Site Locator and Appointments User Guide (2024)

Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC)

ID Card Office Locator & Appointments UserGuide

December 2023 - Version 2.2

Table of Contents


Search for an ID Card Office

Display Overview

Search for Site by Location

Alternate Search

Site Selection

Schedule Appointment

Locate or Cancel Scheduled Appointment

Appendix A – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

No appointments are available for several months

Book This Appointment Button Does Not Do Anything

Site Does Not Contain a Schedule an Appointment Button

“Appointment Already Exists” occurs when scheduling an appointment

Known Sites Missing from Searches

I cannot find my Appointment

I do not know my Confirmation Number

Searching by Site Name - Not Finding Desired Site

Who do I contact for help?

This document provides step-by-stepinstructions for using the RAPIDS ID Card Office Online (IDCO) Site Locator& Appointment Scheduling tool to locate the desired RAPIDS ID Card Office. Located Sites details will include their address,operating hours, and pertinent site information. An appointment can be scheduled at a specificRAPIDS site, if utilizing online appointment scheduling, to ensure you will beseen and minimize your wait time.Additionally, walk-in hours are provided in cases the desiredappointment cannot be scheduled.

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>Open an internet browser to

<![if !supportLists]>2.<![endif]>Click the “Continue” button within the ID CardOffice Locator & Appointments box.

Display Overview

From the main screen the Site Locator & Appointmentsscreen provides the ability to:

<![if !supportLists]>§<![endif]>Search for Siteby Address – this provides the ability to enter an address (Zip Code or aCity is recommended) and locate nearby Sites that match the entered searchcriteria.

<![if !supportLists]>§<![endif]>Alternate Search– this provides the ability to perform alternate searches to locate sites.

<![if !supportLists]>o<![endif]>Search by Country – this provides the ability tosearch for all locations within a Country.For the United States the State drop-down is required and City isoptional.

NOTE: Non-US Countries cannot search by State or City.

<![if !supportLists]>o<![endif]>Search by Zip Code – this returns sites thatmatch an exact United States zip code.

<![if !supportLists]>o<![endif]>Search for Site by Site Name or ID – thisprovides the ability to search by a Site ID or search for a specific name.

<![if !supportLists]>§ <![endif]>Search for Existing Appointment– this provides the ability to locate and/or cancel your appointment.

Search for Site by Location

From the main screen the Site Locator & Appointments sectionprovides the ability to utilize search parameters and search for sites. All sites are displayed by default, includingsites that do not support online appointment scheduling or walk-ins.

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>Populate the desired search parameters thenclick “Search”. The search parametersprovide the ability to search by location, date and time ranges, and distance. For more details on a search parameter locatethe number in the image below and matching number in the table below.

When populating the site locator search parameters, only the “EnterLocation” field is required. Theadditional search parameters can be utilized to locate the ideal ID Card Officefor your needs.


Search Parameters



Enter Location

Enter your address to locate ID Card Offices nearby matching your search criteria. City and State or Zip Code are recommended for the United States. City and Country for International.



Indicate the acceptable distance from the Enter Location value. Miles or Kilometers can be utilized.


Locations Supports

All = Retrieves all Sites including those that do not support online appointments or walk-ins.

Appointments = will only return sites with open appointments.

Walk-Ins = will only return sites that have Walk-In Hours set.


Date Range

Only for Appointments and Walk-Ins.

Indicate a date range for the desired. For a single date search populate both fields.


Time Range

The Time Range Field can only be utilized for Appointments.

Indicate a time range for the desired Appointment to occur.

If searching by location skip to the Site Selection section.

Alternate Search

The Alternate Search tab provides three options forperforming searches.

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>Search by Country, State, and City

<![if !supportLists]>a.<![endif]>Country: select the desired country from thedrop-down (required)

<![if !supportLists]>b.<![endif]>State: for United States, enter the desiredState from the drop-down (required for United States). This field is grayed out for all otherCountries.

<![if !supportLists]>c.<![endif]>City: for United States, enter the desired City toreturn only Sites in a single City (optional for United States). This field is grayed out for all otherCountries.

<![if !supportLists]>2.<![endif]>Search by Zip Code

<![if !supportLists]>a.<![endif]>Zip Code: enter the United States Zip Code toreturn sites within that Zip Code.

<![if !supportLists]>3.<![endif]>Search by Site Name or ID

<![if !supportLists]>a.<![endif]>Site Name or ID is a stand-alone field thatallows the ability to search by Site Name or ID to display matching ID CardOffice site(s)


Search Parameters



Search Method

<![if !supportLists]>- <![endif]>Search by Country/State/City

<![if !supportLists]>- <![endif]>Search by Zip Code

<![if !supportLists]>- <![endif]>Search by Site Name or ID

Select one Radio Button

Search by Country/State/City



Select desired drop-down value for Country


State (United States Only)

If the Country United States was selected the State drop-down must be populated.


City (United States Only)

If the Country United States was selected the City can be populated (optional)

Search by Zip Code


Zip Code (United States Only)

Enter a United States Zip Code

Search by Site Name or ID


Site Name or ID

Enter the Site Name or ID to list the matching site(s).

Steps to perform the searches:

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>Click “Alternate Search”

<![if !supportLists]>2.<![endif]>Select desired search method by clicking theassociated radio button.

<![if !supportLists]>3.<![endif]>Populate the value(s) below the selected Radiobutton.

<![if !supportLists]>4.<![endif]>Click “Search”.

NOTE: State and City are onlyavailable for United States.

NOTE: for Site Name it is recommended to utilize one knownunique word in the Site Name (i.e., Belvoir).

Note: for Site ID enter the 6-digit Site ID.

Site Selection

After performing the search, the sites matching the searchcriteria are displayed. If no resultswere returned, consider changing the search parameters and try again. Consider increasing the distance drop-down, eliminatingthe dates desired, eliminating the time filter, or switch the search tolocations supporting Walk-Ins.

Please note that availability ofappointments is controlled by the individual RAPIDS ID Card Offices, and questionsrelating to appointment availability should be directed to your local ID CardOffice.

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>Utilize the map and list of sites on the rightpanel to locate the desired location.The bottom right of the map contains zoom functions to adjust for abetter view if necessary.

<![if !supportLists]>2.<![endif]>On the right panel click “Select” to view moreinformation on the selected Site.

<![if !supportLists]>3.<![endif]>Additional site information based on your selectionis displayed at the bottom of the screen.

The site address, office hours, and walk-in hours are nowdisplayed. The Office Hours arereferencing hours open and are not associated with appointment hours. The Walk-In hours will only be displayed ifWalk-ins hours were provided.

<![if !supportLists]>4. <![endif]>Click “More Site Info” to view importantinformation provided by the site.

<![if !supportLists]>5.<![endif]>To obtain directions to the Site click “GetDirections”. A new tab will be opened inGoogle Maps with the destination pre-populated.Add your starting location to receive directions.

Schedule Appointment

<![if !supportLists]>6.<![endif]>If an appointment is desired, click the “Schedulean Appointment” button.

Note: The “Schedule an Appointment” button is only availablewhen the site currently has an active schedule supporting appointments. If no button is present read the displayedSite Information or locate a different site.

A monthly calendar is displayed with daily availabilitydisplayed. “No Appointments Availablefor this Month” will be displayed when there are no appointments available forthe displayed month. Click the nextmonth to determine if appointments are available.

<![if !supportLists]>7.<![endif]>Select a date with Available Appointments.

The desired date can be selected by any of following methods:

<![if !supportLists]>A.<![endif]>Selecting the Calendar icon at the top of thescreen and selecting the desired date.

<![if !supportLists]>B.<![endif]>Clicking on the Available Dates drop-down, whichfilters to only days with available appointments, and selecting the desireddate.

<![if !supportLists]>C.<![endif]>Click on a date box from the large calendarpopulated with “# Available Appointments”

The available appointments for the selected day are nowdisplayed at the bottom of the screen

<![if !supportLists]>8.<![endif]>Locate the desired appointment slot, then clickthe “Book this Appointment” button.

<![if !supportLists]>9.<![endif]>Readthe Site Information details on the screen to confirm if an appointmentis still desired. Click confirm toproceed.

<![if !supportLists]>10.<![endif]>Populate the required fields of First Name, LastName, Phone Number, Email, and Reason for Appointment. Populate the optional drop-downs forSponsor’s Personnel Type and Sponsor’s Branch of Service if desired, then click“Save”. The email address entered isused for appointment confirmation and reminder emails only and is notassociated with a CAC.

NOTE: Only Appointment Reasons supported by theSite will be displayed. (e.g., IfExpired/Renewal (CACs) and Initial Issuance (CACs) are not present then thissite does not support those functions).

<![if !supportLists]>11.<![endif]>Your appointment is all set. Make sure to read the site information to properlyprepare for your appointment. It isrecommended to record your confirmation number.

A confirmation email will be received from RAPIDS_APPOINTMENT_NO_REPLY@mail.milwith a subject similar to:

Please add this email address to your contacts to make surethe email is not blocked. If you do notreceive a confirmation email within 15 minutes, please check your spam folder.

<![if !supportLists]>1.<![endif]>To locate or cancel an appointment open aninternet browser to

<![if !supportLists]>2.<![endif]>Click the “Continue” button within the ID CardOffice Locator & Appointments box.

<![if !supportLists]>3.<![endif]>Click the “Search for Existing Appointment”button at the top of the screen.

<![if !supportLists]>4.<![endif]>Populate the “Last Name” and “AppointmentConfirmation Number” fields then click “Search”. The appointment confirmation number wasprovided in the confirmation email sent by

<![if !supportLists]>5.<![endif]>If desired, click Cancel Appointment.

<![if !supportLists]>6.<![endif]>When the pop-up window appears click “ConfirmCancel Appointment.”

<![if !supportLists]>7.<![endif]>A cancellation email will be sent to the emailaddress for the appointment from

Please add this email address to yourcontacts to make sure the email is not blocked.If you do not receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes, pleasecheck your spam folder.

No appointments are available for several months

Unfortunately, not all sites will haveavailable appointments online (fully booked, not accepting new appointments atthis time, or the site is restricted).If you enter your location (Zip code recommended for United States), distancewilling to travel, and select the Search For "Appointments" radiobutton then only sites with appointments will be returned.

If too many results are returned theresults can be narrowed by adding a date and/or time ranges to locate the exactappointment you would like.

If no results were found, then change to theSearch For to "Walk-Ins".

If nothing is available, it is recommendedto check back for cancellations or additional schedules for future monthsto be opened.

Book This Appointment Button Does Not Do Anything

Google reCAPTCHA thought that you were a robot. Try clearing your cache (Ctrl+Shift+Delete)and trying a new browser session or use a different browser. If it continues to fail, try rebooting yourmachine.

Site Does Not Contain a Schedule an AppointmentButton

The Schedule an Appointment will only be present forsites that have an activate schedule in the system. If no button is present, read the Site Informationtext to determine if an alternate method is used for scheduling or if walk-insare supported. If no site information isprovided, either contact the site or locate a different site.

“Appointment Already Exists” occurs when scheduling anappointment

If you receive an error message “Appointment AlreadyExists” then please note someone scheduled the appointment first and thatappointment slot is no longer available.Select a different available appointment and try again.

Known Sites Missing from Searches

When searching for Appointments only sites with openappointments will be returned. Whensearching for Walk-Ins only sites with Walk-In hours listed will be returned.

I cannot find my Appointment

If searching for your appointment and it isnot found review who the appointment was scheduled for in your confirmationemail. Customer Name: First Name LastName

If your name is listed Last Name First Name,then try searching by your First Name.If you have a middle initial or suffix in the customername field, then try including these in your search. (e.g., John Smith (search by Smith), SmithJohn (search by John), John K. Smith (search by Smith or K. Smith), John SmithJr. (search by Smith Jr.))

I do not know my Confirmation Number

Click the “Search for Existing Appointment” tab, thenclick “Find my Confirmation Number” and enter the email associated with theappointment and click Send. All futureappointments will be sent to the email entered.

Searching by Site Name - Not Finding Desired Site

When searching by Site Name it isrecommended to search by one unique word associated with the site. Try searching by Country and State for UnitedStates or just Country for all other Countries.

Who do I contact for help?

For technical assistance or to reportproblems, please call the Help Desk:

Toll Free: 800-538-9522

Commercial: 502-335-9980

When requesting support, reference the IDCard Office Online (IDCO) application.If receiving an error message, please provide the entire error message.

Pleasenote that availability of appointments is controlled by the individual RAPIDSID Card Offices, and questions relating to appointment availability should bedirected to your local ID Card Office.

To provide feedback on system functionality and performance,please utilize the Feedback button in the top right corner.

Feedback submitted about siteavailability will receive the following email response:

“Please note that appointment availability is dependent onlocal sites. Here are the most commontips that have helped users in the past locate an appointment.

Unfortunately, not all sites will have availableappointments online:

- When the search for = appointments radio button isselected only sites with available appointments will be displayed.

- Perhaps all available dates are fully booked (calendardates with appointments fully booked will be displayed with "FullyBooked" on that date. If you seedates in the future that are blank, there are currently no appointments setupor available for booking at this time.)

- Some sites do not utilize the online appointmentscheduling tool

- Some sites only set a couple days or weeks in advance andadditional dates will be available in the future.

If you enter your location (zip code recommended), distancewilling to travel, and select Search For "Appointments" radio buttonselected then only sites with appointments will be returned.

If too many results are returned you also can select a dateand/or time ranges to locate the exact appointment, you would like.

If no results were found, then change the Search for to"Walk-Ins". If still noresults and the distance was expanded, then change Search For to"All". Select each site andthen "More Site Info" to identify if they have unique instructionsfor appointments or walk-ins outside of the site. Contacting the sites is another possibilitybut please note many sites require online appointments and will utilize apre-recorded message.

If attempting to find a specific location consider using the2nd tab to search by Country/State/City, Zip Code, or Site Name/ID. When searching by Site Name use one uniqueword if possible (i.e., Belvoir).

If unsuccessful consider checking back for cancellations oradditional appointments slots to be opened.

Please note that the ID card expiring doesn't automaticallyterminate medical benefits.

Site Locator and Appointments User Guide (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.