk toward them, holding out an annoyed Lily.]

Rita: [sheepishly] "Oh, sorry, sweetie."

[Lincoln gives Lily to his mother; the infant letting out a groan in response. Vanzilla drives off.]

[On the road.]

Lynn Sr.: "Okay, where to first?"

Lucy: [in unison] "Cemetery."

Lana: [in unison] "Race track!"

Lynn: [in unison] "Soccer field!"

Lincoln: [quiets them] "Dad, Lori's first." [points toward] "Take a right!"

[Lynn Sr. floors it. At the golf course, a putt shoots the golf ball toward the hole, done by Lori. She manages to sink it in, and the crowd of people politely applaud. The Loud family on the other hand, certainly have their own way of "applause". Lincoln takes a picture on his phone, Lisa writes in her notepad, Lynn is holding up a "#1" sign, Luna throws up the horns, Luan has a foam finger, and Lynn Sr. blasts an airhorn.]

Lynn: [chanting] "Lori! Lori! Lori!"

[Lori is given a trophy for coming in first place.]

Lori: "Can someone please hold this for a minute?"

Lincoln: [drives a golf cart up to her] "I got it!" [Lori gives him the trophy and then takes a selfie] "Leni's next!"

[Lynn Sr. inserts the keys in to start the van and drives out of the course.]

Lincoln: "Go left! I know a shortcut!"

[Vanzilla jerks left as the smoke transitions to Leni sliding a sewing needle into a lime green dress. The model presents it and gets applause from the audience. Leni beams and walks out, squealing excitedly. The Louds cheer for her as Lincoln takes another picture and Lisa writes more in her notepad.]

Lola: "Amazing!"

[Leni holds up her trophy and gives it to Lincoln as he runs across.]

Lincoln: "Gotta go!"

[Back in the van...]

Lynn Sr.: "Who's next?"

Lincoln: "It's Luna time!"

[Lynn Sr. spins the steering wheel around, having Vanzilla turn another direction. Cut to Luna, on stage, performing a wicked solo on her trusty guitar. The family, including Sam, all cheer for her.]

Lincoln: "Go, Luna!" [wolf-whistles]

[Luna continues to rock out, letting out one final power chord, literally blowing the audience away, and the two competitors on stage. The Louds cheer for her once again as Lincoln takes another picture, Lori, Leni, and Lily throw up the horns, and Lisa writes more in her notepad. Luna holds up her trophy happily. Cut to outside.]

Luna: [gives him her trophy] "Thanks, bro!"

Lincoln: [on the megaphone] "Go, go, go!"

[His family head inside the van while Lincoln tosses the megaphone away into the trunk, followed by one of Luna's amps, and closes the trunk. Vanzilla pulls up at the Chortle Portal next.]

Luan: [doing her stand-up routine] "Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!" [squeezes the rubber chicken and laughs]

[One of the judges spits out her water onto another judge, having him fall out of his chair, all the while laughter can be heard. The judges all give Luan a ten. Luan holds up her trophy and the Louds cheer.]

Luan: [calling out] "Hey, Lincoln!"

[Lincoln runs up and Luan gives him the trophy.]

Lincoln: "I got it."

[Vanzilla drives up to the soccer field. Lynn kicks the soccer ball.]

Lynn: "She shoots..." [Her family gasps in suspense. She manages to make the winning goal.] "She scores!" [She is given the MVP trophy and is held up in the air by her teammates as the Louds cheer] "Lincoln, catch!"

[Lynn tosses the trophy Lincoln's way. The trophy hits Lincoln in the face but he manages to catch it.]

Lincoln: "Oof! Got it!" [falls over] "Dang it."

[Vanzilla drives past the cemetery, where the Junior Morticians' Death Match is taking place at. Bertrand is given third, Haiku is given second, and Lucy is given the trophy for first as she stands up from the grave. Lucy holds it up while the two competitors applaud, as well as Lincoln.]

Lucy: "Lincoln."

[Lincoln walks over and takes the trophy from her. Once he did, Lucy lets herself fall back into the grave, smiling. Lincoln takes notice of this, circles back, and drags her away.]

Lincoln: "You're next, Lola!"

[Vanzilla pulls up at the Royal Woods Hotel. Lola performs her flaming-baton twirling for the talent portion at the Lil Miss Everything pageant and is crowned the winner, even given a sash. As she waves to the crowd, she notices Lincoln taking the crown off her head.]

Lola: "Uh-uh!" [slaps Lincoln's hand and takes it back]

Lincoln: "Ow!"

Lola: "Hands off!" [puts it back on]

[Lincoln rubs his hand for a second, and shakes it off.]

Lincoln: "Come on!" [heads inside the van] "We gotta get to Lana's race!"

[His family follows suit, and Vanzilla then pulls up at the racetrack, coincidentally being next to the hotel. Lana, and the rest of the pit crew, just finished repairing Bobbie Fletcher's car, and the race goes underway. Later on, all the racecars pass the checkered flag, and Lincoln cheers. Lana and the crew seemingly pose for a photo as a woman, holding a wreath, walks up to them.]

Lana: [points to her brother] "Lincoln will hold it."

[The woman places the wreath around Lincoln's neck. Vanzilla's last stop is at the institute.]

Lincoln: "Lisa, you're up!"

[Her focus at its highest, Lisa drops a chemical into a beaker, causing a chemical reaction. Later, she solves an equation on a chalkboard, clapping the erasers. The scientists applaud, upon noticing the family's erupts of cheer. Lisa holds up her ribbon and gives it to Lincoln; both staring confidently.]

[It is now the middle of the evening. Vanzilla pulls up at Lynn Sr.'s restaurant: Lynn's Table.]

Sisters: [chanting and getting out of the van] "We are the Louds! Loud and proud! We are the Louds! Loud and proud! We are the Louds...!"

[The van door shuts while Lincoln, Lily, Rita, and Lynn Sr. stay behind. Exhausted, the parents let out a breather.]

Rita: "Oh! We did it. Thank you, Lincoln."

Lynn Sr.: "You sure know how to keep the old Loud fam' running smoothly, kiddo."

[Lincoln smiles heartwarmingly at the compliment as gentle music plays in the background. Meanwhile, inside the restaurant, the sisters are all sat at a booth, still chanting. Lincoln, Lily, and their parents enter the scene, smiling. Scoots drives her scooter past them, having the three yelp and step back.]

Scoots: "Yeah, Loud and too loud."

[Lincoln takes a seat at the booth and chats with his sisters.]

Lynn Sr.: [to Rita] "Honey, let's get a pic of the kids for our Loud Wall of Fame."

Rita: "Oh, great idea!" [takes out her phone] "Everyone, hold up your trophies!"

[The girls start to get out their trophies.]

Leni: "Get my good side."

Lola: "I only have good sides."

Lynn: [holds her trophy up] "Yeah!"

Lucy: [holds hers up next] "Not sure I'll show up, but..."

Luan: "Get my funny side."

Lincoln: [dodges a few trophies practically thrown his way] "Whoa! Hey! Watch out!"

[Lincoln then gets hit by Luna's trophy as he goes flying out of the booth and collapses on the floor with a thud.]

Rita: "Okay, everyone, squeeze in."

[Lincoln gasps.]

Sisters: "Sisters!"

[Lynn Sr. gives a thumbs up as Rita takes the photo, and the sisters all laugh.]

Lincoln: "Hey. Guys, wait for me!"

Male Customer: [offscreen] "Look, it's the Loud sisters!"

Teri: "Nobody tosses a baton like that one!" [pulls on her hair gently as the man seated across from her takes out his phone]

Uncle Jack's Nephew: [spits out some of his chicken] "She embalmed my Uncle Jack!"

Male Customer #2: [takes out his phone] "I wish my family was as talented as they are!"

[He, followed by the other customers in the restaurant, get out of their seats and run toward the Loud girls' booth. Lincoln yelps as he tries to shield himself from being stamped on. He gets up and sees everyone crowding around the booth attempting to get a picture with his sisters.]

Man: "Selfie!"

Woman: "Can I get an autograph?"

[Lincoln looks on, hurt.]

Scoots: [fed up with this] "Agh." [starts to leave] "Enough loudness. Scoots out."

[Lincoln stands up, but Scoots unknowingly rams into him, having him hold onto the scooter.]

Scoots: [notices] "Hey! You gotta pay to ride this hog, sonny."

[This takes him out the door. Lincoln then sees the doors are starting to close.]

Lincoln: "Wait!" [Too late. The doors shut in front of him. And, to add insult to injury, it is locked from inside.] "Hey!" [banging on the doors] "Hey, guys?" [moves toward the window next to the door] "I want to be in the photo!"

[No response. All Lincoln can do is just look on as his sisters are given praise, on top of praise, through the window as poignant music fades into the background. Back inside...]

Male Customer #3: "Oh, you just must be so proud of your girls."

Lynn Sr.: [holding Lily; wiping a tear in pride] "You're ding-dang darn tootin'!"

Rita: "They are very special."

[The parents embrace Lily, who giggles, and Lincoln has been watching all that as his face slowly adapts to a sad, yet depressive expression. Scoots scoots back to him...]

Scoots: "No trophy, no photo!" [laughs as she scoots off] "Loserrrrrrr!"

[Lincoln looks down. The sisters are basking in it now.]

Lynn: "Guess what?! I'm gonna be in the newspaper!"

Lola: "That lady wants to interview us on TV!"

Lori: "Most 'likes' ever!"

Lola: "Me too!"

[An electric guitar starts to play an introduction in the background as Lincoln continues to watch through the window.]

Lynn Sr.: "How cool is that?!"

Sisters: [shouting] "YEAH!" [cheering]

Lana: [laughs] "Yes!"

Lynn Sr.: "Let's go home and put these trophies on display!"

Luan: "Yeah!"

Lincoln: [sighs in despondence] "I wish everyone thought I was special..." [starts singing]

They say it doesn't matter ♫

♫ How you look or where you've been ♫

♫ So why do I need a thousand likes ♫♫ To feel like I fit in?

[Lincoln walks away from the window, and out into the town of Royal Woods on a starry night. A flyer blocks his face. He takes it off him and stares at it. The flyer displays his sisters with "LOUD SISTERS!!!" as the header. He moves his thumb away to show he's in the photo too, but is being pushed away by Lola.]

I'd probably have it easy ♫

♫ If I were the only kid ♫

♫ But when you live with ten superstars ♫♫ It's hard for you to win

[Lincoln lies down onto the pavement outside Flip's Food and Fuel. Flip pushes his broom against the boy; Lincoln sits up and looks up at him. Flip angrily points to a sign saying, "NO PITY PARTIES ON THE PROPERTY", and another sign ironically saying, "AND NO SINGING".]

I wish I could be ♫

♫ Someone extraordinary ♫

♫ But I'm just me ♫♫ And that's too ordinary

[Lincoln gets up and starts to leave, yet Flip sweeps him away. The sole boy starts to dance across town.]

Is there ever gonna be ♫

♫ A place in the spotlight just for me?

[The display televisions inside the store's window behind Lincoln are apparently broadcasting his sisters' talents. He then spins around onto a street lamp, then runs under another one.]

When the world can finally see ♫

♫ I'm special like my family ♫

♫ Will there be a time ♫♫ When I really shine?

[The street lamp's light that was casting on him goes out.]

Am I always gonna be ♫

♫ Plain old ordinary me? (Ah-ah-ah)

[Lincoln walks under another street lamp, and that one goes out too. Then two lights above shine onto a billboard, which displays his sisters. The scene fades to Lincoln as he finishes the song...]

Plain old ordinary me? ♫

♫ Am I always gonna be ♫

♫ Plain old, regular, boring ♫♫ Unremarkable, ordinary me?

[Lincoln puts his head down onto a counter. The spotlight silhouette fades away and shows that he is now at the McBrides' kitchen. Clyde stares at him, looking concerned.]

Clyde: "Ordinary? You're talking crazy."

Lincoln: [adjusts his posture] "You're just saying that because you're my best friend. Name one thing that makes me special."

Clyde: "How about three? You've read every single Ace Savvy comic twice..." [Lincoln is suddenly in his Ace Savvy cosplay, and sports a heroic grin] "You're the fifth best junior magician in Royal Woods...." [Another Lincoln is in his magician attire; cards spew out from inside his hat] "And that history report you wrote? It was like I was at the signing of the Declaration of Independence!"

[That last statement proves just that historic event, and Clyde smiles. Poof transition back to Clyde's kitchen.]

Clyde: "Oh! And you can sing. That's four!"

Lincoln: "Anyone can do those things." [groans] "Admit it, Clyde. I'm always going to be stuck in my sisters' shadows!" [buries his face into the counter]

Clyde: "I know exactly what'll cheer you up." [dives behind the counter; seconds later, he re-emerges with...] "My homemade cream puffs. Or as I like to call them..." [sets them down] "'dream puffs'."

[Lincoln takes one of the puffs, and eats it, savoring the taste. It is at this moment, his emotional dam finally breaks, crying hysterically and banging the counter.]

Clyde: "What?! What is it?! Too much cinnamon?! Not enough cinnamon?! Actually, the recipe doesn't call for cinnamon, but I can add it in --"

Lincoln: "No, no, no, Clyde, it's the best!" [eats another, then sobs a bit; his voice wavering] "It's just that you, my sisters..." [takes another puff] "Everyone is good at something. Except me..." [continues to cry]

[The camera zooms into Clyde's worried face.]

Clyde's Thoughts: "Nice one, Clyde. You just made it worse!"

Clyde: "Well, I'm not that good at baking."

[Hearing that, Lincoln puts down his cream puff, gets off his stool, and walks off.]

Lincoln: "Then how do you explain this?"

[Lincoln waves a hand at all the different trophies, ribbons, and other various awards Clyde has received in baking, and there are a lot of them.]

Clyde: "I'm just lucky." [walks toward the awards] "Baking runs in my family."

Lincoln: "What do you mean?"

[Flashback to Clyde and his Nana Gayle heading up the steps of a plane, waving goodbye to Clyde's dads, Howard and Harold.]

Clyde: [narrating] "Remember when I took that trip to France with Nana Gayle?"

[The plane flies overhead, then the camera pans down to a bakery. An elderly dark-skinned woman is standing in front of it, holding a basket of bread in one hand, and a recipe book in the other.]

Clyde: "That's where I met my great Nana May, who owns a bakery in Paris."

May: "Bonjour."

Clyde: "She told me about my great-great Nana Collette, who ran a crepe shop in Calais."

[Cuts to his Nana Collette outside her bakery, holding two crepes, and her recipe book.]

Collette: "Bonjour."

Clyde: "And my great-great-great-great-great Nana Helene, who baked for the French royal family."

[Another cut to his Nana Helene, standing inside her bakery, holding a desert, and her recipe book.]

Helene: "Enchanté."

[Another flashback takes its place. Gayle holds up the recipe books.]

Clyde: "When I got home, Nana Gayle showed me their recipe books, and I made cream puffs." [The flashback cuts to Clyde and Gayle making the cream puffs.] "She said baking was in my genes, just like Nana May, Nana Collette, and Nana Helene."

[Three boxes display all three of Clyde's nanas. Back to the present. Lincoln gasps excitingly.]

Clyde: "Sorry, was that confusing? It was a lot of nanas."

Lincoln: "No. You just gave me an awesome idea!" [heads off] "You're the best, best friend ever!" [shuts the front door and leaves]

[The slight impact of the door shutting seemed to have made one of the awards tilt, and Clyde adjusts it back to its correct angle. Just then, the door opens, Lincoln runs back in, then walks back out carrying the cream puffs, and then the door closes again. The award tilts, and Clyde adjusts it once more.]

[Meanwhile, it is nighttime at the Loud House…]

Rita: "Hey, kiddos, it's late. Time to get ready for bed." [Lori is texting, and Leni is painting her nails, in their room] "Last one has to take out the garbage!" [Luan is reading a joke book, and Luna jumps down from her bunk in their room. Lynn and Lucy are in their room...] "For the rest of the month!"

[Hearing this sends the siblings into a rush-induced frenzy; Lynn and Lucy cat-fight each other, the twins are stuck at their doorway as they wrestle for firsties, Lily is chewing on her rattle as Lisa, who had heard the announcement, drops the chemical she's working on without looking, starting to cause an explosion. She notices and starts her own rush.]

Lisa: "Uh-oh!" [grabs Lily] "A suburb time to evacuate the premises!"

[She rushes out her door, with Lily in tow, as the others exit to the bathroom...]

Lori: "I get the mirror first!"

Luna: "Not happenin', dude!"

[Leni just exits.]

Luan: "You can't brush me off!" [laughs]

[Lynn and Lucy are still cat-fighting each other, and the twins have finally exited their room as Lisa and Lily run towards the bathroom.]

Lisa: "Quickly! Let's skedaddle!"

[All four are able to make it as the chemical explodes.]

[Later, everyone is in the bathroom brushing their teeth, except for Leni, who is brushing her hair, Luan, who is flossing her teeth, Lily, who is taking a bath in the sink, and Lynn Sr., who is trying to pluck out his nose hairs.]

Lori: [angrily to Leni] "Um, I'm literally trying to brush my teeth here."

Rita: "We all are, honey."

[Lucy gargles her toothpaste and spits it out into the sink.]

Leni: "Shh, I'm trying to brush my hair and you keep making me lose count."

Lynn Sr.: "Yeah, well, I'm plucking nose hairs and I lost count too!"

[Everyone else starts arguing. Lincoln pops up from behind.]

Lincoln: "Mom! Dad!"

Luan: [laughs] "Lincoln has to take out the trash for a month!"

Lincoln: [to Luan] "I don't care." [turns to his parents, grunting] "What part of the world are we from?"

Lynn: [seeing toothpaste on her sleeve] "Who spit toothpaste on my arm?"

Lincoln: "Clyde's family's from France!"

Rita: "Well, my family is from right here in Royal Woods, honey."

Lynn Sr.: "I'm not sure where my family is from originally. Why?"

Lincoln: "Because if we knew, we could take a vacation, and meet our relatives."

[That gets the family's attention, and the girls ramble amongst themselves, mostly to their parents, who look at each other concerned.]

Lana: "Vacation!"

Lola: "Five-star hotel, please."

Lincoln: "All we need to do is find out where Dad's family is from."

[The girls join Lincoln in convincing their parents into finding out.]

Rita: "Okay, let's just slow down, everyone."

Lynn Sr.: "Well, can't hurt to find out."

Lisa: "All I will need, Father, is a DNA sample."

Lynn Sr.: "No needles." [shivers] "I hate needles!"

Lisa: "Pshaw. Oh, Father." [shines a light onto her face, which changes to a wicked grin] "Needles are for amateurs."

[In Lisa and Lily's room, Lisa pushes a few buttons and flips a switch on for a centrifuge machine. Said machine is connected to a rotator at a capsule going practically at hyperspeed with Lynn Sr. inside as his family looks on. He squeals as his head is squished back into the seat he is sitting in. Later, Lisa pushes buttons on a different device; this one repeatedly dunking Lynn Sr. into a tank of water as Rita, Lori, the twins, and Lily observe this, Lori recording this on her phone.]

Lynn Sr.: "I shoulda... picked the... needles!"

Rita: [wincing at everything her husband is enduring] "Boy, I'm glad I know where I'm from."

[Lisa activates a third device. Lynn Sr. is strapped on a table as six fingers repeatedly tickle him, having him laugh uncontrollably.]

Lynn Sr.: [as he's laughing] "Please don't!"

[Lisa pulls a switch, shutting down the machine. A dazed Lynn Sr. collapses on the ground and drools, which Lisa collects in a pipette.]

Lincoln: "You couldn't have just made him spit in a cup?"

Lisa: "There's a scientific word for that..." [turns to her brother] "Boring."

[Lincoln is surprised at this response.]

[In the living room, from Lynn Sr.'s point of view, he starts to regain consciousness with his daughters (sans Lisa) all staring at him. Lincoln then comes into view.]

Lincoln: "Dad!"

[Scene switches to normal POV]

Lynn Sr.: [fully awake] "Dahhh, no more tickles!" [flails around a bit, prompting Lincoln to scream and dash off]

Rita: [walks up to her husband and consoles him] "Oh, there, there."

Lynn Sr.: [scared] "Is it over?!"

Lisa: "Indeed." [tosses a circular-looking device onto the floor] "My test has determined that we hail from a land of the Romans called..." [The device pops out its legs, and the flaps open up to portray a grid-enhanced holographic image of...] "Caledonia."

[The siblings are confused.]

Lincoln: "Uh, just give us the street name, Lis."

Lisa: [walks through the hologram] "Street name:..." [presses a button on a remote, switching the name "Caledonia" to...] "Scotland."

[Now they are fascinated.]

Lincoln: "Whoa! Scotland?"

Luna: "We have family in Scotland?"

Lana: "Cool!"

Leni: "So exotic."

Lola: "So international."

Rita: "So expensive. Thirteen of us traveling all that way?"

[The hologram disappears.]

Lynn Sr.: "I know, but we always do find a way to make vacations work." [puts an arm around his wife] "And the kids always have so much fun."

[The kids plead to their parents to take them there.]

Lola: [drags Lynn Sr. down to her level; whispering] "Prove your love to us..."

[They look up at Rita, who thinks it over, and makes a decision.]

Rita: "Scotland, here we come!"

[The kids all cheer in excitement. Lynn ruffles Lincoln's hair, and Lori texts away on her phone.]

Lynn Sr.: "Let's check the old vacay coin jar. This is just the kind of thing we've all been saving up for!"

[Lynn Sr. later empties the jar, and all there is is just one quarter as it lands on the coffee table.]

Lincoln: "Where'd all the coins go?"

[Lola attempts to sneak away, but the creaky staircase blows her cover and everyone looks at her.]

Lola: "What?! This winning smile doesn't whiten itself, you know."

[Lola rolls her tongue across her teeth and flashes them so bright, it blinds Rita, Luan, and Lily. Luna just puts on sunglasses.]

Luna: "No bucks, no luck, dudes."

[The family groans in disappointment.]

Lucy: "Really?"

Lincoln: [gets an idea and jumps onto the coffee table] "Mom, Dad, we can make this work! Trust me. We just gotta be..." [The camera does a close up on his determined face] "...a little adventurous."

[The next day, Vanzilla drives to the airport as an upbeat song starts to play. Inside the airport, Lincoln gives his plane ticket to an airline ticket agent. She reads that it's a Class F ticket, and then looks at the grinning family.]

I've packed up all my things ♫

♫ No, there's no looking back ♫

♫ I'm gonna leave it all behind

[A plane starts to take off. As it takes flight, a flight attendant gives a man his drink.]

We might not get tomorrow, we got today ♫

♫ We got no time to waste, cause it's now or never

[Down below, the Louds actually seemed to have made it... inside the cargo load, and it appears to be a quite a bumpy ride for them. Rita, Lynn Sr., and Lily notice wind blowing toward their direction and look over to see Lincoln waving to them, and holding up a parachute bag.]

Now, now ♫

♫ It's now, it's now ♫

♫ It's now, now ♫♫ It's now or never

[All the Louds are now skydiving off the plane. Lincoln pulls out a map and the camera zooms onto it, where the map is displaying the Louds' journey: the parachutes dropping into Paris, France, a bus driving to Germany (while consuming cheese and a sausage), a train making its way to Belgium, and a hot-air balloon over to the British Isles that is about to make it to the family's destination, but strong winds blow it away.]

Now, now ♫

♫ It's now, it's now ♫

♫ It's now, now ♫♫ It's now or never ♫♫ (Now, now, now, now) ♫♫ (Now, now, now, now) ♫♫ (Now, now, now, now) ♫♫ It's now or never

[Lincoln looks around, and spots something. Using Lana's face as a boost, he climbs up to deflate the balloon, and it makes a splash into the ocean. The Louds' balloon resurfaces, and Lincoln swims it over to a periscope peeking out from the water. He taps it, and it turns to him.]

I wanna see the world ♫

♫ Wanna do something new ♫

♫ And who knows what were gonna find ♫♫ It's now or never

[Once it does, a submarine resurfaces below the balloon. A female captain opens the hatch and gestures for them to hop in. The family all look at each other, smiling.]

Now, now ♫

♫ It's now, it's now ♫

♫ It's now, now ♫♫ It's now or never

[Fishes are swimming along underwater and Lincoln is seen looking out the window. Then all the fish spread out, and it shows all his sisters, even Lincoln, smooshed against the window.]

Now, now ♫

♫ It's now, it's now ♫

♫ It's now, now ♫♫ It's now or never

[The submarine takes off.]

[Bubbles pop up from the water. The submarine comes back up to the surface, and the captain opens up the hatch once again.]

Captain: "Loud family, welcome to Scotland."

[The Louds peek out and are greatly mesmerized at what is in front of them.]

Lincoln: "Whoa."

Leni: "Wow."

Lana: "Yeah!"

Lynn: "You did it, Stinkin'."

Lana: "Way to go, bro."

Luan: "Lincoln, you're the man."

Leni: "Totes awesome."

Rita: "Good job, Lincoln."

Lynn Sr.: "This is great, Lincoln."

Lori: "We're in Scotland!"

Lola: "It looks like something out of a fairy tale."

[The submarine continues its journey, heading towards the land ahead, an island taking cues from the Scottish: Loch Loud. The sub has docked, and the Louds exit.]

Lincoln: "I can't wait to meet our relatives."

Lynn: "Whoo!"

Luan: "Amazing."

Leni: "I don't see a mall, but it's still totes pretty."

Lucy: "It's so wonderful, I don't even mind seeing it in the sunshine."

[Lori spots something, gasps, and takes a photo on her phone.]

Lynn Sr.: [in a Scottish accent] "Time for a wee dauber doon yonder!"

Luan: "An accent already, Dad? Really?"

Lola: "At least he's not wearing a kilt."

Lynn Sr.: "Oh, yeah? Check it out!"

[Lynn Sr. takes off his khakis, revealing that he does have a kilt. The family (sans Lana) is taken aback.]

Lana: "Sweet knees, Pops."

Lori: "Ooh! Bobby's not gonna believe I'm here." [prepares to call him]

[At the Casagrande mercado in Great Lakes City, Bobby's laptop gets a call from Lori.]

Lori's ringtone: [looping] "Boo-Boo Bear! Boo-Boo Bear!"

[As the ringtone loops, Bobby, holding a sticker gun, perks up and scrambles to the counter, but not before falling.]

Bobby: "Owie!" [picks up] "Babe, I miss you so much!"

Lori: "Oh, Boo-Boo Bear!"

Bobby: "I hope you got my texts. I sent one every hour, on the hour, just like you asked. How's the vacay?"

Lori: [breaks up] "It's ama-a-a-a-a-zing here!"

Bobby: "What? Oh, I lost you there for a sec."

[On Lori's end, Bobby is also breaking up.]

Lori: "Oh, I was just saying how much I love Scotland!"

Bobby: "Babe!" [breaks up]

Lori: "Wait, you're breaking up. I can't hear you!"

[Cut back to the mercado.]

Bobby: "Babe, I can't hear you!"

Lori: [breaking up] "I love Scot-"

Bobby: "Babe!"

Lori: "B-br-breaking up... y-y-you!"

Bobby: "Wait, what?!"

Lori: "Brea-breaking up... you!" [cuts back to her end] "Stupid phone." [hangs up]

[Back at the mercado, a stunned Bobby drops the laptop, thinking Lori is breaking up with him. Ronnie Anne, having a popsicle, is revealed to have overheard everything.]

Ronnie Anne: "Did Lori just break up with you?"

Bobby: [on the verge of tears] "She said she's in love with some other guy!"

Ronnie Anne: "Well, don't just stand there! You can't let some other guy be her Boo-Boo Bear!"

Bobby: [determined] "Heck no, I can't! There's only one Boo-Boo Bear, and that's me. Looks like I'm going to Scotland!" [He bikes out the mercado] "Wait!"

Ronnie Anne: "Huh?"

Bobby: [bikes back inside] "What was I thinking? You can't ride a bike to Scotland..." [gets a helmet] "Without a helmet."

[He leaves the mercado, for real this time. Ronnie Anne slowly turns to the camera, completely stupefied.]

[Back in Scotland, the Louds have finally reached shore...]

Lincoln: "Okay, everyone, so what do you say we meet some Louds?" [His family cheers] "Hmmm..." [spots someone] "Hey, let's ask that fisherman where we can find them." [The others agree. The Louds advance on the fisherman, who is shocked and holds up a fish.] "Excuse me?" [The fisherman slightly lowers the fish] "We traveled halfway around the world to meet our relatives. We're the Louds. Do you know where we can-?"

Fisherman: "Louds? Louds?! LOUDS!" [bolts out of the harbor and into town] "LOUDS! LOUDS! LOUDS!"

[The Louds watch the fisherman flee in confusion.]

Lynn: "Think he's coming back?"

Lincoln: "Don't worry, everyone. I bet there are Louds this way. Follow me."

[The Louds head into town.]

Lynn: "Let's do this!"

[They enter the town, which is dotted with imagery of dragons.]

Lana: "Whoa, cool!"

[A flock of sheep stampede in front of them.]

Lola: "What the sheep?"

Lisa: "Hmmm. Quaint, yet illogical. Just like that door over there."

[She's pointing to a red door placed meters above the sidewalk. A dark-skinned woman exits the house.]

Mrs. Turnberry: "Have a lovely day, my dear."

[The Louds gasp (complete with Lucy saying "gasp") as the woman is about to fall into the sidewalk, but a man comes up with a ladder and places it on her doorstep. She walks down the ladder.]

Angus: "Watch your step, Mrs. Turnberry."

Mrs. Turnberry: "Thank you, Angus. Someday, someone will help us fix this silly town."

[The two head off into different directions.]

Angus: "One can only hope, ma'am."

Lisa: "Looks like someone failed Door Making 101."

Lincoln: [notices a sign] "Hey, I bet those signs will tell us where to look."

[They head over to a list of signs, but they're all jumbled...]

Lynn: "Or not."

Lisa: "Someone failed Sign Making 101, too."

[...and due to this obvious oversight, a woman, driving a car, is looping around the roundabout.]

Driver: "How do I get out of here?!"

Luna: [notices something] "Dudes, look at that!"

[At the bell tower, the big bell has been made into a nesting grounds for birds, and the town crier is using a little bell instead.]

Bell Ringer: "It's nine o'clock and all is WELLLL!" [dives into a tree as he gets attacked by the bird]

[Lori, Luan, Lynn, and the twins laugh at that.]

Lincoln: "Never seen that before."

Lynn Sr.: "Rita, they have a fish shop, and a chip shop!"

[Both shops' owners are arguing with each other.]

Fish Shoppe Owner: "The fish goes on the chips!"

Chip Shoppe Owner: "No, the chips go on the fish!"

Fish Shoppe Owner: "Nobody likes cold fish!"

Chip Shoppe Owner: "You the cold fish."

Fish Shoppe Owner: "Well, you married me, didn't ya?"

Luna: "This place is crazy town."

[The Louds start walking.]

Lynn: "Heh, talk about bonkers."

Lola: "Who's running this show?"

Leni: [to random citizens] "Have a nice day, Scott! Hi, Scott! Hey, Scott!"

Lori: "Why are you calling everyone Scott?"

Leni: "Um, we're in Scott-land. Duh." [keeps greeting citizens] "What's up, Scott? You must be-" [bumps into a young man carrying cloth. Both look each other in the eyes.] "Scott..."

Scott: "Yeah. How did you know that?"

[Both blush at each other.]

Lori: [offscreen] "Leni!"

Leni: "Uh, bye, Scott from Scott Land..." [Scott stares at her as she returns to her family] "That was Scott!"

[Meanwhile, other citizens are apparently in awe at the Loud family.]

Male Villager: "Could it be...?"

[The fisherman meets up with Angus.]

Fisherman: "Hey, Angus. You're not gonna believe who's here!" [points at the Louds] "Look!"

Male Villager #2: "Are those the Louds?"

Angus: [gasps in delight] "Well, blow my bagpipes!"

[The town's citizens are now crowding around the Louds.]

Lori: "Oh, hi!"

Lola: "Hello!"

Lori: "Everyone is so friendly."

Angus: [pushes through the crowd] "Pardon me. Are you really Louds?"

[A sheep bleats. The Louds pause for a second, before clamoring they are.]

Lynn Sr.: "Yeah, we sure are!"

Angus: [laughs] "Then welcome to Loch Loud!"

[The crowd parts, revealing the name of the town on various cars, trucks, and buildings as some sunlight pours in. Scottish music starts to play.]

Lincoln: "Loch Loud?"

Angus: "That's right, lad. This town was founded by your ancestors!"

[The Louds are fascinated.]

Luan: "Wow!"

[The crowd gathers as Angus starts singing. When he walks off, the Louds get excited and follow him.]

Angus:You see, about 400 years ago ♫

♫ Our village rose to fame ♫

By a family who founded all♫ I believe you know the name ♫But we lost our leaders, lost our way♫ We've never been the same ♫That family's name was Loud♫ And now you've come home again!

[While they go through Loch Loud, a few citizens jump into a river, from what was supposed to be a bridge, and Scott is moving a woman along, who is in the river, by pole, and then sees Angus and the Louds run by. Leni waves to him, and he waves back, not noticing a man is being dragged away in the river.]

Angus and Citizens:This town is named for you, yes ♫

♫ This town is named for you ♫

♫ This town is named for you, yes ♫♫ This town is named for you ♫♫ This town is named for you, yes ♫♫ This town is named for you ♫It's hard to believe, it's crazy but true♫ This town is named for you!

[Angus leads the Louds out of town.]

Angus:And 400 years we've waitedWith a hope as strong as stone♫ For the Louds to come back home again ♫♫ We've yearned

[A huge, yet ornate castle comes into view. Angus waves a hand to it, and the Louds are even more fascinated.]

In this glorious castle on the hillWe've been awaiting you♫ My Louds, at last, you've returned ♫Come on!

[Inside the castle, the castle stewardess, Morag, is bathing in a bathtub. She hears the commotion before getting annoyed. With a towel wrapped around her, she grabs binoculars, spots the portcullis drop, and is shocked to find the Louds on the castle territory.]

Angus and Louds:This town is named for you, yes ♫

♫ This town is named for you ♫

♫ This town is named for you, yes ♫♫ This town is named for you

[Morag gets nervous and backs away from the window.]

This town is named for you, yes ♫

♫ This town is named for you ♫

It's hard to believe, it's crazy but true♫ This town is named for you!

[The Louds run up to the entrance and take in their surroundings, admiring the scenery of the castle. Angus runs up to the entry doors.]

Angus:This town is named for you!

[The song ends.]

Leni: "'For You' is a weird name for a town."

Rita: "Uh, I-I'm sorry, but who are you?"

Angus: "Oh, ha! Forgive me. I'm Angus, the groundskeeper here at Loud Castle, and I welcome you to your ancestral home."

[Angus opens the doors to the castle to reveal a beautiful sight. The castle interiors are as royal as it is majestic. The Louds clamor in awe, and enter the Castle of Loud, taking in the sights around them. They can't believe their ancestors lived here, in a castle.]

Lucy: "Gasp."

Lana: "Sweet!"

Rita: "So fancy..."

Lola: "This is more like it."

Lynn: "Wowie... wow."

Lincoln: "I can't believe Louds lived here."

Rita: "We could fit a hundred of our houses in here."

[Upstairs, Morag bolts out of the bathroom wearing a towel, and enters another door. She exits, wearing her usual wear. Morag, in despair, sees the new visitors, then puts on a friendly face...]

Morag: "Oh me, oh my!" [traversing down the stairs] "Do my eyes deceive me? Why, you're, um..."

Angus: "Louds!"

Morag: "Yes, I heard the song, Angus. Everyone in Scotland heard the song."

[Angus bolts over to her and grips her in a bone-crushing hug.]

Angus: "Our dreams have come true, Morag! Louds are back after 400 years!"

[Angus beams, stars in his eyes.]

Morag: "Ho-oh, my!" [close-up] "Put. Me. Down."

Angus: "Oh, sorry! Sorry." [puts her down] "Loud family, may I introduce Morag, the castle caretaker."

[Enter Lola with her bag.]

Lola: "Oh! Would you care to take my bag?"

Rita: [pulls Lola away, leaving the bag there] "Lola! Heh heh, sorry."

[As Lola is dragged away, she points to her bag.]

Angus: "I can barely believe Louds have returned to their rightful place!"

Rita: "Well, for a week."

Angus: [crestfallen] "A week? Not forevermore?--"

Morag: [covering Angus' mouth] "Oh, let's not pry, Angus. The family is only here on holiday." [walks past the Louds] "Yes, well, I do hope you enjoy your visit. You'll find lovely accommodations in the village."

Angus: "Or they can stay here! It's their family's castle after all."

[Morag is not pleased; the Loud kids pull off their convincing eyes.]

Lana: "You mean it?"

Lynn Sr.: "We can stay?"

[Some of the kids ramble.]

Lynn: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Morag: [holding back her anger] "Mmph... what a..." [fake smiles] "...marvelous idea."

[The kids rush on over and hug her.]

Lucy: "I've never been so excited."

Leni: "Can we call you 'Aunty Morag'?"

[Morag pulls her head out of the hug.]

Morag: "Oi! Hands off the antiques!"

[Which Lynn Sr. is tinkering with…]

Lynn Sr.: "Oh."

[...and thus causing a stand of armor to fall apart...]

Morag: "Oh my."

Lynn Sr.: "It was like that already."

[...and the battle-axe falls and knocks a piece off-screen, accompanied with a cat screech. Morag turns to Lynn Sr.]

Lynn Sr.: [chuckles] "That one's on me."

Lincoln: [walks up to Angus] "Uh, Mr. Angus, sir, what can you tell us about our ancestors?"

Angus: "Oh. A grander clan this land has never seen!"

[Angus withdraws a small pair of curtains to reveal a painting of the Louds' ancestors, who are literally identical to them, but in royal Scottish attire, and in completely different hairstyles. The Louds are in awe.]

Luna: "Whoa."

Lynn: "Whoa-ho!"

Lana: "No... way!"

Lisa: "Am I experiencing double vision?"

Lynn Sr.: "It's old-timey us!"

Leni: "When did we pose for this?"

Lori: "Ten girls and one boy. Literally just like us."

Lucy: "That's amazing."

Luna: [giggles] "Yes!"

Lincoln: "Yeah. How about that...?" [sports a worried expression afterward]

[Morag, meanwhile, is picking up the parts of the armor while the Louds are still commenting on the painting.]

Morag: "Just a week... Only for a week..."

Angus: "Would you fancy a look at the rest of the castle?"

Louds: "Yes!"

[The Louds all run upstairs, except for Lincoln.]

Luan: "Last one to their room is a Scotch egg!" [Morag yelps, upon noticing this] "Get it?"

Leni: "No, I don't!"

Morag: [runs after them] "No touching!" [slips on an armor part and falls]

Lola: [sighs and takes her bag] "It's just impossible to find good help these days." [leaves]

Luan: [offscreen] "Woo-hoo!"

Morag: [stands up] "Oh!" [runs upstairs] "No roughhousing. Hey, you! Hey, hands off the tapestries. Tapestries!"

[Angus walks up and stops a few feet behind Lincoln, who continues to stare at the painting. He looks at it too.]

Lincoln: "So, let me guess. The sisters were all special, right?"

Angus: "Oh, aye. All were exceptional. Our loch has never seen anything quite like the Loud lassies."

Lincoln: [despondent] "Of course..."

Angus: [notices Lincoln's expression and smiles] "But, there was also-"

Lynn: "Oh, Stinkin'!"

Luan: [offscreen] "Lincoln!"

[Lincoln and Angus look to find Lynn, Lana, and Luna at the balcony.]

Lola: [offscreen] "Lincoln!"

Luna: "Come here!"

Lana: "Hurry!"

[The three girls run off.]

Lisa: [offscreen] "Chop, chop!"

Lincoln: "Sorry, Angus, I gotta go." [runs upstairs] "What? What is it?!"

Lori: [offscreen] "You have to see this!"

[Angus smiles warmly. Up in a hallway, Lincoln finds Lily, who giggles, and picks her up, then notices something.]

Lincoln: "Wow! Look at this!"

[The camera zooms out to show four doors lined up on both sides of the hallway. The sisters simultaneously open theirs.]

Lori: "We all get our own rooms!"

Sisters: "Lincoln, come look!"

[Leni, Luan, Lynn, Lola, and Lana grab Lincoln and drag him away with Lily in tow. His first stop is a violet-shaded room, where Luna is on a stage with her axe and amp.]

Luna: "I can jam in peace!" [plays a power chord on her axe]

Lincoln: "Cool!"

[He and Lily head into a black-shaded room, where Lucy is resting in a coffin.]

Lucy: "I can rest in peace."

Lincoln: "Spooky."

[Lily points downwards, and he jumps down into a pink-shaded room, where Lola is having a tea party.]

Lola: "No more tea parties ruined by Lana's burping!"

[Lana's own blue-shaded room comes in.]

Lana: "Wanna bet?" [belches loudly]

[The other three siblings all flinch from Lana's burping. Lincoln laughs as he and Lily go to Lori's gold-shaded room, and unknowingly splashes into a large bathtub, where Lori is bathing in.]

Lori: "My room has a hot tub." [takes Lily from Lincoln's hands]

Lincoln: [surfaces from the tub] "Yeah, I noticed."

[He climbs out the tub, and falls screaming into a green-shaded room, where Lisa is working on an experiment. Lily joins him.]

Lisa: "I've found my happy place!"

[A chemical explosion happens, sending Lincoln and Lily to Leni's teal-shaded room.]

Lily: "Boom-boom!"

Leni: [wearing a green boa] "Mine has a fashion runway!"

[She wraps Lincoln and Lily in the boa, sending them flying to a dark room.]

Lincoln: "Styling."

[A yellow spotlight shines, revealing Luan.]

Luan: [into a microphone] "Mine is big enough to be a comedy club!"

[Lynn opens Luan's door, revealing a red-shaded room.]

Lynn: "Haha! We each have our own bathroom!"

[The rest of the sisters enter Luan's room upon hearing that.]

Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa: "What?!"

Lynn: "I'm gonna take, like, a hundred leaks a day!"

[Lynn flushes the toilet, sending Lincoln, who screams, back in front of Angus while his other sisters dash off.]

Angus: "Ah, there you are, lad!" [catches Lily and tosses her; Lily giggles] "Now before you were whisked away, I tried to tell you that the most special of all your ancestors was the Duke."

Lincoln: "The 'Duke'?"

Angus: "Aye. And don't you know, you'll be staying in his room."

[Lincoln opens the door to the Duke's room and is completely stunned at what he sees. His ancestral double's visage adorns nearly every corner of his room.]

Lincoln: "Whoa... Wait. The boy in the painting was the Duke?"

Angus: [enters with Lily] "Aye." [shuts the door behind him]

Lincoln: "Hang on. The boy in the painting with the white hair was the Duke?"

Angus: "Aye."

Lincoln: "The boy in the painting with the white hair that had ten sisters and looked just like ME..." [gets sparkly eyed] "...was the Duke?!"

Angus: "The one and only! He was the most special Loud there ever was."

Lincoln: "Yes!" [slaps his cheeks to make them rosy like the Duke's]

Angus: "Far and wide, people knew his name. His deeds were noble. His heart was stout."

[As Angus speaks, Lincoln gets near paintings of his ancestral double and imitates his various poses. Just then, Lynn and Lana barge into his room after Lily claps happily.]

Lynn and Lana: [looking around the room] "Whoa."

Lynn: [gives Lincoln a thumbs-up] "Sweet digs, Stinkin'."

Lincoln: [giddy] "The boy was the Duke!"

Lana: "Whatever tugs your tonsils, bro." [to Angus] "Hey, Angus, what's the deal with all the dragon stuff?"

Angus: "Ah, so you noticed! If it's dragons you fancy, there's something you should see." [As he and Lily leave, Lynn and Lana follow, the latter laughing merrily.] "Come with me."

[As soon as they left the room, Lincoln looks somewhere else and gasps. What stands in front of him is the Duke's crown on a pedestal. He is in amazement as he walks over to it. The second he sees his reflection in the crown, his smile grows wide and gets beady eyed.]

[Angus, Lynn, Lana, and Lily take a walk outside the castle. Lynn and Lana are looking at the dragon statues.]

Angus: "The reason why dragons are celebrated here is that they are a part of our history."

Lana: "I knew it! Dragons are for reals."

Lynn: [imitates a buzzer] "Sounds like hooey to me."

Angus: "Oh, they're as real as the tartan in my kilt." [points to his kilt, chortling] "In fact, your ancestors had their very own dragon. And when the family left, so did she."

[They enter the castle's courtyard, venturing behind a waterfall. Lynn glides her hand across it as they now enter a cave.]

Lana: "Whoa, a dragon cave!"

Lynn: "Keep dreamin'."

Angus: "If it's proof you need, take a gander at what your ancestors' dragon left behind."

[A green-bluish egg with purple spots comes into view. There is an actual dragon egg.]

Lynn: [surprised] "Whoa!"

Lana: [to Lynn] "Oh man, I told ya!"

Lynn: "This is whack-a-doodle!"

Angus: "Miss Lynn, if you wouldn't mind taking Miss Lily for a moment." [Lynn takes Lily off his hands as the infant giggles, and he marches over to the egg] "Just as we hoped that someday Louds would return..." [Lana gasps] "...we hoped a dragon would too."

[Angus pats the egg, before finding something that shocks him. Behind him, part of the egg has been cracked open.]

Angus: [gasps] "It's hatched!"

Lana: [excited] "You mean there's a dragon on the loose in here?"

Lily: "Uh-oh."

Angus: "No sudden movements." [backs away] "Easy does it. Remain-"

[All of a sudden, a turquoise looking blur tackles Angus to the ground as he yelps.]

Lynn and Lana: "Angus!"

[A fight cloud now ensues.]

Angus: "Ah! Run for your lives!"

[The cloud disappears, only to show a small dragon licking Angus' face, who now laughs. The puppy dragon looks over, panting; the three Louds are awestruck by its adorable little face.]

Lana: "Awww..."

Lily: [clapping] "Puppy dragon!"

Lana: "So cute!"

Lynn: "Look at that little face!"

[The puppy dragon hops off of Angus, who chuckles. She now lies on her back, and the three girls run over.]

Lana: "We gotta name this little pup!"

Lily: [toddles over to the dragon] "Lela!" [kisses the dragon's nose]

[Back at Loud Castle, the puppy dragon, now named Lela, is being petted by the Loud sisters and Rita.]

Lana: "Lela..."

Luan: "I love her so much."

Lucy: "She's so cute."

Lisa: "Biologically improbable, yet..." [beady-eyed] "so adorable."

Lana: [to Rita] "Can we keep her? Can we keep her?"

Rita: "Okay. But I am not changing her diaper."

[The girls clamor in excitement.]

Lana: "Yes!"

Lori: "Thanks, Mom!"

[Just then, they hear a trumpet sounding off-screen. Problem is, it is very off-key. The girls cover their ears as the trumpet screeches away.]

Luna: "Dude, pick a key!"

[The trumpet stops, and out comes Lincoln, decked out in the Duke's wear. With some music fit for royalty playing in the background, he poses... to the look of ten confused girls and his mother.]

Rita: "Uh, what are you doing, honey?"

Lincoln: "Duke-ing."

Lana: "Right in front of us?"

Lola: "You know we have our own bathrooms now."

[The twins exchange a laugh as the royal music continues. Lincoln continues to duke his way down the stairs, to even more befuddled faces. The moment he reaches the bottom of the stairs, the trumpet sputters, and his sisters laugh. Lincoln wasn't expecting this kind of reaction.]

Lana: "Nice toilet paper scarf."

Leni: "Seriously? Pantaloons this time of year?"

Luan: "I think Lincoln's gone a little panta-looney." [laughs with the others] "Get it?"

[Lincoln too is confused; then Lela comes up to him.]

Lincoln: [notices] "Aah! What the what?" [Lela nuzzles him; he laughs and pets her] "At least someone knows royalty when they see it." [walks on over to the door] "The rest of you might wanna get on board, 'cause this Loud is about to rule!"

[He is ruling the wall at that, as Lynn Sr. opens the door, slamming him into the wayward wall.]

Lynn Sr.: [posing regally] "Dinner... is... served."

Lincoln: [muffled] "I'm okay."

[The Louds enter the castle's dining room.]

Lynn Sr.: "I cooked everything in the castle!"

Louds: [amazed] "Whoa!"

Lynn Sr.: "I ran out of garlic, so I used Gaelic!"

Luan: [laughs] "Good one, Dad."

[The camera zooms out, revealing the large feast Lynn Sr. has cooked. The Louds all rush to the table and start eating ravenously.]

Luan: "Dibs on the turkey!"

[Luan gets some mashed potatoes, and Rita passes by a slab of ham as Lily takes a bite.]

Rita: "Save some for me!"

[Luna takes a few pieces of bread while Lucy carries two drumsticks.]

Lynn: [dives toward the feast] "Yay, burritos!"

[Lana throws some brown substance at Lynn, a piece of it landing on Morag's face.]

Morag: [wipes it off; accusingly to Angus] "This is all your doing!"

Angus: "It was my pleasure."

[Lynn throws the substance back, and it hits Leni right in the face, who collapses to the floor. Lisa is crazily carrying a turkey as food is thrown left and right. Lela jumps on the table and seizes the turkey, splattering gravy all over Morag's face. The dragon leaps off the table, taking the turkey with her.]

Angus: "What a day! The Louds are back, and so is a dragon!" [claps] "Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!"

[Later, while the Louds have taken their seats and start eating, Lily crawls underneath the table and procures a burrito from her diaper.]

Lily: "Bawitotos."

[Lily notices Lela sniffing the burrito, wanting some of it. She splits the burrito in half and feeds it to Lela, who grows bigger. Lily is in delight, offering the other half of the burrito.]

Rita: [as Angus pours water into her cup] "I'm so glad we did this."

Lynn Sr.: [Scottish accent] "Aye, m'lady." [Morag pours water in his cup] "What a happy clan we have."

Lincoln: "Thanks, Angus." [samples a few grapes]

[Angus places down the platter of said grapes, and different cheeses. Morag reluctantly hands Lincoln a napkin and Lincoln dabs his face. Lily sneakily grabs a burrito near him.]

Lily: "Burritos!"

Lincoln: "So, what's a guy gotta do to become the Duke around here?"

Morag: "Come again?"

[Lily takes two more burritos, giggling.]

Lincoln: "I was thinking about it, and the Duke and I look alike." [Lily takes the rest of the burritos.] "We both have ten sisters, white hair, a turkey tail, we're the same height..."

[As Lincoln speaks, Lily places all of the burritos on Lela's tongue.]

Lily: [gives a signal to Lela] "Dragon."

[Lela swallows all of them, and Lily toddles towards her and hugs her, laughing. Suddenly, Lela's stomach grumbles. Her eyes widen and she suddenly becomes double of Lily's height. Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan take notice of this.]

Luan: "Holy moly, she grows fast!"

Lily: [clapping] "Big girl."

[The five sisters all laugh at this.]

Lincoln: ", the way I see it, A plus B equals me being the new Duke. What do you think?"

Angus: [places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder] "Lincoln, I'm afraid it's not that simple, lad."

Morag: "Wisely spoken. You should listen to Angus." [starts to leave]

Angus: "One can only become the Duke by making life better for the people and our village."

Lincoln: "I see. Help the town, and become the Duke." [Morag suddenly comes back] "Piece of cake." [eats a piece of cake] "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do 'cause tomorrow, I'm gonna Duke this town up! Oh yeah!"

[As Lincoln leaves, Morag is revealed to have been glaring all this time. Cut to outside the castle...]

Morag: "You fool!" [kicks open the door] "Blathering on to that feather-brained boy about becoming the Duke!"

Angus: [walking out the door after, carrying Morag's belongings] "Oh, the people would love a new Duke."

Morag: [mocking Angus] "'Oh, the people would love a new Duke!'" [normal voice] "I don't care a jot about those peasants."

Angus: "They're not peasants, Morag, they're our neighbors, friends."

Morag: "Enough of your twaddle! Thanks to you flapping your gob, I'm stuck with these hooligans! Crashing through the crowded halls, dodging girls like..."

Angus: "Ping-pong balls?"

Morag: "Just to reach the bathroom on time."

Angus: [chuckles] "That's rather catchy."

Morag: [grabs Angus] "Don't you get cheeky with me." [releases him] "My ancestors have cared for this castle in peace and quiet. Ever since they drove away- I mean, the, uh, ever since the, you know, the first Louds sailed away forever. Oh, I deserve better than to be banished to your wretched hovel."

[Morag is in front of Angus' hovel as said.]

Angus: "It's only for a week." [Morag grunts] "And you'll have oodles of quietness here in my little castle." [Morag enters the hovel] "Shall I give you the grand tour-" [Morag hands him his pillow and slams his door in his face] "Oh. G'night... Morag."

[Later that night, with dreamy music playing, Lucy is in her room surrounded by candles. She is also holding one in her hand.]

Lucy: "Castle spirits, hear my plea. I summon a Loud from my family. On mystic winds, across Scottish moors, send the girl..." [places down the candle in the circle] "...who once walked these floors."

[The doors creak, and the windows burst open with a gust of wind as a girl's laughter rings. A portrait falls from the wall, a door slams rather loudly, and papers scatter. Lucy smiles as a crow caws, and then a faint blue light casts next to her.]

[In the foyer, Lucy gathers her sleep-deprived family. The only ones still asleep are Lily, held by Lori, and Lynn Jr.]

Luan: "What time is it?"

Lola: "It's late."

Rita: "I'm still parachute-lagged."

Lincoln: "What's this about, Luce? I need my Duke sleep."

Lucy: "My family from this world, meet our family from another: Lucille Loud."

[Lucille, Lucy's ancestral double, emerges from her place on the family painting as a ghost.]

Lucille: "Charmed, I'm sure."

[The other Louds are all stunned to see Lucille, except...]

Lynn Sr.: [in fear] "G-G-Ghost!" [flees and runs into the knight's armor]

Leni: "OMGhost!"

Lana: "She's like a glow-in-the-dark Lucy."

[Lily is now awake, and giggles once she sees Lucille.]

Lucille: "It's a pleasure to meet you, and to be home after 400 years."

[She floats down to meet her descendants.]

Lisa: [gasps] "Dragons and ghosts?"

[Lily giggles again and reaches out to Lucille, who now floats around the Louds.]

Lana: "This place has everything!"

Lori: "Whoa! She's literally floating."

Luna: "Whoa."

Leni: "Love the see-through look."

Rita: "Wow!" [bends on her knees to get Lynn Sr. up.] "Honey."

Lynn Sr.: "Wha...?"

Rita: "We did take this trip to meet relatives."

Lynn Sr.: "Yeah, but not creepy ghost-y ones."

[Suddenly, Lucille does a classic Lucy jumpscare, smiling.]

Lucille: "I heard that."

[Lynn Sr.'s scream of fear echoes outside of Loud Castle.]

[The next day, Lincoln is back in his Duke outfit as he zips up his backpack and admires the crown he will wear, walking out of his room. Outside the Louds' quarters, Morag is holding Lynn's smelly athletic supporters with tongs and grimaces in disgust.]

Lincoln: [exits his room] "Good morning, Morag."

Morag: "Your athletic supporter, sir?"

Lincoln: "Not mine."

[He leaves, chuckling to himself. Morag approaches a painting of one of her relatives.]

Morag: [sighs] "Dear old Aggie, you so cleverly drove away those royal ruffians to have peace and quiet. How pained you'd be to hear new Louds have returned! Thanks goodness it's only for a week."

[Suddenly, Lela bursts out of one of the rooms, with Lynn and Lana chasing her.]

Lynn: "I wanna ride her!"

Lana: "My turn!"

Lynn: "Oh, you found it! Thanks, Morag."

[Lynn takes her athletic supporter off the tongs' grasp from Morag, making the latter's head go through Aggie's painting, and the wall.]

Morag: "Ow." [pulls herself out the wall, then the painting off her and hangs it back up] "Oh, poor Aggie! Look what those beasts did to you."

[Luna comes out of her room playing bagpipes so loud, it sends Morag flying skywards. As Luna goes into another room, Morag lands on the ground, which causes Aggie's portrait to land on her. An explosion happens from Lisa's room, knocking Morag away, and the portrait. Lisa walks out and is holding some scientific equipment.]

Lisa: "Say ah."

Morag: "Ah..."

[Lisa takes Morag's samples.]

Lisa: "Excellent."

[Lisa heads back into her room. Morag gets back up, and Leni comes out of her room with a large bolt of fabric, humming "This Town Is Named for You".]

Leni: "♫ La la la la la la la- ♫" [accidentally hits Morag with the fabric, notices, and turns around] "Is someone there?"

Morag: "I-"

[Leni just turns back around, accidentally hitting Morag again, and continues on her way.]

Leni: "♫ La la la la la la... ♫"

[Morag is sent tumbling towards the window and ends up in a wheelbarrow full of manure. She surfaces and gasps for air, only for a diaper to hit her square in the face.]

Lily: [off-screen] "Poo-poo!"

[The diaper slides off Morag's face.]

Morag: [angrily] "Only... for... a week." [one of her hairs stick out]

Angus: [offscreen] "Good day, lad."

[Morag looks over to the source, and growls. Lincoln is outside the castle, heading towards the town. Angus is holding a rake.]

Lincoln: "You got that right. I'm about to become the new Duke!" [Angus gasps. Music starts to play] "You might wanna tell Morag to start polishing that crown."

Angus: "I certainly will not be doing that."

[Angus gasps again, drops the rake, and follows Lincoln into town as the latter starts singing.]

Lincoln:I used to feel like a nobody ♫

♫ 'Cause my sisters always steal the spotlight

[Lincoln reaches town and starts putting up posters of himself reading "Lincoln 4 Duke".]

But now I know that I can be somebody ♫

♫ The most special Loud in all the land

[The citizens start taking notice of his posters. He places another poster on Mrs. Scroggins' back, who notices, spray-paints "DUKE" on a wall, which Angus notices, and spins around on a lamppost.]

I'm gonna turn some heads around ♫

♫ Make everybody know my name ♫

♫ I'll bring a little Loud into this quiet place ♫♫ And no one's ever gonna steal my spotlight ♫♫ I'll be the talk of the town

[He enters a book shop and puts Ace Savvy merchandise everywhere, even replacing Kat's Junk Witch comic with an Ace Savvy one, before handing out burritos to citizens. One knocks a bearded man's fish out of his hands, having him shake his head afterward.]

This comic book's gotta go ♫

♫ Ace Savvy's all you should know ♫

♫ Have a breakfast burrito on me

[He holds a magic show at a pavilion for many citizens, doing the "pulling gold out of someone's ear" trick.]

Step right up to my show ♫

♫ For some magic and gold ♫

♫ You can thank me later 'cause ♫♫ I'm gonna be the Duke!

[He proceeds to start helping citizens, such as giving a girl a burrito instead of haggis, polishing a bald man's head, setting up a fun ramp instead of a broken bridge, and tossing out endless handkerchiefs in his magic show. Angus just watches all of this concerned.]

It's my time, my turn to be ♫

♫ The new Duke in history ♫

♫ Gonna show my family ♫♫ I'm ready to rule ♫♫ I'm gonna be the Duke!

[The citizens walk away, removing the handkerchiefs from themselves. Angus approaches Lincoln and starts singing before giving him paint and a roller to paint over his "DUKE" graffiti.]

Angus:When you help out other people ♫

♫ Don't just do it to be in the spotlight ♫

♫ Or be the talk of the town

[Angus helps Lincoln put up an "EXIT" sign on the list of signs, helping with the rampant traffic.]

Remember, everything you do ♫

♫ It's about them and not you ♫

♫ That's how you live like a Loud

[As Angus and Lincoln visit a statue of the Duke, Lincoln is run over by a flock of sheep, and the two put the sheep back in pasture.]

If you want to wear the crown ♫

♫ Go make this town a better place ♫

♫ Look into their hearts and make some real change

[The two are now at the broken bridge with Lincoln's "fun" ramp as two cars jump over it, swerving offscreen.]

♫ 'Cause magic tricks and short-term fixes are not the answer ♫♫ You've got to do some good deeds ♫

[Lincoln, realizing what he must do, carries a wheelbarrow full of stones, and he and Angus construct the other half of the bridge, with help from a sheep. The citizens cheer.]

Lincoln:I hear you loud and clear ♫

♫ I have to act more sincere ♫♫ That's the secret for me to win ♫♫ 'Cause if I do this right ♫♫ I'll be in the spotlight ♫♫ You can thank me later 'causeCitizens:

He's gonna be the Duke!

[The citizens of Loch Loud parade through the town with Lincoln as Morag spies in anger as another hair sticks out. They do a little dance break and form a human pyramid with their upcoming Duke at the top.]

All:It's my time, my turn to be ♫

♫ The new Duke in history ♫♫ Gonna show my family ♫♫ I'm ready to ruleCitizens:

He's gonna be the Duke!

[The citizens all cheer for Lincoln.]

Lincoln: "So, did I make life better around here or what?" [The citizens cheer again] "Alright. Then how do we make this official?"

Male Villager: "We have a coronation!"

Citizens: [chanting] "Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke...!"

Morag: [enters] "Oh, how glorious. Loch Loud will have a new Duke for a week."

[The citizens "awww" in disappointment.]

Male Villager #2: [confused] "Duke for a week?"

Morag: "Actually, six days, eleven hours, twenty-three minutes and four seconds, but who's counting?"

Mrs. Turnberry: [disappointed] "I burst into dance for a tourist?"

Male Villager #3: [also disappointed] "Never mind."

[The citizens disassemble the pyramid and drop Lincoln, and he lands on the ground hard. They walk away, along with Morag.]

Morag: "Such a shame." [smiles sinisterly and chuckles]

Angus: [running up to the boy] "Lincoln?" [Lincoln sits up, groaning. Angus sits down next to him.] "Take heart, lad. The hard part is over. Our people want you to be the Duke. Now all you need to do is convince your family to move here, eh? Easy peasy."

[Lincoln thinks over what Angus has said to him, realizing he actually might convince his family, and smiles at the groundskeeper.]

[Back in his room, Lincoln dons his grown-up suit.]

Lincoln: "How do I look?"

Angus: "Oh, brilliant, sir. But why a suit?"

Lincoln: "It's my blue convincing suit." [to the viewers] "Patent pending." [Angus looks over to who he's talking to, confused. Lincoln turns back to him] "I wear it whenever I need to talk my family into something. It's never let me down. Right, Lil?"

[Lily is on the Duke's bed, sucking her foot, and notices Lincoln looking at her.]

Lily: [finger-guns her brother] "Man with Plan."

[Later, the Louds have all assembled to watch a presentation. It starts off with a shot of Scotland, then the family painting of the Louds' ancestors.]

Video Lincoln: [narrating] "Whoosh! Scotland, where the Loud clan first rose to prominence." [shows a photo of the Louds arriving in Scotland in the submarine, followed by shots of them touring Loch Loud] "Our family came here on vacation to find our ancestors. We found so much more." [shows a shot of Loch Loud] "We found our town," [shows a shot of Loud Castle] "our castle," [shows a shot of Angus in front of the town] "our history, and most importantly..." [shows a shot of Lynn Sr. Highland dancing while Lynn Jr. gives him a score of 10 and the rest of their family watches in embarrassment] "...we found ourselves."

Lynn Sr.: [tears up] "So true..."

[The picture slowly burns up.]

Video Lincoln: [narrating] "But soon, our vacation will end."

Lynn Sr.: [freaking out] "AHH! NO!"

[Rita flinches from that. The presentation cuts back to the ancestral painting.]

Video Lincoln: [narrating] "Unless we seize the chance of a lifetime..." [photoshops the current Louds' faces over their ancestral counterparts'] "...and fulfill our destiny! How, you may ask?" [appears on screen] "By moving to Scotland, where the Louds can truly live loud."

[An explosion appears, with Lincoln making sound effects, fading to a shot of Lily wearing a kilt.]

Video Lily: "Loud and proud!"

[A pair of sunglasses overlay over her via editing with a "thud". The presentation ends; Lincoln walks over.]

Lincoln: [tears up] "That last part always gets me... So?"

Lynn Sr.: [Scottish accent] "I'm in! Scotland forever!"

[He realizes his wife and daughters are not interested and sits down.]

Lana: "This is all 'cause you wanna be 'the Duke'."

Lincoln: "What? No! It has nothing to do with-"

[His sisters throw pillows at him.]

Luna: "Busted, dude."

Luan: "Fat chance, Lincoln."

Lincoln: "Yeah, okay, so maybe that has a little to do with it, but moving here would be wonderful for all of us!"

Rita: "Sweetie, we're on vacation. We have a life in Royal Woods."

Lisa: "Not to mention schools."

Luan: "Friends..."

Lola: "Adoring fans!"

Rita: "We're not moving to Scotland."

Lola: "Yeah."

[Lana is heard laughing.]

Lincoln: [sighs and feigns disappointment] "Mom's right, forget it. We should just enjoy our vacation and go back home. To our house with one bathroom."

[Lincoln smirks to himself as the other Louds shudder at the idea of going back to having only one bathroom.]

Rita: [quickly changing her decision] "We're moving to Scotland."

[The rest of her kids cheer as Rita and Lynn Sr. smile.]

[At Lincoln's coronation for Duke, four trumpeters herald the coronation. Lincoln is standing on a royal throne, spreading a cape reading "DUKE" in the back as a man rolls a red carpet and a girl spreads petals everywhere. The citizens and Louds all cheer for the new Duke, with Leni holding a "WE ♥ THE DUKE" sign.]

Lori: "Go, Lincoln!"

Lynn: "That's my brother!"

Lola: "Royalty runs in the family."

Lincoln: "A-thank you." [hops off the throne and starts blowing kisses]

[Angus opens the door carrying the royal scepter placed on a cushion, with Morag carrying the crown placed on another, rolling her eyes. They step over near Lincoln.]

Morag: "Ahem." [the crowd silences] "For four centuries, our loch has been without a Duke ever since the first Louds broke our hearts and decided to sail away forever."

[The crowd 'aw's in disappointment. Meanwhile, Lucille is watching from a nearby window.]

Lucille: "I cannot believe my ears."

[As Lucille floats away, Morag continues her speech.]

Morag: "From today on, our village will be duke-less no more." [the crowd cheers] "Lincoln Albert Loud, by the powers vested in me..."

[Angus dukes Lincoln with the scepter and winks.]

Lincoln: "Oooh. Cool duke stick."

Angus: "It's the royal scepter, sire."

Morag: "Ahem." [gets Lincoln's attention. He kneels as she prepares the place the crown on him] "By the powers vested in me, I dub thee... thee, uh..." [struggles to put the crown on him. The trumpeters look at each other confused] "I... dub... thee..." [groans while Angus looks confused as well] "Duke... of..." [strains herself even more; Angus finally assists her and puts the crown on him; forcing herself to say it] "The Duke of Loch Loud."

Lincoln: "Yes!"

[The newly crowned Duke Lincoln leaps up, leading to a recreation of the original show's intro. A parade is held in his honor, with Lincoln riding in a chariot commanded by Angus, before leaping off on a skateboard and skating through the castle halls to reach his bathroom. When he gets there, hearts appear above him.]

Shouting through the empty halls ♫

♫ Just to hear an echo call ♫

♫ Trying to find the bathroom on time ♫(Oy! Oy! Oy!)

[The rest of the Louds enjoy themselves in the halls, Lola playing hopscotch, Lynn biking, Luan playing with Mr. Coconuts, who now has a Scottish makeover, Lori on her phone, Lisa playing with a tentacled creature, Luna carrying amps, Lucy and Lucille gliding through the air, Lana feeding an even bigger Lela, and Leni walking into the walls. Lincoln arrives, and all the sisters hoist him up in the air.]

Hopscotch on the royal tiles ♫

♫ Corridors that run for miles ♫

♫ It's the perfect home for the rest of our lives!

[Lincoln slides down the banisters, runs through the halls with his sisters and Lela, and enjoys himself in town while signing autographs.]

Loud Castle! Loud Castle! ♫

♫ Yell, stretch, spreading out ♫

♫ Even got our own town

[The siblings and Lela run through another corridor, Lincoln sliding on the floor, before the entire family relaxes in a lake, Luan and the twins are in the lake, Luan playing with a beach ball, and the twins laughing. Lori and Leni placing a flower tiara on Rita, who has Lily next to her, Luna playing the lute, Lisa with her feet in the lake, Lucy sitting on a tree with Lucille next to her, Lynn Sr. tanning, and Lynn surfaces from the lake, spitting out its water. The camera pans over to Lincoln on a unicorn float and drinking lemonade.]

Loud Castle! Loud Castle! ♫

♫ All the room we'll ever need ♫

It feels good to finally breathe!

[Lincoln starts Highland dancing before Lily joins in, followed by the twins and Lucy, and finally the rest of the sisters.]

Loud! Castle! Loud! Loud Castle!

[Lincoln enjoys himself in the castle towers with a flag reading "Lincoln #1". He walks through the foyer with all his sisters bowing before him. Lana gives him his scepter, Lucy hands him a flower, and Leni and Lori wrap a royal cape around him before a spotlight shines on him.]

It's all about me now ♫

♫ Spotlight on Lincoln Loud ♫

♫ Stepping out of the crowd to really shine

[Lincoln unveils to his sisters his own massive Duke portrait, then partakes in sending off the maiden voyage of a ship, the opening of a comic book shop, and a crowd surf.]

Dub me the one and only ♫

♫ The spotlight is on me ♫

♫ And this time it's all mine!

[The Louds lie down in a circle with Lincoln in the middle. Lincoln is shown relaxing in his throne, a duke car, him reading a newspaper, and a bathtub, before showing the rest of the Louds relaxing in their own bathtubs.]

Loud Castle! Loud Castle! ♫

♫ So much empty space ♫

♫ With no one in your face!

[The Louds all wave to each other from their own rooms, with Lincoln looking satisfied, then watch Lela, Lucy, and Lucille fly around, and play around in the foyer. There, Lincoln and Lola partake in a tea party, with Angus and Morag being the servers. Luan and Lori jump around on a trampoline, Luna is jamming out, Lisa is working on an experiment, causing an explosion to occur, Lucy is flying a kite, Lynn is playing basketball, Lana and Leni take a joyride in a toy jeep, and Lily is standing on the balcony with a fan.]

Loud Castle! Loud Castle! ♫

♫ Eleven kids, a zillion rooms ♫

I guess it'll have to do!♫ Loud Castle! Loud Castle! ♫♫ Home was sweet but so compact ♫Why would we return to that?!

[Lincoln poses in publicity Duke photos, and then the Louds wave to the citizens from the castle with Lincoln shedding a tear of joy, before a mock "LOUD CASTLE" logo appears with the Scottish flag as a background.]

Loud! Castle! Loud! Loud Castle!

Lily: [pops in] "Loud Castle!" [giggles and disappears]

[Lincoln is now taking a bath, with Angus and Morag being of assistance. Angus is humming the show's theme song.]

Lincoln: "Ah, isn't this awesome? Us Louds, you two, hanging at the castle... Just like old times."

[Morag sheepishly whimpers, who is holding a tray of shampoo and seething with barely contained rage. She sets it down and leaves the bathroom, walking down the stairs, exiting the castle, exiting the town. She heads to a dock and rows a boat to another land, past a rock that is home to sea lions. She keeps walking past a field of sheep towards a storm and wades into a puddle of mud, not noticing or caring that she is dirty nor that there is a frog on her. Finally, she reaches a distant cliff surrounded by pouring rain and vents out all of her rage, causing a flock of birds to fly out of a nearby tree.]

Morag: [livid and screaming] "I... HATE... THE... LOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDSSSSS!!!"

[Morag pants from such seething fury; her hair becoming completely wild and on end. Lightning strikes behind her. She approaches the tree and starts digging with her bare hands.]

[Another strike of lightning hits as it cuts back to the Loud Castle. Lucy and Lucille are in Lucy's room, Lucille looking out the window.]

Lucy: "What a wretched day."

Lucille: "I wish we were out in it." [She and Lucy laugh as she floats around, and then stops] "But seriously, cousin, we have an urgent matter to discuss."

Lucy: "Our bond of eternal sadness?"

Lucille: "Nay. What I must say, others may not want to hear." [shuts the door] "Lucy, what Morag said at the coronation is not true. My family did return to Loch Loud. On that fateful day, our hearts were as full as our sails."

[Fade transition flashback to 400 years ago. A ship is crossing through the sea with the ancestral Louds on it.]

Lucille: [narrating] "We longed to be home again."

1600s Lisa: "I've missed me laboratory."

Flashback Lucille: "And my coffin."

1600s Leni: "And me Scott. He's from Scotland."

1600s Louds: [deadpan] "We know."

[1600s Rita pulls out a nautical telescope and sees their beloved hometown.]

1600s Rita: "Home is on the horizon. Land ho!"

[The 1600s Louds cheer as a dragon flies toward the ship.]

The Duke: "Look, family. It's our Lolo. She's come to escort us home."

[They cheer once again.]

1600s Lynn: "That's our girl!"

[All of a sudden, Lolo's yellow eyes turn purple, her expression changing from happiness to anger. She dives toward the ship and uses her wings to create a gust of wind, moving the ship back. The family screams.]

1600s Rita: "What's come over her? She's turning us away."

The Duke: "How are we to get home?"

Flashback Lucille: "We're not."

[Lucille is next to the Duke.]

The Duke: [startled] "Ahh!"

Flashback Lucille: "The dragon forbids it."

The Duke: "But why?"

Flashback Lucille: "According to ancient lore, the dragon is the protector of the loch, and a Duke's truest friend, until it deems the Duke worthy no more."

1600s Lynn Sr.: [frustrated] "Dah! Ding-dang ancient lore!"

The Duke: "I've done nothing to earn such a fate." [walks up at the front of the ship] "Lolo, I command thee to let us pass!"

[Lolo responds by shooting a fireball toward the Duke's direction, who dodges it with a scream.]

Flashback Lucille: "'Tis no use, dear brother. Our fate has been decided."

[She, along with the other Louds, are disheartened.]

The Duke: "I shan't argue with that. Mother, turn the ship around. And to all, bid your farewell to Loch Loud." [Lolo shoots another fireball at the ship] "Ahh! What now?"

Flashback Lucille: "Uh, you must give the crown back."

The Duke: [turns to Lolo, despondent] "Of course."

[He walks back up and hands over the crown to the dragon. Lolo takes it and flies off, and the 1600's Louds' ship turns around, away from their home. Lucille looks back. Back to the present.]

Lucy: "That's so sad. Normally, I like sad, but that's too much. Why would Morag lie about your family never returning?"

Lucille: [gasps] "Our caretaker Old Aggie! She kept a journal that chronicled everything that happened in the castle." [floats towards Lucy] "Perhaps the answer lies within its pages. I wonder where it may be?"

[Lucy and Lucille scratch their chins in wonder.]

[Back at the cliff, Morag is holding up the journal Lucille described. She places it down on the ground before rising up from the hole after a lot of digging.]

Morag: [laughs maniacally and climbs out the hole] "My deviously brilliant, wicked, dear Old Aggie." [kisses the book, getting mud in her teeth. She spits it out.] "You were the first to rid this loch of hideous Louds."

[She flips the pages, one set showing a dragon with normal eyes while the royal scepter is empty, another set of the dragon with purple eyes with a stone in the scepter, before revealing the stone embedded in the next set of pages. She cackles with the stone in her hand. Fade into Lucille's flashback just after Lolo drove the 1600's Louds away, with the stone in the royal scepter. Aggie, who is holding the scepter, is laughing evilly as Lolo returns with the Duke's crown, the 1600's Louds' ship retreating. Lolo perches herself on the cliff and drops the crown at Aggie's feet.]

Aggie: "Well done, you monstrous, pea-brained cretin."

[She removes the stone from the scepter, causing Lolo's eyes to revert to their old yellow, snapping out of the hypnosis. Lolo looks around, then looks down and sees the Duke's crown, then Aggie, who is once again laughing evilly, and flinches in shame. Back to the present, and Morag, standing on the very same cliff Aggie stood all those centuries ago, is still laughing evilly.]

Morag: [holding the stone] "You got rid of your Duke, and I shall get rid of mine!" [cackles]

[Meanwhile in the Duke's room, Lincoln takes a deep breath, and calls up Clyde. Back at the McBride residence in Royal Woods, Clyde is sitting at a table in his kitchen by his phone. Once he sees Lincoln is calling, he picks up immediately.]

Clyde: "Hi, Lincoln! How is the best bud that a best bud..." [cuts to Lincoln] "...could ever have enjoying his vacation?"

Lincoln: "You won't believe it, Clyde. Turns out my family is royalty, and I'm the new Duke of Loch Loud!"

[Morag, who is still wet from the rain, listens in from behind the door, growling.]

Clyde: "Holy dream puff! That's awesome! I guess now that you're a Duke, you don't have to worry anymore about whether you're special."

Lincoln: "Yup! No more being stuck in my sisters' shadows."

[Morag's eyes widen.]

Clyde: "Yes!"

[She wickedly smiles and chuckles evilly as she continues to eavesdrop.]

Lincoln: "All hail the Duke!"

Clyde: "Wait a minute. How are you gonna be the Duke of Loch Loud when you're back in Royal Woods? Do they have, like, an exchange program?"

Lincoln: [gulps; nervous] "Um, not exactly." [nervously chuckles] "Which is why..." [braces himself] "We moved to Scotland." [He looks to see that Clyde is silent] "Clyde?"

[Clyde suddenly grins.]

Clyde: "Lincoln! This is the coolest news!"

Lincoln: "It is?" [sighs in relief] "That's such a relief. I can't wait for you to come visit."

Clyde: "Me too! I'd love to visit Scotland. Hey, I gotta go." [cuts to his end] "But call me later 'cause I wanna hear all about your new super duper amazing life!"

[Clyde hangs up, and the camera zooms out to show an orange cake that says, "WELCOME HOME, LINCOLN". He tears up, letting his real emotions show, and sobs into the cake.]

Clyde: [smacks] "Needs more cinnamon..." [continues crying]

[Cut back to the Duke's room...]

Lincoln: "Ah, what a friend."

Morag: [grins evilly] "The sisters. Yes, that's it."

[She walks away, laughing sinisterly and starts to sing.]

The time has come to play pretend ♫

♫ And I'll trick Lincoln into thinking I'm his friend

[She slides down the banister as a shining spotlight casts on her, and dramatically walking down the stairs in four different colored spotlights.]

And I'll humiliate the boy, you see ♫

♫ And drive the Louds away from me for good ♫

♫ No, no, no, no, no!

[She has a fantasy sequence in which she is on a beach with a sandcastle. Ships full of Louds approach, and the hordes of Louds swarm Morag as she stands on the castle before putting on the crown to repel them.]

I must do more♫ So other Louds never set foot upon this shore ♫♫ To stop them coming after me ♫♫ I'll need the crown's authority for all to see ♫The duch*ess I must be!

[A flashback shows Aggie detailing the powers of the Dragon Stone in her journal. In the present, Morag reads over the page, and turns to another one containing the 1600's Louds, who panic, and rips it to reveal the stone.]

It's what you started ♫

♫ I vow to finish ♫

♫ The reign of Louds over this castle will diminish

[Cut back to the flashback, Aggie sings as the shot orbits around her with the journal cutting back to the present with Morag.]

'Cause if I want tranquility ♫

The duch*ess I must be!

[Morag laughs evilly, and in her casual wear, she spins around with a feather duster in hand. She breaks the duster in two. Cut to the town of Loch Loud, where the citizens are hoisting their precious Duke up in the air. Morag appears as a giant, takes Lincoln from their grasp, and tosses him away. The citizens gasp at this and are now sad.]

This foolish town adores that boyBut I will break their little hearts, oh, what a joy!

[The scepter comes into frame, and it zooms in into its majestic inside. Lincoln is shown to be in a free fall. A spotlight casts on Morag afterward.]

And with the dragon on my side ♫

♫ I'll take the Duke up for a royal ride ♫

What an embarrassing turn of events

[Morag puts on the crown, and with the scepter in her hand, she looms over the Louds, terrifying them to run away. The scene then transitions to her skipping playfully onto the crown in a shiny, golden background with treasures raining down.]

It's what you startedI vow to finish!♫ The reign of Louds over this castle will diminish ♫♫ 'Cause if I want tranquility ♫The duch*ess I must be!

[Morag is then seen in a dark background, surrounded by the disheartened Louds.]

Is it wrong to long for quiet? ♫

♫ Should I just let this family be? ♫

♫ No!

[Morag flies towards the camera. The scene cuts to the Louds at sea before Morag surfaces like a shark and rises upwards, surrounded by the hypnotized Lolo, who breathes fire.]

The Louds will sail across the sea ♫

♫ And then this town belongs to me ♫

The duch*ess I will be!

[The scene fades back to reality, with Morag reading Aggie's journal and laughing. She closes the journal, ending the song, and exits the room, right before Lucy appears in front of her with a crow caw in the background.]

Lucy: "Morag."

Morag: [startled] "Ahh!" [quickly hides the journal behind her back]

[Lucille appears next, floating above Lucy as another crow caws.]

Morag: [gasps] "Why y-you're... you're a... a ghost."

Lucille: "You told the people that my family sailed away forever. 'Tis not true. I was there."

Morag: [nervous] "I-I-I know only what my ancestors passed down to me."

Lucille: [floats toward Morag, who backs away] "I want to see for myself. Old Aggie's journal. Where might it be?"

Morag: "A journal." [slides up the journal inside the back of her clothing] "I-I didn't know she kept a journal."

Lucy and Lucille: "We've got our eyes on you."

[After both give her the "I'm watching you" gesture, Morag nervously disappears around the corner. Once she's out of sight from them, she growls, taking the journal out of her clothes. Just then, she hears some bagpipes playing. She grins, knowing full well who is playing them, which is Luna, who is rocking out those bagpipes in the library.]

Morag: [cuts off the performance, clapping] "Bravo, Miss Luna." [steps out] "Bra-vo."

Luna: "Aww, thanks, Morag, dude! Rock on."

Morag: "Indeed, heh. May-may I ask, why hide your musical light under a bushel?"

Luna: "I'd tell you if I knew what that meant."

Morag: "Well, the village has not heard such stunning bagpipery since the golden age of your ancestors."

Luna: "Whoa! I had no idea my oldies liked to rock."

Morag: "Yes. They excelled in many things." [shows Luna a painting of the ancestral sisters above them] "Music, fashion, sport, wise crackery." [As she lists off those traits, the painting references those sisters that matches it. After "wise crackery" was said, a whoopee cushion deflates, followed by Luan's laughter.] "It was they who put the 'Loud' in Loch Loud."

Luna: [fascinated] "Whoa..."

Morag: "Oh, how the people would love for that golden age to return with you lassies."

Luna: "I'm snacking what you're packing!"

Morag: [confused] "Uh... come again?"

Luna: "I'm in, dude! I'll go tell the other lassies."

[In Luan's room, Luan is about to perform her stand-up with Lynn and Lana watching, until Luna comes in, telling them about Morag's idea; Luan is excited. A strike of lightning hits before cutting to Lisa's room. Luan comes in, running past all the beakers lined up on a table, and passes it on to Lisa, who is attempting to solve an equation on a chalkboard. Lisa is excited too, and presses a button on her wristwatch, sending a metallic drone-bee to Lola's room. Lola is putting on lipstick, and the drone-bee enters, displaying Lisa's holographic head passing it on to her. Lola is excited; she takes out a notepad, writes something down, and places the letter on the drone's lens, before shooing it away. The drone-bee leaves and makes its way to Leni's room. Leni and Scott are in the middle of knitting a dress, and the drone-bee comes in and stops in front of Leni.]

Leni: "Ooh, a letter!" [takes the letter off the drone] "Say thanks to Lisa, big metal bee." [The drone-bee buzzes and flies away. She laughs and reads the letter, squealing.] "I'm supes excited! My sisters and I are gonna perform in the village!"

Scott: "And you'll look smashing in this new dress." [stands up, revealing that he's sewn it onto his hoodie. Leni giggles] "Oopsie." [chuckles]

[Leni giggles again and stands up, revealing that she'd sewn it onto her dress too. Scott chuckles once more.]

Leni: "Oopsie."

Scott: [laughs] "Quite funny."

[The two fashion designers share a laugh over it, pausing a bit, then continuing to laugh.]

[In Duke Lincoln's room, Lincoln is doing a magic act with Lily.]

Lincoln: "For my next spellbinding act of magic, I need one crown." [glides the crown across his arms and onto the pillow Angus is holding] "Voila!" [covers it with a tarp from Lily]

Angus: "Oh, dear."

Lincoln: [waving his hands around] "Royal crown, I see thee so. But this Duke is hungry." [Lily crawls underneath the tarp, which Angus notices] "And he wants a burrito!"

[He sends a pack of cards flying before removing the tarp. Lily is in the process of replacing the crown with a burrito, and sheepishly hides the crown.]

Lily: "Ta-da!"

[Angus stares confused and blinks, but smiles nonetheless.]

Lincoln: [sighs] "My bad, Lil. I didn't give you enough time for the switcheroo."

Angus: "Oh, no, sire. It was jolly good enchantment." [sighs joyously] "Now, Sir Duke, I believe it's time for you to seize the royal day and go to the village and serve your people."

Lincoln: "Um, I think me and Lil will stay here and work on our trick."

[Lily nods in agreement.]

Angus: "Oh, but sire, the people have been waiting 400 years for their Duke to make their loch a finer place."

Lincoln: '"Well, when you put it that way..." [takes the crown from Lily and puts it on] "Lil, your big bro's got some important Duke business to do."

[Out into the town, Angus climbs the ladder up to a chimney of a house. Lincoln then pops out of it, covered in soot and coughing.]

Angus: "A banner job, sire." [Lincoln gives out a few last coughs] "Our chimneys have needed a keen spiffying for centuries."

Lincoln: [exhausted] "Uh-huh. How many more?"

Angus: "One down, just 432 to go."

[The camera pans to show a particular number of chimneys smoking. Lincoln groans, until a crowd cheering in the distance catches his and Angus' ears.]

Lincoln: [smiling confidently] "Well, it's worth it if the people are happy."

Angus: [confused] "Sire, I'm not certain where that's coming from."

[A flyer blows into the wind, landing smack middle onto Lincoln's face. He takes it off him and looks at it, seeing an all too familiar header and photo that has ten girls on it.]

Lincoln: "What? Not again!" [gets out of the chimney and slides down a roof]

Angus: [concerned] "Lincoln? Is everything alright?"

[Lincoln walks into the center of town to find that the source of the cheering was from Luna playing the bagpipes...]

Crowd: [chanting] "Luna! Luna! Luna!"

Luan: "When is a piece of wood like a king?"

[...Luan's ventriloquist act...]

Mr. Coconuts: "When it's a ruler." [laughs like Luan]

[...Leni's fashion runway...]

Scott: "And here's Leni Loud. She's the talk of the Highlands."

Citizens: "Ooooooh!"

[...and Lola's ribbon dance routine, Lola also roller skating.]

Lola: "This is what talent looks like, people! Yeah!"

Woman Villager: "Look at that sister skating!"

[Lincoln then looks to see more people running toward the Loud girls' performance, trampling over him in the process. He gets up from his attempt to shield himself once again.]

Lola: [continuing her ribbon dance] "Oh yeah. Drink in the talent!"

Citizens: "Loud sisters, hoo! Loud sisters, ha! Loud sisters, ho ho ho!"

[Lincoln looks on, feeling a sense of deja vu of this happening all over again while the citizens cheer. Morag walks up to him.]

Morag: [feigning pity] "Oh, poor, poor Duke." [offers her hand to help him up]

[Back at Loud Castle, Lincoln is sat in a armchair with a cup of cocoa while Morag places bunny slippers on his feet.]

Lincoln: "It's not fair! I'm the Duke. I'm supposed to be the most special Loud of all!"

Morag: "Not stuck in your sisters' shadows."

[She withdraws the curtains to let some sunlight shine onto a painting.]

Lincoln: "That's what I always say."

Morag: "Is it now?" [picks up a feather duster] "Hmm... Well, there must be something we could do..." [gets on a rolling ladder and pushes herself to the painting] " put a proper spotlight on our dear Duke."

Lincoln: "Yeah..."

[Morag clears her throat, and swats at the painting with the feather duster three times before Lincoln finally takes notice of it. The second he does, she immediately turns around before nonchalantly dusting a bookshelf.]

Lincoln: "Ooh. What about that?"

Morag: "What about what, sire?"

Lincoln: "That!" [The painting shows the Duke standing atop Lolo's head. Below them are the ancestral sisters.] "I could ride the dragon, just like my ancestor."

Morag: [gasps] "Brilliant idea, sire! I can just picture it. The people watch you soar overhead, then break into cheers. More certain than ever that you are the most special Loud there ever was."

Lincoln: [beady-eyed and exuberant] "This is gonna be so awesome!"

Morag: "Oh, yes." [walks away, smiling sinisterly] "More than you could ever imagine."

[Lincoln looks back at the painting. Later on, he meets up with Lela, taking a selfie with her. Morag, meanwhile, grabs the scepter from a pile of the Loud kids' toys in the hallway, shaking off Lynn's athletic supporter from it, and laughs menacingly.]

[Back outside Loch Loud, the crowd can still be heard cheering at the Loud sisters' talents. Lincoln then enters the scene riding Lela, who is flying around the town.]

Lincoln: "Hello, my people!"

[Lela circles around, passing the citizens that are intrigued.]

Male Villager: "Oh, look at that!"

[Lincoln's sisters on the other hand are surprised at this.]

Luna: "Lincoln?"

Lincoln: "Go, Lela!"

[Lela flies upward, spinning around while doing so before dropping back down slightly and doing a figure eight in the air as Lincoln hollers excitingly and laughs. She then flies onward back into town. Rita, Lynn Sr., and Lily are watching this as well in joy like the others. Angus runs up, looking concerned.]

Lynn Sr.: "This is amazing."

[Lela passes the citizens once again before taking back to the skies, also passing the bell keeper, who enthusiastically rings the little bell. Lincoln blows kisses to them, and then takes out a can of white smoke, spraying it to create a sky-drawing of his face.]

Lincoln: "Duked it!"

[The citizens cheer.]

Mrs. Scroggins: "No one's ridden a dragon here in centuries."

Male Villager #2: "He drew his own face!"

[The citizens zip off, practically leaving the sisters in the dust.]

Lola: "Hey! Adoring fans?!"

[Lincoln sees this and victoriously laughs.]

Lincoln: [fist pumping] "Yes!"

[The citizens follow Lincoln and Lela, and hidden in an alley stands Morag. She holds up the scepter, along with the Dragon Stone.]

Morag: "Time for the real spectacle."

[She places the gemstone inside the scepter, having it glow a menacing purple aura. Lela's yellow eyes suddenly change to that color, replacing her joy with anger as she growls. Once Morag sees the spell is in effect, she swings down the scepter, causing Lela to drop down so sudden as Lincoln now yelps.]

Lincoln: "Lela, what are you doing?!"

[Lela zigzags up and down across town as the citizens exclaim in shock, and Lincoln screams. The sisters are now terrified of what is happening.]

Lori: [scared] "Lincoln!"

Lynn: "My baby bro!"

Lincoln: [trying to control Lela] "Why... can't... I steer you?!"

[Lela just zooms on ahead, controlled by Morag, past the parents and Lily, who are also terrified.]

Rita: [scared] "Lincoln!"

Lynn Sr.: "This way!" [He and his family chases after them as Lela continues to swerve to and fro. By the bridge, the Louds have arrived.] "C'mon!"

Lisa: "There he is!"

Lola: "Lincoln!"

[The family calls over to him.]

Lincoln: "Ahh!" [gesturing his family to...] "Get out of the way!"

[Lela barrels into the reconstructed bridge, destroying it. The Louds run away just in time, and looks at the controlled dragon and its passenger. Leni points behind her as Lela continues to fly around under Morag's control. She crashes into a house, where somebody, who is just about to drink his tea, stops to take it in, but he sips it anyway. Meanwhile, the other Louds get trapped between two buildings by the crumbling rubble.]

Luan: "Oh no! We're in tuh-rubble! Get it?"

[Morag continues to control to her heart's content, all with a malicious laugh as the citizens scream and run around; Lela barrel-rolls as they now watch the dragon heading right for the bell tower. The keeper of the bell tower stumbles about, but a ladder is placed, courtesy of...]

Angus: "LAD, GRAB ON!"

[And grab on he does, just as Lela crashes into the bell tower. The big bell flies off and hits not one... not two... but three houses, just stopping on the Walker's Inn and really threatening to destroy the fish and chip shops. Angus gets the ladder ready...]

Angus: "Ach, steady now! I got ya!"

[The keeper is able to balance on the roof of a house. Angus sighs as he turns his attention to Lincoln, still on the hypnotized Lela, screaming for dear life. Morag finally brings the scepter down, taking Lela down to the ground gently and having Lincoln fall off the dragon. As Lincoln comes to, he gasps, seeing a horrible sight: the dire state the Loch is in - chaos, destruction...]

Lincoln: "Oh, no..." [One of the signs drop to the ground. Faced down by a crowd, he gets up.] "Don't worry! heh heh... I can fix everything!" [The crowd's eyes are trained on him as he walks on over to the Walker's Inn.] "I'm the Duke, remember? Here, watch..." [puts the inn's sign upright] "See? Good as new!"

[Too early to celebrate. This only causes cracks to appear; Lincoln laughs nervously, knowing there's even more damage done. And the bell topples over the chip shoppe. Everyone gasps...]

Chip Shoppe Owner: "No!"

Lincoln: "It's okay. You still have the fish shoppe!"

[The crowd sighs in relief.]

Scott: "That's a relief."

[Too early once again. The bell then crushes the fish shoppe whole behind him as Lincoln winces. Now he's in for it; he is faced down by the livid crowd...]

Mrs. Scroggins: "How could ya?! We trusted you!"

Bearded Man: [pointing at him] "I loved that chippie!"

Male Villager: "How dare he?!"

[Lincoln backs off, his hands high. He looks left... right... nothing. His spirit crushed, he makes a run for it, passing his family, who made it over the fallen rubble.]

Lori: [notices] "Lincoln!"

[Lincoln cries his heart out as he runs back to the castle. His family follows.]

Lynn: [erratically in Luan's voice] "What a mess!"

Leni: "It's a disaster."

Lana: "This place is trashed!"

Luna: "Total bummer..."

[The Louds pass by Morag's hiding spot. With the deed done, Morag laughs evilly and removes the gemstone out of the scepter, snapping Lela out of the hypnotic trance. Seeing the confused crowd, the dragon shamefully flies away. Morag laughs once more as she exits the scene. Right after she leaves, the unicorn statue crumbles.]

[The saddened Lela is back at her home, at the dragon's den. Morag, wheeling in a barrow full of refuse, smiles evilly, knowing this is her next step. She allows herself into the cave...]

Morag: "Oh, don't be sad... Lela did precisely what she was asked to do." [dumps the refuse]

[Lela smells the refuse. Recognizing it's food, she bites...]

Morag: "That's it..." [another bite...] "Good girl..." [as Lela is overlayed as a silhouette] "Morag needs you to be big and strong."

[After one last bite, Lela grows once again and roars. Morag chuckles evilly...]

[Meanwhile, a heartbroken Duke has his face covered with a pillow to show his immense heartbreak, and his mentor, looking out the window, is in his room.]

Angus: "Even dukes have bad days, sire..."

Lincoln: "Bad day? Try worst day ever. From the worst duke ever."

[Angus can't take Lincoln's anguish anymore; he gasps.]

Angus: "Aw... it hurts me to hear you say such a thing..." [taking a seat on his bed] "The people need you now more than ever."

[A chorus of sisters calling out for the brother they love is heard...]

Lori: [calling out] "Lincoln!"

Luan: [calling out] "Lincoln!"

Lisa: [calling out] "Lincoln?"

[Lori pokes her head inside the room and finds her brother.]

Lori: "Hey, everyone! I found him!"

[Lincoln only covers himself with the pillow. Seeing this, the sisters and parents rush on over, Lynn Sr. knocking over Angus.]

Luna: "Are you okay, dude?"

Lori: "Are you alright?!"

Lynn Sr.: "How you doing, buddy?"

Rita: "We were worried about you, honey."

[Angus stands back up.]

Lola: "Yeah, you really bombed out there!"

[The others show offense to her wording.]

Rita, Leni, Lana, and Lisa: "Lola!"

Luan: "Not funny."

Luna: "Totally uncool, dude."

Lola: "If you'll let me finish..." [pats Lincoln, who lets an eye escape the grasp of his pillow.] "We all blow it sometimes." [whispering] "Even me..."

Luan: "We want you to know that we talked about it, and tomorrow, we're gonna help you rebuild the town."

[Some of the other siblings nod yes. Lincoln gets up, his spark reignited.]

Lincoln: "Really? Aw... you guys are the best."

Angus: "Well, of course they are! They're Louds."

Lincoln: "Do you think the people will forgive me?"

Angus: "If there's one thing I know about our people, it's that they don't keep a grudge."

[And Angus is swiftly proven wrong by a mob of people storming the castle front.]

Crowd: [chanting] "GO HOME, DUKE! GO HOME, DUKE!" [continues]

[The Louds and Angus rush on over to see this commotion... this doesn't look good.]

Crowd: [chanting] "GO HOME, DUKE! GO HOME, DUKE!" [continues]

Male Villager: "We've lost everything!"

Woman Villager: "Out with you!"

Fisherman: "Leave our Loch!"

[The Louds and Angus look at all this through the window, uncomfortably; Lincoln's face expresses depression.]

Lynn Sr.: "They're just blowing off some steam."

Luan: "Aw, they'll come 'round."

Luna: "Just give 'em time, bro."

[Lincoln heaves a great sigh; the people hate him now.]

Lincoln: "No. They're right."

[He turns around and walks to the pedestal where the crown was... to which he takes it off.]

Angus: "Sire, no... I beg of you..."

[On practically deafened ears, Lincoln sadly places the crown back on the pedestal.]

Lincoln: [shattered] "I don't deserve to be the Duke..." [slowly turns to his family] "Can we go home now?"

[His eyes are big and sad. The family all look at each other, and back at Lincoln, saddened.]

[The scene fades to sunset. A ship sails off at sea, away from Loch Loud. The Loud siblings, who are on the ship, all stare towards the town that is slowly starting to disappear from their view, still saddened and heartbroken; Lynn and Lisa sniff in sadness. The twins, on the other hand, just look peeved. Lincoln, now back in his normal clothes, sniffs, prompting Lily to look over at him. He walks off forlorn, not wanting to see this anymore. Back in the castle, Morag has been watching all of this from her window.]

Morag: [waving] "Toodle pip! Buh-bye!" [walks away from the window, laughing gleefully. She then grabs the journal.] "Well, I wouldn't want this to be seen by the wrong eyes." [laughs evilly] "Now, dear Aggie, it's time I fulfilled my destiny."

[As Morag speaks, she walks over to the fireplace, and tosses the journal into it, burning it. Satisfied, she walks out of the room. The second the door shuts, in comes Lucille, as she floats down from the ceiling. She has the discarded journal float out of the fireplace, and turn its pages, stopping on one that shocks her greatly.]

Lucille: "Gasp! It cannot be. Old Aggie betrayed us!"

[An angry mob of citizens have rallied outside Loud Castle. Morag throws open the doors, much to Angus's concern, and takes the stage.]

Morag: "My dearest friends, thanks to you, the Louds will be gone forevermore!"

[The crowd cheers.]

Male Villager: "Great job!"

[Angus hangs his head and sulks.]

Old Villager: "Glad that's over. Back home we go."

[The crowd begins to leave, but...]

Morag: "Oh. Sorry. Almost forgot to mention. Before the Louds skedaddled off, they requested that I be crowned duch*ess!" [Angus gasps] "And I was like, 'Me? What?' and they were like, 'Yeah, totally, you're the best.'" [chuckles] "It was so embarrassing, but, how could I say no?" [procures the crown; the crowd murmurs. She shoves the crown into Angus's arms] "So, let's get on with it. Trumpets, row, adoration."

[The four trumpeters herald the coronation. Morag wears the royal cape as the same man and girl from Lincoln's coronation lay out the red carpet and petals, respectively.]

Angus: "Morag, this is not-"

Morag: "By the power vested in me, blahddy blah blah blah, Angus dubs me the duch*ess of Loch Loud!"

[She impatiently snaps her fingers at Angus.]

Angus: [quietly] "You can't do this."

Morag: [quietly] "Silence, you ninny."

[With no choice, Angus raises the crown and hesitates before placing it on Morag's head.]

Morag: "Oh, for Argyle's sake." [places the crown on her head and laughs menacingly, much to Angus' discomfort]

Crowd: [chanting] "duch*ess! duch*ess! duch*ess!"

[The trumpeters proclaim Morag as the duch*ess as she basks in the glory. Having all this unfold, Angus is not going to have this anymore.]


[The crowd gasps and the trumpeters cease their playing.]

Angus: [angry] "The Louds did no such thing! I was there! They never gave you the crown!"

[Morag groans, glaring at him.]

Mrs. Scroggins: "Angus is as honest as the day is long. Is it true, Morag?"

Morag: [thinks it over] "You know what? I could lie... But why bother? Guilty as accused!"

[The crowd gasps, shocked, now that Morag has revealed her true colors.]

Angus: [angry] "Our people deserve better than a liar and a thief!"

Mrs. Scroggins: [also angry] "We willnae stand for it! Imposter!"

[The crowd shouts at Morag for her treachery.]

Morag: [displeased] "Very well. I tried doing this the nice way. Now, I'll do it my way."

[Morag's way being taking out the scepter with the Dragon Stone inside, activating its power. The hypnotized Lela flies into the scene, bigger than ever; the red sky making it more menacing. Angus gasps as he looks upwards, so do the citizens. Lela perches herself on top of the castle and breathes out fire through her nostrils. The crowd is now more aghast with a hint of fear. Lucille, holding the journal, witnesses all this, and flies off.]

[Meanwhile, the Louds' ship continues to drift into sea. The Loud siblings are just sitting around, still down in spirits. Lincoln is staring at the water passing by below him, with his feet dangling over the ship.]

Lana: "We've been run out of lots of malls before, but never a whole country."

Leni: [in tears] "I didn't get to say goodbye to Scott!" [sobs]

Lily: [toddles by, also crying] "Lela!"

Lucy: "Or Lucille."

Luna: [sees something in the distance] "Yo, Luce, looks like you'll get a chance."

[Lucy looks in Luna's direction, along with Luan, Lana, Lola, and Lisa.]

Lucy: "Gasp."

[Lucille hurries to the ship, journal still in hand.]

Lucille: "Cousins! Cousins!"

Lucy: [smiling] "Lucille."

Lucille: "I come with grave news."

Lucy: "The best kind."

Lucille: "Not this time, Lucy." [Lucy gasps] "Morag has stolen the crown from our family, and made herself duch*ess."

Sisters: [shocked] "What?!"

Luna: "Rude!"

Lisa: "That's nefarious."

Lola: "She can't do that!"

[Lincoln, also shocked at this, makes his way to the front.]

Lucy: [in spite] "We knew Morag couldn't be trusted."

Lincoln: [regretful] "But I did trust her."

Lucille: "I fear it gets worse."

Lincoln: "Of course it does."

Lucille: "Morag is using the dragon to chase away the people of Loch Louds."

Sisters: "What?!"

Lincoln: "How?"

[Lucille opens the journal to the pages where it shows the scepter that has the Dragon Stone placed in it, and a dragon.]

Lucille: "With the ancient dragon stone. It can turn a good dragon..." [turns the page, showing the spell taking effect] "...evil."

Lincoln: [realizing something] "Wait. My dragon ride. That's why I couldn't control Lela! She was under Morag's power!"

Lisa: "Translation: Morag wrecked the village, not you."

Lincoln: [still feeling regretful] "It's still my fault." [The sisters behind him are shocked; he walks toward the railing] "I wanted to be the Duke so badly, I let Morag trick me." [looks toward the town] "And now those people will lose their homes. I've gotta do something about this."

[The sisters all look at each other.]

Lynn: [determined] "No. We all do."

Lori: "You're always helping us."

Leni: "This time, we're helping you."

[Touched by his sisters' gratitude, and with a surge of determination flowing through him, Lincoln and his sisters, joined by Lucille, all take a dinghy and row back to Loch Loud.]

[There, the citizens are boarding a boat by the dock carrying their belongings with Angus being of assistance.]

Angus: "Careful now." [The Loud siblings' dinghy reaches shore.] "Hurry. Come on, this way."

Lincoln: "Angus!"

[Angus notices the Loud siblings.]

Angus: [surprised] "Blow me bagpipes! Sire! Sisters! You're back!" [The boat leaves] "But I'm afraid Morag is mad as a March hare!"

Lincoln: [determined] "We know, and we've got a plan to get that scepter and save the village."

[Lela, meanwhile, continues her unintentional rampage as the camera fades to the new duch*ess waving around the scepter in the hot tub without a care for her people while laughing away.]

Morag: "I'd say day one as the duch*ess has been a smashing success!" [puts the scepter down] "Aaah... peace and quiet at last."

[Morag is finally able to rest; no more Louds, no more sounds. She lowers herself into the tub, until a moment's peace is interrupted by...]

Lincoln: [seemingly on a microphone from afar] "Testing, one-two-three!"

[Morag gets up, aghast.]

Morag: "What?!"

Lincoln: [from afar] "Let's start the show!"

[She is now furious, officially having it.]

Morag: "THE LOUDS!"

[Morag grabs the scepter, intending to finish this unfinished business.]

[Meanwhile, back at the Louds' ship...]

Lynn Sr.: "I don't ding-dang get it!"

[The parents are still on the ship, both staring at Lynn Sr.'s phone in confusion as they try to figure Leni's text message of emojis.]

Rita: "A boat? A crown? A muscle arm?"

Lynn Sr.: "And a smiley-face poop?" [as shown on his phone] "What is Leni trying to tell us?"

[The parents hear Lily laughing. Their eyes snap to their youngest, looking to see... the other kids have gone out and Lily is looking over the ship.]

Lily: "Boat go bye-bye!" [laughs]

[This sends the parents into a rush, gasping as Lynn Sr. drops his phone.]

Rita and Lynn Sr.: "AAH! Kids!"

[The ship makes a hard right.]

Lynn Sr.: "Starboard, starboard, starboard!"

Rita: "What does that mean?!"

Lynn Sr.: "I DON'T KNOW!"

[Morag, riding on Lela, makes her way toward Loch Loud, scepter in hand. They make their landing.]

Morag: [angry] "I thought I was done with you! Show yourselves, you deplorable, knee-high plonkers!"

[Lincoln flips on some switches labeled "APPLAUSE", "DRUMROLL", and "CHEERING", on a control panel. Morag instantly covers her ears once all those sounds hit. He holds up a spotlight...]

Lincoln: "Okay, girls. Operation Get the Scepter from Morag and Save the Village Before It's Too Late and Also Think of a Shorter Name for this Operation is a go! Luan, you're up."

[Luan gives a thumbs up. Lincoln shines the spotlight, displaying Luan's shadow in the center. Morag and Lela turn to it.]

Luan: "There once was a duch*ess named Morag, whose hair smelled like a floor rag!" [They go after the light, which scatters across town...] "When she stole the crown, everyone frowned, 'cause now their ruler was a poo-bag!" [laughs]

[...right where Luna is positioned. She has her guitar, some speakers, and a pedalboard ready.]

Luna: "Come on, feel the noise!"

[She pushes down the pedal, and plays a chord so powerful, it knocks the duch*ess and dragon back. Lori and Lynn have golf balls and soccer balls in front of them, Lori holding a golf club.]

Lori: "Fore!" [She and Lynn both swing, and kick, their respective sport balls at Morag while Lela tries to keep her balance.] "Leni, go!"

[Leni is standing on a roof of a house. She throws a sheet of fabric over the duch*ess and dragon, supposedly blinding them, and having them stumble about.]

Leni: [claps] "Yay!"

[Morag aggressively tosses the sheet off her and looks around to find any more Louds lurking, until a flash of light blinds her.]

Morag: "AAH! My eyes!"

[The flash originated from Lola's shiny teeth, which reflected off Lisa's glasses.]

Lola: "That teeth whitening was worth it!"

[She offers Lisa a high five, but Lisa, due to not having her glasses on, directs her hand at Lola's face.]

Lisa: "Oops, sorry."

Lincoln: "Lucy, you know what to do!" [gives a thumbs up]

[Lucy is standing on a roof of another house. Morag directs her attention at her.]

Lucy: "Moraaaag, catch me if you can."

[Lucy falls back over the roof. Morag has Lela dive towards her. Right as the dragon is about to consume Lucy, Lucille manages to catch her just in time.]

Lucille: "Gotcha."

Lucy: "I was almost a goner. Maybe next time."

Morag: "FIRE!"

[Lela spews out a fireball, which dodges Lucy as she and Lucille fly through town, and it hits a building instead.]

[Meanwhile, Rita, Lynn Sr., and Lily have just arrived at the dock and meets up with Angus.]

Rita: "Angus! What is going on?!"

Angus: "Oh, my dear Louds, it's madness!"

Rita: "Where are the kids?!"

Angus: [sarcastically] "Oh, you know, just battling a fire-breathing dragon. This way."

[Rita, Lily, and Angus start to head off.]

Lynn Sr.: "Wait! I'm not ready."

[They stop and turn around. Lynn Sr. tears away his khakis to his reveal his kilt once more.]

Lynn Sr.: [Scottish accent] "Now I'm ready!"

Angus: "Blow me bagpipes!"

[They head off for real this time.]

[Lincoln stands atop the destroyed bell tower.]

Lincoln: "That's it, Luce! Keep coming, keep coming!" [Lucy and Lucille head toward his way while dodging fireballs shot by Lela.] "Here we go." [They pass him] "It's my turn. I can do this!" [jumps off the tower, and lands on the dragon, just as she and Morag were about to pass him as well] "Yes! I'm on the dragon!" [realizing] "Ah! I'm on the dragon!" [makes his way to Morag] "Easy now."

[While doing so, Lincoln slips and is about to fall off, but saves himself and climbs back on. He lets out a breather of relief, and gasps upon seeing Morag twirling the scepter around.]

Morag: [commanding] "Fire!"

[Lela charges up another fireball, until Lincoln steps in and grips the scepter, forcing Morag in a tumble with him, and also having the fireball luckily miss Lucy and Lucille completely. The duch*ess turns around, and gasps upon noticing the boy.]

Morag: "You!"

Lincoln: "I'm not letting you get away with it! Let go!"

Morag: "Never!"

[They both engage in a tug-of-war over the scepter, steering Lela all about.]

Lincoln: "You stole it!"

Morag: "It's mine!"

Lucy: [witnessing this] "Lincoln needs our help. We have to get the others."

[Lucille ventures forward to get the others as Lela heads toward the Loud Castle, with Lincoln and the corrupt duch*ess still tugging at the scepter.]

Morag: "I command you to let go!"

Lincoln: "'Command'? Is that what this is all about? Power?!"

Morag: [spitefully] "Ha! No, this crown will guarantee..." [goes up to his face] " Louds ever bother me again!"

[Morag kicks Lincoln in the chest, having him fall back. When he gets up, he gasps, seeing something that is not good at all.]

Lincoln: "Hate to bother you, but..."

[Morag turns around and gasps as well. Lela also notices and uses her wings in order to protect herself and its passengers. Though they are too late, as they crash into the castle walls, knocking the two off the dragon as the crown falls off Morag's head. Lela skids to a stop.]

[The other Louds, Angus, and Lucille run towards the castle.]

Luna: "Lincoln!"

Lola: "We're coming!"

[Inside, they gasp as they are greeted with a horrific sight; Lincoln is on the ground, unconscious.]

Lana: "Holy moly!"

Lynn Sr.: [spotting Lincoln] "Ah! There he is!"

[They run towards him...]

Rita: "My baby!"

Lori: "Oh no! Lincoln!"

Luan: "We're here, little brother! Don't worry!"

[...until they are stopped dead in their tracks as Lela stomps down on the way, blocking their path. They all scream as they are slowly backed up towards the wall.]

Lily: "No, Lela!"

[Morag cackles as Lincoln regains consciousness, seeing her and the corrupted Lela slowly advance on the family he loves.]

Morag: "Oh, you really bungled it... You should have sailed away while you had the chance."

[Lincoln gasps and spots the crown lying in the grass. He quickly gets up and advances towards it, grabbing it and then breaking out into a run towards Morag, Angus, and his family.]

Morag: "Now, prepare to be Loud..." [raises the scepter] "NO MORE!" [She is about to bring death to the others, who huddle and whimper in fear. Lela begins to charge up her fire breath...] "FIRE!"

[And fire she does, until Lincoln gets in the way, holding the crown up high.]

Lincoln: "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Morag: "STOP!"

[Seeing the crown she desperately wants, Morag brings the scepter away; Lela does fire only a sickle-shaped fire mark surrounding the Louds, and Angus. The family gasps, with Lynn Sr. absolutely petrified; seeing their brother/son in front of them.]

Lori: "Lincoln!"

Lincoln: "You want the crown so bad?!" [runs off with the crown] "Come and get it!"

[His family calls out to him to stop.]

Lynn Sr.: "Lincoln!"

Luan: "Don't do this!"

Morag: [wickedly] "Lela..."

[Morag is now passenger on Lela once again as she leads the dragon towards the sole boy. Lincoln runs through the hole, and Lela breaks through it. Just as his family and Angus chase after them, they are blocked off by the rubble that remained in the hole.]

Luna: "No!"

Lana: "Lincoln!"

Luan: "What do we do now?!"

[Seeing this, Lily frees herself from Rita's hold on her. Once she's on the ground, she starts to crawl through an open space through the rubble, determined to save her big brother.]

Lynn Sr.: "Just don't panic. Don't panic! Don't panic!..." [now panicking] "DON'T PANIC!"

[Lincoln finds himself in a dead end at the cliff, backing up as Morag and Lela trap him.]

Morag: "Oh, what a pity." [gets off Lela and slowly advances toward the boy] "Nowhere to run."

Lincoln: "This isn't the way to get what you want. Maybe you can tell everyone you're sorry."

Morag: "Why yes, I could... if I were a hare-brained fool!" [threateningly] "Now give me the crown!"

[Behind her, Lily quickly toddles to a rock, and hides. She peeks out, having Lincoln notice her presence. Morag looks over to see what he's looking at, but he quickly distracts her.]

Lincoln: "Never, Morag."

Morag: "It's 'duch*ess' to you."

[Lily toddles to another hiding spot.]

Lincoln: "You can have all the crowns in the world, but you'll never be the duch*ess."

Morag: "You will never be special. Just plain, boring Lincoln Loud." [Lincoln's foot reaches the end of the cliff, breaking a piece off. He starts to get nervous.] "Always in your sisters' shadows, just where you belong."

[Morag raises the scepter; Lela rises up, ready to deliver the killing blow. Lincoln looks up at the dragon, then glowers at Morag.]

Lincoln: "You're wrong." [holds up the crown] "I'm the fifth-best junior magician in Royal Woods." [glides it across his arms and places it on his head, then reveals a magic wand]

Morag: [befuddled] "What?"

Lincoln: [takes the crown off] "What enchantment is this?" [waves the wand and out appears a bouquet of flowers]

Morag: "Ah-" [Lincoln gives the flowers to her; she is annoyed] "Enough!"

[Suddenly, Lincoln starts to throw a line of handkerchiefs at Morag, pulling them out of the crown while flashing a wide grin; a dove perches on her head. She is even more annoyed.]

Morag: [furious] "No more tricks!" [flails her arms, ridding all the magic props]

[Lily peeks out from behind Lela, and Lincoln quickly looks at her. He has one more trick up his sleeve.]

Lincoln: "Except one." [whips out a deck of cards] "Presto!"

[Lincoln sends the cards flying at Morag's face. She has had enough of his games.]

Morag: "Dragon, obliterate this ninny and bring me the crown!"

[She raises and swings the scepter down, expecting Lela to oblige to her demand... but nothing happens. Instead, she finds a burrito in place of the Dragon Stone inside the scepter.]

Morag: [incredulous] "What...?"

[She looks up at Lela, who now snaps out of the hypnosis, and glares at Morag menacingly.]

Morag: [nervous] "Oh dear."

[The Dragon Stone is revealed to be in Lily's hands as triumphant music plays in the background.]

Lily: "Ta-da! Lela!" [tosses the gemstone up into the air]

Morag: "No!"

[Too late for the so called duch*ess. Lela takes a deep breath, and shoots a stream of fire at the Dragon Stone, disintegrating it whole, until there is nothing more. Morag cries out in anguish, and Lincoln and Lily slyly high-five each other.]

Lincoln and Lily: [point at each other] "Backup plan!" [both laugh]

Lincoln: "We did it! Way to go, Lily!" [laughs]

Morag: [forlorn] "All I wanted was my peace and quiet..." [throws the scepter away; now livid] "AND I WILL HAVE IT!" [lunges at Lincoln and grabs the crown] "Give me the crown!"

[Lincoln and Morag engage in their second tug-of-war, being the crown, with Lily pulling the back of Lincoln's shirt as assistance.]

Lincoln: "LET GO!"

[Morag backs at the end of the cliff, accidentally stepping on her own cape, which sends her and the two Loud siblings falling off the cliff and plummeting down toward the ocean, screaming.]

Lily: [tears escaping] "LINCOOOOOOOOLN!"

[Lincoln darts his eyes between the crown and his baby sister. Realizing what's more important, he tosses the crown away and holds Lily close to him.]

Lincoln: "Gotcha, Lil!" [He and Lily hug each other tightly, expecting to meet their doom, when they suddenly land on something beneath them, and switching direction.] "Wait, what?"

[They look to see that Lela has saved their lives. She flies into the nightly sky, giving out a roar.]

Lincoln: [joyful] "Lela!"

Lily: "Good girl." [laughs]

[Lela smiles at them. Morag is then revealed to be gripped by the dragon's claws, crossing her arms in a huff.]

[The other Louds are attempting to climb over the rubble wall.]

Lynn Sr.: "Slow down, Rita!"

[The parents make it to the top, but Lynn Sr. loses his grip and falls back.]

Rita: "Careful, sweetie."

Lynn Sr.: [hitting the ground] "Ow!"

[Rita climbs over the top, along with Lori and Luna, but gasps at seeing her two kids returning on Lela.]

Lily: "Wiwy fwying dragon!"

[The Louds and Angus happily cheer at seeing them safe and sound. Lily waves to her family, and Lela makes a landing on the castle's yard. Rita, Lynn Sr., Lori, and Luna climb down the wall.]

Morag: "Let me go, you horrid beast!"

[Lela obliges, uncaringly dropping a dazed Morag in a bush. The Louds and Angus dash towards them, past her, as she sinks into the bush.]

Luan: "That was awesome!"

Rita: "My babies!"

[Lela lowers her head, having Lily slide down to her mother's arms. Rita hugs her youngest daughter.]

Lynn Sr.: "Oh, Lela, we can't thank you enough." [hugs the dragon]

[Lincoln slides off Lela.]

Lana: "Way to go, Lincoln."

Leni: "We love you, Lela."

[After Lela nuzzles Lincoln, who pets her back, the sisters surround the dragon and pet her as well.]

Lana: "Who's a good dragon?"

[The citizens enter the castle's yard, cheering.]

Mrs. Turnberry: "To the Louds! For saving our home!"

Angus: "To Lincoln, whom history will remember as the loudest of the Louds!"

[The citizens cheer once more, praising Lincoln. The sheep bleats, and Angus pets it.]

Mrs. Scroggins: "We're sorry we doubted you."

[As the citizens continue to cheer and praise, Lela lets out a growl, unfolding her tail to reveal the crown. She lowers it to Lincoln.]

Citizens: "Duke Loud, hoo! Duke Loud, ha! Duke Loud, ho ho ho!"

[Lincoln takes the crown off Lela's tail, looking at it with mixed feelings.]

Angus: "Our Duke is back!"

[The citizens cheer again. Lincoln lightly smiles at first, but when he stares back at his reflection in the crown, his smile turns to a despondent frown.]

Lana: "What you waitin' for, Linc? Put that baby on!"

Lola: [pointing] "If you don't, I will!"

[The twins step back, Lola still pointing at her brother. Lincoln looks at the crown once more.]

Lincoln: "Ever since we came here, I wanted this crown more than anything. I thought if I had it, I'd finally be special like my sisters." [His family look at each other] "When I wore it, all I cared about was what it would do for me, not what I could do for you. And I'm sorry for being selfish. The thing is..." [looks at Angus] "Someone kept trying to tell me what it really means to wear the crown, but I wouldn't listen. I'm sorry for that too." [Rita and Lynn Sr. silently smile at one another] "That's why, there's only person who deserves to wear this crown." [turns to Angus] "Angus..." [The crowd gasps] "With the power vested in me..."

Angus: "Lad, no."

Lincoln: "...By the royal Loud family..."

Angus: "No, Lincoln, I can't."

Lincoln: "...I dub thee, the Duke of Loch Loud!"

Angus: [refuses] "No, no. I'm just a simple groundskeeper."

Mrs. Scroggins: "Oh, you're so much more."

Bearded Man: "You're like family."

Mrs. Turnberry: "You've always been there for us."

[Lela is touched at this, letting out a breath through her nostrils.]

?: [offscreen] "The people have spoken, Angus!"

[Everyone turns their heads and gasps at what they see before them in awe.]

Lincoln: [in awe] "The Duke!"

[The Louds' ancestors, all as ghosts, float down in front of everyone.]

Lisa: "Astonishing."

Luan: "It's our family."

Luna: "Yo, cuz!"

Lynn Sr.: [unprepared] "Twelve more ghosts? That's fine." [laughs] "I'm totally fi-" [passes out from fear]

The Duke: [floats toward Angus] "A more worthy Duke I've never laid eyes upon. For you are the true caretaker of our home, and us all."

Angus: "Thank you, your Dukeship."

[Lincoln steps in between his ancestral double, and the groundskeeper. Angus kneels down, and after Lincoln and the Duke nod to each other, Lincoln places the crown on Angus' head.]

Angus: "Well, blow my bagpipes."

[Everybody cheers, and Lela lets out a roar. Morag emerges from the bush, spitting out a few leaves. She pouts and just stares at the scene, unimpressed.]

Fish Shoppe Owner: "So Duke, what about me fish shoppe?"

Chip Shoppe Owner: "What about my chip shoppe?"

Scott: "What about her?" [referring to Morag]

[...To which Lela glares down to, smiling.]

Morag: "Oh dear." [Lela scoops her up and carries her away] "Unhand me, beast!"

Angus: "The dragon is the true guardian of the loch. She shall decide Morag's fate."

[Lela drops Morag at a small rock island and flies away, yet Morag laughs victoriously.]

Morag: "The joke's on you, you scaly, putrid lummox! You gave me my peace and quiet!" [She suddenly hears some seals barking, and it reveals that Lela dropped her off on an island full of seals that bear striking resemblances to the Loud family, much to Morag's shock.] "What? No. No!" [drops to her knees] "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

[Back at the castle's yard, the sisters surround their brother. Lori playfully noogies Lincoln's head.]

Lana: "Lincoln! You giving the crown to Angus was the coolest!"

[Leni nods, giggling, followed by Luna laughing.]

Luna: "You're a good dude, dude!"

Luan: "Yes!"

[Leni laughs.]

Lori: "But all that stuff about you not feeling special."

Lynn: "What was that?"

[Lincoln sighs wistfully; an explanation is needed.]

Lincoln: "You're all so good at everything. You win trophies, get your pictures taken. And, I wanted to be special too."

Lola: "Lincoln, you are special."

Lincoln: "I am?"

Lori: "Yeah. Just like how Angus takes care of everyone in Loch Loud..."

Luan: "You take care of us."

Luna: "Every day, bro."

Lana: "For reals."

Leni: "That's why you're the most special brother ever."

[The parents and Lily walk over to the siblings.]

Lori: "Literally."

Lana: "That's right!"

Lola: "Yeah."

Luan: "I'll say!"

Lisa: "Indubitably."

Lincoln: [looks at his family and hums warmly] "I'm good with that."

Lily: "I wuv you, Wincoln!"

Louds: [touched] "Awwww!"

[They group hug.]

Lucy: "Warm feelings."

[A new song starts to play. The next day, construction occurs at Loch Loud. Mrs. Turnberry opens her door and finds it's no longer situated above the ground, but directly at ground level. The twins and Angus walk past her with a ladder; Angus waving at her. Mrs. Turnberry waves at the co-owners of the newly-merged Fish N' Chips Shoppe. Lincoln and Lily fly past them on Lela, holding construction equipment, and wave at the citizens.]

I've been searching high and low ♫

♫ Looking for that place where I belong ♫

♫ Trying to find my way back home ♫♫ To the land where I can sing my own song

[Lincoln, Lily, and Lela skim over the river, flying past the restored bridge as a woman and a sheep wave at them. As they continue into town, Leni wipes a window in the shape of a heart, revealing Scott is restocking another shop, and the two wave at each other. Dragon and riders pass the window and by citizens restoring the unicorn statue. Lucy and Lucille are carrying bricks to restore the wall.]

Overlooked and overshadowed ♫

♫ How will I stand out? ♫

♫ Maybe now I can be ♫♫ Here on this side of the sea ♫♫ With all my family standing beside me ♫♫ They just might be the key

[The Duke is repairing a window, telekinetically using a hammer to hammer it in. Lana saws a table with Angus holding blueprints, Lela lands with someone taking the ladder. Lincoln and Lily dismount, and Lela reveals she also has the restored bell. Later, Lincoln directs his ancestral double and Lucille to telekinetically lift the bell to its rightful spot.]

Can I find my kind of connection ♫

♫ And a whole new direction to call my own? ♫

♫ Staring back at my own reflection ♫♫ With the love and affection that I know ♫♫ I'll always find my way back home

[With the bell restored, Lincoln and Lily walk up to Angus, who rubs the boy's hair, and the bell rings. Later, the modern and ancestral Louds are gathered at the castle. Leni, Scott, and her ancestral double admire a necklace, Lynn Sr. and his double converse, Luna and her double play guitar and lute together, Lucy and the twins are carried through the air by their respective doubles, Lori takes a selfie with her double...]

Lori: "Get my good side!"

[Lisa and her double read a book...]

Lisa: "The brain belongs..."

[Rita and her double also converse, and Luan juggles with her double, laughing away. Lincoln and his double watch all of this and nod at each other, and the Duke floats away. Leni kisses Scott on the cheek, and he blushes. Lincoln turns to Angus as the song comes to an end.]

Angus: "I'll miss you, lad."

Lincoln: [hugs Angus] "If you ever need any Duke advice, you can call me."

Angus: "Deal. You are, after all, the Man with the Plan."

Lincoln and Angus: [point at each other] "Patent pending."

[Angus chuckles.]

[Later, the modern Louds are about to leave Loch Loud. They are now back on the ship, this time with Lincoln's face displayed on the Scottish flag; the sails are set, and they wave goodbye.]

Lola: "'Kay, bye!"

Lisa: "We'll be sure to write!"

[The citizens and ancestral Louds return their goodbye. The ship leaves harbor...]

Lincoln: "Ah, that was one vacation we'll never forget."

Lana: "That's right!"

Lori: "Literally."

Lola: "So long, adoring fans! Try not to miss me too much!"

[After waving farewell to the modern Louds, the citizens and ancestral Louds head back to their town... except for the fisherman, who is busy peeling the skin off carrots. Suddenly, a submarine arrives, with Bobby popping out of the hatch.]

Bobby: "Scotland! Finally!" [falls off the submarine, screaming. He climbs back onto the dock] "Excuse me. I'm looking for a girl named Lori Loud. Can you tell me where she is?"

[The fisherman silently hands Bobby a telescope, turns him around, and points him to look at sea. Bobby looks through the telescope and finds Lori already leaving on the ship, sighing wistfully. Bobby blinks, drops the telescope, gets down on his knees, and then...]


[One last song starts to play, and the credits start rolling. Just after the director's credit, a mid-credits scene plays. Back at the Loud House in Lincoln's room is a Clincoln McCloud reunion, with Clyde having made crown-themed cream puffs and a "WELCOME HOME" banner.]

Clyde: "Welcome home, buddy."

[The two friends hug.]

Lincoln: "Thanks, Clyde." [the two friends take the puffs and eat] "Mm-mm-mm."

Clyde: [anticipating] "Huh?"

Lincoln: "Just the right amount of cinnamon."

[Clyde gasps, thrilled. The credits then continue to play showing what the modern and ancestral Louds, Angus, and Morag have been doing ever since the modern Louds went back to Royal Woods. Lori carries a battered, mud-covered Bobby back to Royal Woods, Leni continues her relationship with Scott online, Luna continues to experiment with bagpiping, Lincoln and Lily win a third-place trophy for a magic act, and Lynn Sr. continues to embrace his Scottish heritage, much to Rita's embarrassment. Meanwhile in Loch Loud, Lela is pregnant with triplet girl puppy dragons, still in their eggs as she is sleeping. Angus rescues Morag from the seals' home and works with the ancestral Louds to keep Loch Loud in top form, while Morag is forced to be the groundskeeper with Lela keeping her in line.]

Hey! Oh-oh-oh ♫

♫ Oh-oh-oh ♫

♫ Let's get lost ♫♫ And find out what's inside of us ♫♫ Let's get lost together, let's get lost ♫♫ Let's get lost together, let's get lost ♫♫ Sometimes things don't go the way you plan ♫♫ But good things happen when we take a chance ♫♫ And I don't want to waste my time ♫♫ I'm moving in the front of the line ♫♫ You never know what you might find (Hey!) ♫♫ Oh-oh-oh ♫♫ Oh-oh-oh ♫♫ Let's get lost ♫♫ And find out what's inside of us ♫♫ Let's get lost together, let's get lost ♫♫ Let's get lost together, let's get lost!

[The rest of the credits roll over the photo album from the opening, while reprising This Town Is Named for You and Loud Castle, but only as instrumentals. Among these photos is a new one of Lynn and Lana with Charles, who is dressed up as Lela. The end.]

The Loud House Movie/Transcript (2024)
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