Shin No Sekai - Character Backstories 3.0 + 1.0 People did (NOT) see this. | Fandom (2024)

You know what is needed.

Format if you wish to be added is down below.







Social ranking:


I also have requirements.

  1. Can't mess with the story too much, by that, do not make any of your characters have time related ability, only Vextale can, and he nerfed it so it doesn't mess with the story. What I mean is, if your character has a reality warping ability that is strong enough, I'm not allowing that to slide.

  2. Cannot be a direct copy of someone else's ability.

  3. Characters can have fanservice, but not too much.

  4. Your character can be horny, but if you do, I'm making them a side character that disappears completely within a few sentences.

  5. This is not a complete One Piece story, it's a story set in the real world, with most of the named characters being based on wiki users, and the story itself features One Piece elements, with references to other media.

  6. Cannot be too generic, or they disappear completely after a few sentences.

Pings: @Nocturnal4Ever @ExteremePain @YoboiLight83 @PieSome @Esortsyt @Kindetsu @GibMemes1 @Victoryblade381 @Niixblue


Name: Hikari Shirayuki

Appearance: A moderately slim Japanese woman, typically wears a modified coat, a longcoat, latex socks, a tight ribbon choker, a modified kasa, and a long katana. Her eyes are a unnatural frosty blue color, with her hair being dark and extremely long, reaching up to past her height.

Shin No Sekai - Character Backstories 3.0 + 1.0 People did (NOT) see this. | Fandom (1)

Age: Centuries of years old, older than her appearance.

Personality: A cheerful person, even in dire situations. Intrigued in new or unexpected things. A short tempered person. Extremely perceptive. masoch*stic, but just barely.

Abilities: Temperature manipulation, weapon generation, quake generation, barrier generation, limb generation, fluid manipulation. All of which come from the Hie Hie no mi. With absolute zero, projectiles can be completely stopped, and kinetic energy can be negated up to a certain degree. Immense speed, being capable of dodging bullets and even flying through freezing portions of the air. Can concentrate her abilities to temporarily attain a form, where her hair and clothing become white, a large set of ribbons are generated from her back, and a large halo forms above her head.

Equipment: A standard katana, generated from her abilities. Can change it's form to suit certain tasks.

Job: A mercenary.

Social Ranking: None at all, due to her rarely being seen publically.

Background: A former lawyer who acquired the Hie Hie no and went into hiding after multiple governments went after her to acquire her fruit. Discovered a method with her fruit that allowed her to stop her aging.

Name: Takahashi Nakamura

Personality: analytical, collected, smart, cruel, remorseless

Appearance: 6’2” male, usually wears black suits with a red tie along with expensive sunglasses, a watch, and fancy dress pants and shoes. Has a half-healed deep gash on the left side of his face. He is rather muscular, with soft brown eyes and square glasses. Age: 42 years old

Abilities: Buki Buki no Mi, very analytical (can calculate all possible outcomes of a situation up to 5 minutes ahead), mastery of kung fu, rather high strength but rather low endurance, very good skill with firearms and decent skill with melee weapons

Equipment: A sword, hidden within his walking cane.

Job: Chess grandmaster (doubles as a middle-high ranked arms dealer and weapons trafficker in Robertus’ crime ring)

Social ranking: as a Chess GM, ranked 6th internationally, so rather high

Background: A child prodigy, he started playing chess when he was 7 years old and became one of the top 100 ranked chess players by the age of 15. He quickly propelled through the rankings and within 5 years ranked 3rd in the world. After a crushing defeat by the number one player, however, he fell to the rank of 6th. In addition, his brother fell sick, and to get enough money for his very expensive operation, he resorted to trafficking weapons. His skills at analyzing a chess board became applied to clients, and he made obscene amounts of money after analyzing his client’s responses to see the amount they wanted. He was recruited by Inferno to buy fruits from illegal dealers at reduced price, and he is a member of Robertus’ intelligence force, Umbra VI.

Name: Michael Storen

Personality: Exteremly based man. Severe anger issues.

Appearance: Orange hair with a fat nose. Wears a suit.

Abilities: Rage, anger increases his power by 1.25x. The more anger he absorbs the stronger he becomes.

Equipment: IPhone, A set of daggers, camera.

Job: Online Influencer. Works a part time job as well.

Social ranking: Quite High.

Background: Woke up one day and chose violence.

Name : Izanami Jigoku

Personality : Cunning and Sinister.

Appearance : 6'8 as a Human ( Depends on the creature he shapeshifts) Man with a Black cloak, White hair and red eyes (Pupils become white the moment something sparked or he gets super excited ), Marked Grey Masked around the eyes.

Abilities : (Death itself gave him these abilities to stalk his Victims) Supernatural Speed ( No need explanation), Teleportation (He can teleport anywhere as he like), Shapeshifting ( As he can shapeshift into any creatures, depending on his Victim's fear) Soul Tracking ( He can track the souls of the victim that he is stalking on) Soul Absorption (The more he takes souls, the more he gets stronger) and Swordsman Skill ( Good Swordsman.)

Equipment : 2 Sickles with lives marked on each Hook.

Job : Taking Souls of the deceased

Social Ranking : Formerly low, was then requested by Death itself to take his place. The Grim Reaper.

Background : A man who then took the job to take the souls of the deceased, taking his job serious as he may go easy or not on the his Victim, he started killing since the began of time, he was hired by Death itself as Death got tired of hunting down victims and Izanami is a fair fighter as he lets his stalked Victims fight him to earn respect for their valued lives, he whistles as to let his stalked victim know that he's near them.

Name: Andro

Appearance: My Roblox avatar (pyisum)

Abilities: Esper Power

Equipment: A single katana, nearly as long as himself.

Personality: Playful and chill

Job: Bodyguard

Social Ranking: Underestimated by enemies and criminal that meet him. Generally liked in the community as a nice guy.

Name: Lloyd

Personality: Chill, Loves to eat donuts and loves sleep.

Apperance: 6'4 Black, Messy hair. Wears a Navy blue shirt with baggy black pants.

Abilities: Akuma-akuma no mi, Having the ability to turn into a Blue/Black colored demon when angered enough. Power boosts up very high when angered into a crazy degree.

Equipment: A katana with a white and black fade sheath.

Job: Engineerer.

Social ranking: High.

Background: As a child, when bullied Lloyd shows a burst of power before fainting and turning back. He grew up and grew up with it, and is starting to get used to his demonic powers. He uses a sword that his dead father enthrusted him with before his death, training himself as a swordsman. He is also a strong fighter. The sword gets coated with his demonic powers, turning them blue. He can somewhat go berserk when transformed, (Training to control himself while transfomed)

Name: Eso Madaki

Personality: Depends on the situation

Appearance: My Roblox avatar

Abilities: Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, Very Tanky, Highly Intelligent, ability to steal other's powers, teleportation, very strong, great swordsmanship.

Equipment: Diamond Sword (Minecraft)

Job: Youtuber

Social Ranking: Irrelevant

Background: A irrelevant man whose goals are to annihilate birch trees from the face of the earth, create an army of cheese lovers and make himself relevant

Name: Locke Hyde

Personality: Smart, but loves to fool around whenever he’s bored. Displays extreme passion within his profession.


Abilities: Locke can manifest, manipulate, and convert parts of his body into small red crystalline fragments named “Crimson Shards.” Much like an awakened devil fruit, Locke is capable of turning the environment around him into these shards for further use, however the range of his conversion is limited and also uses a lot of energy. Locke mainly uses these shards to manifest spikes from the ground, while also firing them at high velocities through a finger gun-like motion. Additionally, Locke can use his shard conversion abilities to modify his own body, through either creating a set of armor or morphing his body with the shards to dodge attacks (similar to Katakuri). To go along with these, Locke is capable of sensing everything near his shards (Much like En from Hunter X Hunter). He primarily uses this extended range to better aim his Finger Gun shard shots.

Excellent Strength and Speed, along with being a good strategist. However, if he is up against an opponent that can counter his stability to manipulate his body with shards (a person who can control the gravitational pull of objects to make them squeeze together, for example), his durability and endurance are unable to keep up with the pressure in most scenarios.

Locke has great aim with his finger gun (partially due to his increased range of senses), and prefers to fight with only his shard-modified fists in close quarters combat due to his inexperience with a sword.

Equipment: Light body armor around his shoulders and waist, and practically any handheld item that could be manifested with shards (nothing technological, mostly tools and weapons)

Job: Professional Geologist, loves working with rocks and exploring deep caves with friends. It was through this career that Locke learned how to better control the crystalline properties of his Crimson Shards.

Social Ranking: As a professional geologist, his coworkers respect him for his expertise and good work ethic. Outside of that, he lives a regular life with his dog, Pucci.

Background: As a child, Locke had always loved to explore the caves near his neighborhood, and was particularly interested in rocks and crystals. One day, though, curiosity got the best of Locke, and he ventured way deeper into a nearby cave than usual after seeing a faint red light farther down. He fell down onto the crystal, shattering it and leaving small shards of it impaled into his arm. After receiving medical care and getting the shards removed from his skin, Locke realized that he could manifest those same shards. From then on, he began to train his abilities while also studying to become a geologist. Eventually, he achieved his dream of becoming a geologist and began to put even more effort into mastering his control over the Crimson Shards, learning how to manifest objects and manipulate his body with them in the process.

Name: Crystal

Personality: Nervous and timid, and stupid aswell.

Abilities: Healing, Cryokinesis, can control the air around her to turn into ice, objects freezing blood, and can freeze the ground (but shes stupid as f*ck since she has never gotten a education and forgets so), able to freeze various parts of her body to be extremely durable to city level, for a small amount of time (3-7 secs) Limited immunity to freezing temperatures.

Appearance: A young woman, age 19. with blonde hair, peach checkered shirt with the buttons open, with a black bra covering her parts, and black baggy jeans

Equipment: Anything (she can make them out of ice)

Job: Anti-hero

Social Ranking: Neutral to the community, feared from anybody associated with her mothers death

Background: Before being born, her mom was put into a chamber, where her mother froze to death, being taken out of the chamber, she was given birth to develop cryokinesis, and healing powers from her mom. Seeking revenge, she'll fight anybody associated with her death, if she can solve her timid problems.

Name: James Barret

Personality: Loud and wild, but friendly in a “manly” way. He makes a lot of jokes but he knows when to get serious. Respected by few, hated by many.

Appearance: A somewhat muscular man with brown skin and white spikey hair tied up in a bun, similar to Akuma’s hairstyle but with more hair. He usually wears a kimono, however the top of the kimono is usually pulled down to his waist, similar to Zoro. He wears wooden sandals or geta. When he takes his Advent of the Sun form, his hair grows and takes on the color of fiery-white and he dons an emblem on his back.


  • Bomu-Bomu no Mi (Awakened)

  • With it, he has access to Kinetic Energy Reflection and Manipulation, and Mass Manipulation

  • Complete Resistance to the attacks of those weaker or afraid of him.

  • Muscle Memory

  • Master at Hand to Hand Combat

  • Durability and attack potency increases the more he's worn down or weakened

  • Being an Advent of the Sun, he has the ability to raise his strength to his peak, and become one with the flames of the sun for 3 minutes before passing out. He dons an emblem on his back when he goes into this form, and even a halo.

Equipment: He doesn’t have any, as he usually fights barehanded.

Job: Division Commander of the Second Research Facility and Special Operation Forces

Social Ranking: Division Commander.

Background: In the aftermath of a decades-long feud, a town in ruin was enveloped in flames as being in the middle of the two warring countries. When the Search Team entered a burning house, they found the burning corpse of a mother and a still-alive baby, sleeping while enveloped in flames yet not having a single burn on him, not even smelling of smoke once he was carried away from his home.

Move Kit: Coming soon..

Name: Felix.EG ( or just Felix )

Personality: Egotistical, Narcissistic, Anger issues

Abilities: The Shibuma Shiba no mi, granting him the ability to use "You Can Feel My Heart" The user will maintain power and advantage over the opponent as long as the opponent is intimidated or scared of the user. So it's a battle of mentality and will when facing the user.

Appearance: A tall buff man with red trousers and a yellow t-shirt, and a red tie on top of the shirt.

Equipment: Pistol, Brass knuckles

Job: Gang Boss

Social Ranking: Feared

Background: Felix was a fierce boy, and a bully at school when he was little, he decided one day to kill someone to know what it feels like. he enjoyed the feeling of someone dying, and decided to kill for satisfaction. he killed his parents, family and everyone he saw. until he decided to rule the underground of [ Main City where the stuff takes place ]

Getting too messy.

Shin No Sekai - Character Backstories 3.0 + 1.0 People did (NOT) see this. | Fandom (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.