FROSTBURG KEYSER And Tri-State Area News (9) Evening Times, Friday, November 9, 1951 Keyser Kiwanians Mark Anniversary At Dinner KEYSER, W. first an-4 niversary of the Keyser Club was celebrated Wednesday night at a Charter and Ladies Night dinner in the dining hall of First Methodist Church. Thomas B. Finan, president of the Cumberland club, was the guest speaker. There were approximately 200 present, including tives from Cumberland and nearby West Virginia clubs.
Guests included Mrs. Finan, Jiam Edwards, secretary of the Cumberland club, and Mrs. Edwards! and Mark Rowe, all of Cumberland: Mayor Chester J. Compton of Keyser and Mrs. Compton, T.
ner Lowry, president of Keyser Rotary Club, and Mrs. Lowry, Dr. and Mrs. E. E.
Church, Carl Peters, president of Keyser Lions Club and K. 8. McKee, all of Keyser. Mr. and 1 Mrs.
Thomas Sites, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bush, Dr, and Mrs. A. J.
Hudson and Hugh Allen, al lof Petersburg; Donald Eccles, Burns Ruett, past lieutenant governor, West Virginia Kiwanis, Eugene Ross, Joseph Christian and Richard Ruckman, all of Charles Town; Millard Dunham, present lieutenant governor, and Rev. W. A. McKinley, both of Berkeley Springs, and others. The present and past lieutenant governors In West Virginia Kiwanis congratulated the club on its anniversary.
District Governor Homer A. Hoskins, Morgantown, spoke A feature of the program was the singing of three numbers by Paul Krieger, tenor, who is a student at Potomac State School. He was introduced by James T. Handian, for Men Puritan JACKETS (Lined or Unlined) "Natch" SWEATERS "Swingster" GABARDINE SHIRTS HOLMES AND COMPANY LONACONING Program Features Music Club Meet FROSTBURG-The Junior Notes: Music Club met recently at the; home of Karl Nickel, Standish Street. Oliver Rephann, president, presided and reports were presented by Marie Goebel, secretary.
and Grace Baer, treasurer. The club approved the payment of dues to the Federation of Music. A motion to continue the "fun" meeting through the winter months was approved. The meeting was changed to the first every month, to 7 p. m.
program included clarinet Howie Lemmert; "Spring Night," Karl Nickel: "Allegro," Marie Goebel; "Pappy's Polka," Sue Jones; "Black Water in the Moonlight," Ellen Richardson; "Petite Russian Rhapsody," Janet Walters; "Waltz of the Dolls," Carol Ann -Bean: "L'Avalauche," Sandra Loar, and "Allegretto," Oliver president of the local club, and was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Carl Peterson. The celebration was opened with the singing of "America," and "The West Virginia Hills," followed by invocation by Rev, L. A. Steele, pastor of First Methodist Church, The committee in charge of arranging the program was Palmer Dawson, chairman, Paul Iverson, Harrison Fuller and Carl Peterson.
Present officers and board of directors were introduced as were the new members of the club, who were admitted since the club was organized in 1950. Brief Mention Mrs. O. C. Henry returned to her home following an operation at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland.
Miss Frances Davis will go to Charleston tomorrow where she will be installed as supreme junior officer of the Pythian Sisters, Mt. and Mrs. Thomas Bean, Akron, visited Mrs. James Bean, New Creek Drive, while enroute to spend the winter at Fort dale, Fla. Seedless Raisins box 23c Pillsbury Pancake Flour box 18c Milk 7 cans 93c Ajax Cleanser 2 cans 25c W.
W. Sluss Son Super Market Frostburg Phone 321 JO-LE-KAY MARKET Main at Grant St. Phone 733 Dinty Moore Marsh Seedless Beef Stew 114 lb. can Grapefruit 4 for 29c Marshmaliow Sweet Juicy Creme pint jar 29c Oranges doz. 39c Sunshine Storks Delicious Crackerettes 16.
31c Apples bu. 1.49 POTATOES Good -8 Size- lb. 50 bag 1.19 Large 1b, 30 1.49 beg FRESH EGGS doz. 53c 3 doz. 1.59 SAVE MORE AT LAYMAN'S When You Buy New Plumbing or Hardware You'll Find Every Need At Layman's BATHROOM OUTFITS 3-Pc.
Complete With Chrome Fittings $185 .00 SHOWER Reg. $69.00 STALLS Reduced $49.00 Complete Line Of Automatic Water Heaters Cement Complete STANDING Laundry Trays $34.95 TOILET Complete Line Of Pumps COMBINATIONS Pipe and Fittings $39.50 Limited Supply 42" AMERICAN CABINET SINK Complete With Chrome Fittings $6995 FLOOR TILES NEW PLASTIC WALL TILE Free Estimates Given LAYMAN'S HARDWARE 37 E. MAIN ST. FROSTBURG PHONE 540 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Gift Appointed Police Chief KEYSER, W. Va.
Mayor and Council- last night appointed Harry J. Gift, of 60 Maple Avenue, as the new chief of the Keyser Police Department. Gift will take office as soon 15 can be relieved of his duties as carman's helper in the local and Ohio Railroad shops. A. Martin, for about five years, The new chief succeeds who was relieved of his duties November 1 by Mayor Chester J.
Compton, The mayor said at the time Martin was fired that it was because of "incompetence." Until Gift ends his employment, Raymond Dawson, a patrol-; man on the four-man force, will: as acting chief, a position he Gift held formerly since was Martin was employed fired. as.a patrolman on the Keyser police force. At another period he was a policeman at the Celanese plant. Gift also is a six-year veteran of the Marine Corps, having served overseas during World War IL. He Is married and the father of seven-year old son.
Marriage Licenses Issued At Oakland Edward Alvin Arnold. 23, coal miner, and Doris Lee Baker, 18, both Bayard, Va, John Stanistaw, 27, railroader, Allison, and Verna Mae Oniffer, 19, Republic, Pa. Norman Paul Metheny, 20, (parent's consent), miner, Masontown, W. and Mary Elizabeth Walls, 19, machine operator, Kingwood, W. Va, Kenneth Leroy Shannon, 21, tactory worker, Sharon, and Mary Lou Augustine, 21, factory worker, Greenville, Pa.
Raymond Franklin Griffin, 33, laborer, Buckhannon, W. and Charlotte Mae Turner, 21, Mill Gap, Va. Robert Lee Fike, 26, painting tractor, and Shirley Ann Paull, 21, both Hopwood, Pa. Carl Vernon Carr, 21, laborer, and Rosalita Maria 18, student, both of Harmon, W. Va.
William James White. 19, (parent's consent), and Carma Ruth Bray, 16, student, (parent's consent), both of Mt. Lake Park, Dennis Joe Stull, 21, steel worker, Reedsville, W. and Doris Jean Gamble, Masontown, W. Va.
Richard Earl Payton, 21, trucker, and Joy Elaine Chicarell, 21, clerk, both of Clerksburg, W. Va. Dallas Albert Young, 24, freightman, Pittsburgh, and Beatrice McKee, 24, switchboard operator, Etna, Pa. George Amos Mason, 68, farmer, near Lonaconing, and Alveda May Roberts, 58, near Pennsville, Ohio, John Forest Michael, 45, miller, Martin. W.
and Ruth Pauline Doll, 30, farmer, Antioch, W. Va. Paul Kenneth Steiding, 21, U. S. Marines.
and Wanda Carolyn DeWitt, 21, bookkeeper, both of near Crellin. Levi Oliver White, 21, carman, Hendricks. W. and Mary Use Our Christmas Lay-away Plan Retard Players Television Gifts and Appliances FROSTBURG Music-Sport Shop 9 E. Main Street Frostburg Open Evenings Phone 86 SPECIAL SALE A-1 USED CARS 1949 Ford Station Wagon, R.
Whitewall Tires, Excellent Condition. $1275 1950 Ford 2 door, $1195 1950 Chevrolet 4 door, new tires. 1949 Chevrolet 4 door, R. H. 1949 Chevrolet 2 door, R.
H. 1949 Mercury Club Coupe, Whitewall Tires. 1948 Studebaker Coupe, R. Overdrive. 1947 Ford Super Deluxe, 2 door, R.
H. 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sdn, R. H. 1941 Chevrolet 2 door USED TRUCKS 1942 Ford, 134-in. W.
stake, new point 1946 Dodge, 2 ton 1948 Ford F6, 2 ton, 8 cylinders. MOTOR SALES TERMS TRADE Phone Frostburg 79 PRESTON FBL WINNERS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Durst, of Amboy, were named the winners of the 1951 Preston county, W. Farming for Better Living contest at a recent dinner at Terra Alta.
The couple, by virtue of -winning the county title, is eligible to compete for the regional championship, which includes Preston, Monongalia, Marion and Taylor counties in West Virginia and Garrett county, Maryland. Nine Tucker Residents Injured In Two Mishaps PARSONS, W. Va. Two Tucker' county auto accidents this week resulted in Infurles to nine restdents of the county. A wreck on U.
S. Route 219 three miles from Parsons injured five. Mrs. Maxine Judy, Thomas, suffered lacerations of the head and face and leg injurles, Her son, Clinton Judy, two-and-one-half years old, received a fracture of the leg below the knee. Mrs.
Hobert Lipscomb, mother of Mrs. Judy, is being treated for severe lacerations of the head, and Miss Barbara Shipley, 16; received a fracture at the car, base of Clinton the spine, The driver of the Judy, and Carol Lipscomb, sister of Mrs. Judy, were not burt. The Judy car hit a truck parked along the road after its motor had failed. The truck was owned by Sam Polina and driven by Leo Pase, both of Thomas.
Pase was arrested and given a hearing before Justice of the Peace Stark Coberly fined $10 and costs for not having the proper lights on the truck. The arrest and investigation was made by Sheriff E. Crosten and Trooper Snodgrass of the Thomas State Police Detachment, Five men were injured in a car mishap between Beverly and as they were returning home from their work in Beverly, Frank Plum. driver of the car, received laceratons of the head. Paul Ketterman received three fractures of the jaw Carolyn Kepner, 18, student, Ham-! bieton, W.
Va. Chester Harold Whitehair, 22. sawmill worker, Horse Shoe Run, W. and Iris Joan Paugh, waitress, of Thomas, W. Va.
Raymond Ernest Bauer, 21, trucker, near Atwater, Ohio. Patty Jane Barrett, 18, student, Alliance. Ohio, Harvey Gerald Davis, 27, produce manager, Belle Vernon, and Rose Adele Arcadi, 27, clerk, Monessen, Pa. Senon Solomon McNeill, 53, railroad conductor, Morgantown, W. and Bessie May Cunningham, 52, laundress, Cassville, W.
Va. Harold Stratton Gardner, 24, lineman Janet Merlin, 18, both of Turtle Creek, Pa. Clarence Eugene Kreger, 21, 1um. berman, and Mildred Louise Nicklow, 18, clerk, both of near Markleton. Pa.
William Beaver Reichard, 58, rural representative, and Wanda Lee Smith, 18, housekeeper, both of near Greenville, 1 Pa. Beautiful Flexelume Venetian Blinds Made Ta Fit Any Window Measurements upon request ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. 19 Union St. Dial 3564 Lenacening, Md. FLOWERS For All OCCASIONS Fresh from Our Greenhouses PHILLIPS' FLOWER SHOP Dial Leneconing 3131 and one of the head.
He also had four teeth knocked out. Moses Turner, Hendricks, had 14 stitches in his forehead and body bruises. Martin Kisamore, Hambleton, sutfered a mashed nose and bruises of the body and Fred Stone, Parsons, was treated for lacerations of the arm and body bruises. According to the men, a truck loaded with cross ties had parked in the road and Plum had to hit the truck to keep from colliding with another car. Keyser Little Theatre Plans Presentations KEYSER, W.
Va. The Keyser Little Theatre group is making plans for the coming holiday season, with a number of the members preparing skits, matter for readings, dialogues, for public presentations. The group is prepared to offer its presentation to local organizatior.s interested in this type of entertainment. Arrangements may be made by contacting Miss Sylvester, 54 North Davis Street, WSCS Circle To Meet PIEDMONT, W. Va.
The Anna King Circle of the W8CS of Trinity Methodist Church will meet Monday p. m. at the of Mrs. Katherine Kight, Ashfield Street. MYF Sets Meeting OAKLAND The Methodist Youth, Fellowship of the Oakland trict will meet Monday at 7:30 p.
m. at Mt. Storm. A council meeting will be held at 7 p. m.
New Pupils May Now Enroll In DIXON'S DANCE STUDIO Lonaconing Frostburg Luke Keyser Phone Lona. 5644 or 5641 Yes, It's Hard to Believe A Full Course Turkey Dinner With all the Trimmings $1.00 Saturday Sunday Only Platter Turkey Rebs Cranberry 2 Sauce Vegetables Hot 75c 50c Plate Lunch Served Daily Menu Changes Every Day Week End Specials Bonana Split Fresh Fruit Salad Sundae with Whipped Cream Twirp Sundae Reg. Pint Sealtest Ica Cream Reg. Did you receive Secites! Card worth when you a a delicious -HOSTESS ROLLRegular Price With Card 49c Offer Expires Nov, Princess Restaurant The Most Modern Restaurant in Western Maryland 12 W. Main St.
Phone 739 "Good Food and Hospitality" STOOPS RESTAURANT E. Main St. Frostburg he 2 Noted In Enrollment CHARLESTON, W. (P) drop in elementary school enroll-! ment caused total registration in West Virginia public schools this year to decrease to 432,450 trom 434,045 the previous term. The State Education Department, said an increase of 3,412 in high school enrollment was offset by a drop of 6,007 In the number of elemenatry pupils.
Elementary School 'Supervisor H. Cliff Hamilton said the decline in elementary enrollment had been anticipated as a result of the drop in the number of births in West Virginia in 1945. Parsons PARSONS, W. Del Parsons, Newport News, visited her mother, Mrs. Bertie Sayre, Hambleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Marteney! and children, Fairmont, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Marteney, Recent guests of Rev.
and Mrs. Gordon Nestor were Rev. Fred Slaughter, Middlebourne; Oscar Johnson, South and Mr. and Mrs. Riley Nestor, Mrs.
A. Righman and Miss Louise Righman, all of Grafton. Mrs. Cordelia Arbogast, 84, returned to her home here where she improving from a fractured hip. Shel had been a patient in the Philippi Hospital, Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Watkins, Pitts-1 burgh, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Rightmire. Mrs. Maude Alice Bell, Charleston, is' a patient in the Parsons Hospital. Frank Robinson, Washington, visiting his parents, Mr. and Frank Robinson, Miss Katheryn Oliverio, county demonstration agent, spent the weekend at her home in Fairmont.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Myers returned after visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Newmann, Laurel, Md. Joseph Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, has been transferred to New London, with the Navy.
Pyt. James Micheals, Camp Meade, spent the weekend with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Guy; Micheals. He has completed his DANCE TONIGHT at the CENTURY ATHLETIC CLUB Mechanic St.
Frostburg Your Name and Number in Reflector Scotchlight for 79c Guide for Motorists Prevents Accidents Delicious Ice Cream pt. WHITE FARMS KEYSER, W. VA. Open thru the winter until 8:45 p. m.
Keyser AAUW Program Held On 1 Fellowship KEYSER, W. American Association of University Women met a recent evening at the home af Mrs. Raymond Hudson, Pledmont, at which a program was presented on the theme "Febowship." Hostesses were Mrs. Hudson, Miss Sue Gleeson, Miss' Anita Dickens and Miss Mary Hanna. Others attending were Mesdames Lester Reynolds, Mildred Thompson, E.
E. Church, Ervin L. Dayton, Thomas Craig, Robert Whitlach, Allen Murphy, Harold K. Carvey, James T. Handland, Gwendolyn Gillham, Norman Reeves, Frank Calemine, Catherine McGiboney and Bill Simmons.
Misses Mary Jean Abbott, Norma F. Frum, Elizabeth J. Umstot, Anne Withers, Mary A. Nuce, Janice Strum, Bernice Idleman, Louise Ward, Daisy M. Goldsborough, Jeannette McGuflie, Helen Criner, Nancy Belle Kemphfer, Helen Pownall, Virginia Jenkins, Nellie R.
Kooken and Jean Emily Frost. included Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. Mabel L. Thompson.
Judge See In Elkins 1s. A. See has left for KEYSER, W. Ernest Elkins where he will preside at a session of the 19th Judicial Circuit of West Virginia. judge Judge who See is replacing himself another disqualifled case to be heard.
Miss Lenna Cance spent the weekend in Washington with friends. is training and will start on his basic medical training. FOR SALE 1950 Plymouth Sport Cpe. 1947 Pontiac, 4 door 1947 Pontiac, 2 door 1946 Pontiac, 4 door 1941 Pontiac, 4 door 1940 Chevrolet, 4 door 1939 Studebaker Coupe 1939 Pontiac Sport Coupe 1933 Plymouth Sedan Crowe Pontiac Co. Frostburg PHONE 14 Route 220, "MY North miles from Keyser' TONITE FOOLISH HEART" With Susan Hayward, Kent Smith, Gigi Perreau TECHNICOLOR CARTOON SHOW BEGINS AT Ill Stores Open 'Til FROSTBURG Specials 9 P.M.
7 to 9 P. M. No Phone Orders Only SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS 1st Floor Special TREASURE Gas Heater Bath Room Size CHEST White Porcelain Regular $5.19 AGAIN SPECIAL $3.65 Saturday Evening 7 to 9 P. M. only 7 to 9 P.M.
PRICHARD'S Come, in Saturday Evening to try 2nd Floor Special and open the Treasure Chest BLANKETS if your Key Sizes Wool $8.89 unlocks Special $6.95 TREASURE CHEST Wool Was $9.35 You Will Receive Special $7.25 7 to 9 P. M. only FREE PRICHARD'S 12 Pairs Phoenix Basement Special Gauge Lard Cans 50 Size NYLON HOSE 65c each Frostburg 7 to 9 P. M. only DEPARTMENT PRICHARD'S McCoole Club Plans Election McCOOLE- -The McCoole Homemakers Club will meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m, at the home of Mrs.
Emma Conroy, 90 West Street. The program will include coun-: try store and bake sale, and members are expected to provide some article of their own making for the event. The club will also conduct its annual election of a president and treasurer. A feature of the prograen will be the presentation of a picture of the club to Miss Maude A. Bean, who recently retired as demonstration lagent.
The picture is for inclusion in a scrap book of her work record. Frostburg Soldier Returns From Korea FROSTBURG-Robert M. Kerns, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kerns, Welsh.
Hill, has arrived home after serving in Kores for 11 months, While serving there, he WAS wounded in the left knee. Before leaving for the states, he visited his brother, Frederick, and Russell Evans, of Welsh Hill, who are stationed in Kejedo, Korea, with the Army. SEND ONLY $1.00 for YOUR DREAM BLANKET Yes, it's true-now you can have Beautiful AllWool Blankets at a price that defies all competition. A warm good and night's rest comfortable is with assured, these as you Beautiful relax, luxurious New All Wool Blankets, Your choice the following ottractive solid colors--Light Gray, Dark Gray, Navy Blue, Khoki, Maroon and Green, Dimensions62 82. Order Today Money Back Guarantee If not completely delighted, return blankets for complete refund.
TO ORDER: Send only $1.00 for soch blanket wanted, with coupon below, We will rush your beautiful Blanket by return Parcel Post. On arrival pay postmon enly $6.95 plus a few pennies in fees. We poy postage. SAVE--ORDER two more and pay postman only $6.50 for each blanket. ORDER NOW.
ARMY-NAVY STORE, Kayser, W. Vo. Rush at once BLANKETS. will pay postman $6.95 for one blanket. And only $6.50 each for two OF more blankets.
Color wanted choice Second have enclosed $............ Cash Check Money Order NAME STREET CITY STATE Drive-In Theatre Dana Andrews, PLUS: I FIRST.